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Last active November 5, 2017 18:26
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SOCVR RO nomination

So I'll throw my hat into the ring for RO

I promise to make SOCVR great again! A close vote on every pot! Or is it pot for the CVs? I forget.

More or less, I'm jumping in to run cleanup at slow times. The CV script doesn't do so hot when the CVQ gets full, especially on the weekends I'd just run cleanup at odd times. I mean, that's all ROs do anyways, right?. That and yell at people about the rules and stuff. Or stay off the lawn and flowers.

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Is there an aspect that you would moderate differently, compared with the current RO team. Why?

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gunr2171 commented Nov 3, 2017

What would having RO powers allow you to do that you normally could not?
What is one thing that you would add to, change in, or remove from the current guidelines or FAQ?

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Aralun commented Nov 4, 2017

Have you ever disagreed strongly with a specific RO action or guideline? Which one?

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Aralun commented Nov 4, 2017

Please pick an example of an action or behaviour you find unacceptable and explain how the way the room currently works succeeds or fails dealing with it.

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Is there an aspect that you would moderate differently, compared with the current RO team. Why?

I'm not sure there's any RO policies I inherently disagree with (beyond anything I've mentioned for the upcoming meeting)

What would having RO powers allow you to do that you normally could not?

I'd run the cleanup script at odd times from the current RO group. Since Cody Grey has been running more burninations, I'd try to keep the stickies for that up-to-date

What is one thing that you would add to, change in, or remove from the current guidelines or FAQ? is down now, but see my next answer

Have you ever disagreed strongly with a specific RO action or guideline? Which one?
Please pick an example of an action or behaviour you find unacceptable and explain how the way the room currently works succeeds or fails dealing with it.

I did see a RO bin something at one point for non-obvious reasons (I think they felt it was disrespectful). I'd like to see ROs comment when it's not a clear rule requiring a bin

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