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Last active September 2, 2022 08:52
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example reading out mujoco contacts
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import mujoco_py
import numpy as np
PATH_TO_HUMANOID_XML = os.path.expanduser('~/.mujoco/mjpro150/model/humanoid.xml')
# Load the model and make a simulator
model = mujoco_py.load_model_from_path(PATH_TO_HUMANOID_XML)
sim = mujoco_py.MjSim(model)
# Simulate 1000 steps so humanoid has fallen on the ground
for _ in range(10000):
print('number of contacts',
for i in range(
# Note that the contact array has more than `ncon` entries,
# so be careful to only read the valid entries.
contact =[i]
print('contact', i)
print('dist', contact.dist)
print('geom1', contact.geom1, sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1))
print('geom2', contact.geom2, sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2))
# There's more stuff in the data structure
# See the mujoco documentation for more info!
geom2_body = sim.model.geom_bodyid[[i].geom2]
print(' Contact force on geom2 body',[geom2_body])
print('norm', np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square([geom2_body]))))
# Use internal functions to read out mj_contactForce
c_array = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float64)
print('c_array', c_array)
mujoco_py.functions.mj_contactForce(sim.model,, i, c_array)
print('c_array', c_array)
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how to get ground reaction contact force and also its location/position coordinates in mujoco can anyone tell?

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Could you please tell this c_array has 6 values in array .What does the first three values if it is force what is the order like first z.y.x or x,y,z.
Since I am getting more values in first one I guess it is z axis force upwards

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