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Created October 7, 2020 07:02
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import sys
import os
import hashlib
import struct
import subprocess
import collections
dm_single_close_quote = u'\u2019' # unicode
dm_double_close_quote = u'\u201d'
END_TOKENS = ['.', '!', '?', '...', "'", "`", '"', dm_single_close_quote, dm_double_close_quote, ")"] # acceptable ways to end a sentence
all_train_urls = "url_lists/all_train.txt"
all_val_urls = "url_lists/all_val.txt"
all_test_urls = "url_lists/all_test.txt"
finished_files_dir = "cnn_dm"
# These are the number of .story files we expect there to be in cnn_stories_dir and dm_stories_dir
num_expected_cnn_stories = 92579
num_expected_dm_stories = 219506
def read_text_file(text_file):
lines = []
with open(text_file, "r") as f:
for line in f:
return lines
def hashhex(s):
"""Returns a heximal formated SHA1 hash of the input string."""
h = hashlib.sha1()
return h.hexdigest()
def get_url_hashes(url_list):
return [hashhex(url) for url in url_list]
def fix_missing_period(line):
"""Adds a period to a line that is missing a period"""
if "@highlight" in line: return line
if line=="": return line
if line[-1] in END_TOKENS: return line
# print line[-1]
return line + "."
def get_art_abs(story_file):
lines = read_text_file(story_file)
# Put periods on the ends of lines that are missing them (this is a problem in the dataset because many image captions don't end in periods; consequently they end up in the body of the article as run-on sentences)
lines = [fix_missing_period(line) for line in lines]
# Separate out article and abstract sentences
article_lines = []
highlights = []
next_is_highlight = False
for idx,line in enumerate(lines):
if line == "":
continue # empty line
elif line.startswith("@highlight"):
next_is_highlight = True
elif next_is_highlight:
# Make article into a single string
article = ' '.join(article_lines)
# Make abstract into a signle string
abstract = ' '.join(highlights)
return article, abstract
def write_to_bin(url_file, out_prefix):
"""Reads the .story files corresponding to the urls listed in the url_file and writes them to a out_file."""
print("Making bin file for URLs listed in %s..." % url_file)
url_list = read_text_file(url_file)
url_hashes = get_url_hashes(url_list)
story_fnames = [s+".story" for s in url_hashes]
num_stories = len(story_fnames)
with open(out_prefix + '.source', 'wt') as source_file, open(out_prefix + '.target', 'wt') as target_file:
for idx,s in enumerate(story_fnames):
if idx % 1000 == 0:
print("Writing story %i of %i; %.2f percent done" % (idx, num_stories, float(idx)*100.0/float(num_stories)))
# Look in the story dirs to find the .story file corresponding to this url
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(cnn_stories_dir, s)):
story_file = os.path.join(cnn_stories_dir, s)
elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dm_stories_dir, s)):
story_file = os.path.join(dm_stories_dir, s)
print("Error: Couldn't find story file %s in either story directories %s and %s." % (s, cnn_stories_dir, dm_stories_dir))
# Check again if stories directories contain correct number of files
print("Checking that the stories directories %s and %s contain correct number of files..." % (cnn_stories_dir, dm_stories_dir))
check_num_stories(cnn_stories_dir, num_expected_cnn_stories)
check_num_stories(dm_stories_dir, num_expected_dm_stories)
raise Exception("Stories directories %s and %s contain correct number of files but story file %s found in neither." % (cnn_stories_dir, dm_stories_dir, s))
# Get the strings to write to .bin file
article, abstract = get_art_abs(story_file)
if article[:5] == '(CNN)':
article = article[5:]
if '\r' in article:
article.replace("\r", " ")
# Write article and abstract to files
source_file.write(article + '\n')
target_file.write(abstract + '\n')
print("Finished writing files")
def check_num_stories(stories_dir, num_expected):
num_stories = len(os.listdir(stories_dir))
if num_stories != num_expected:
raise Exception("stories directory %s contains %i files but should contain %i" % (stories_dir, num_stories, num_expected))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("USAGE: python <cnn_stories_dir> <dailymail_stories_dir>")
cnn_stories_dir = sys.argv[1]
dm_stories_dir = sys.argv[2]
# Check the stories directories contain the correct number of .story files
check_num_stories(cnn_stories_dir, num_expected_cnn_stories)
check_num_stories(dm_stories_dir, num_expected_dm_stories)
# Create some new directories
if not os.path.exists(finished_files_dir): os.makedirs(finished_files_dir)
# Read the stories, do a little postprocessing then write to bin files
write_to_bin(all_test_urls, os.path.join(finished_files_dir, "test"))
write_to_bin(all_val_urls, os.path.join(finished_files_dir, "val"))
write_to_bin(all_train_urls, os.path.join(finished_files_dir, "train"))
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