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Created February 28, 2019 03:06
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Tensegrity Geometry
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from scipy.optimize import LinearConstraint, minimize, BFGS
def normlen(v):
''' length of norm of a vector '''
return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(v)))
L = 13 # Length of upper triangle side
H = 5 # Height of structure
G = 7 # Length of lower triangle side
T = 0 # Angle (degrees) of top triangle (should probably be 0)
U = 200 # Angle (degrees) of bottom triangle (should probably be 200)
X, Y, Z = np.eye(3) # Unit vectors
J = L * np.sqrt(3) / 3 # Radius of upper triangle
K = G * np.sqrt(3) / 3 # Radius of lower triangle
# Top triangle points
a, b, c = [np.deg2rad(T + x) for x in range(0, 360, 120)] # Angles in radians
A, B, C = [np.array([np.sin(x) * J, np.cos(x) * J, H]) for x in (a, b, c)]
# Bottom triangle points
d, e, f = [np.deg2rad(U + x) for x in range(0, 360, 120)] # Angles in radians
D, E, F = [np.array([np.sin(x) * K, np.cos(x) * K, 0]) for x in (d, e, f)]
for i, j in zip('ABCDEF', (A, B, C, D, E, F)):
print(i, j)
def normvec(v):
''' return a normalized vector '''
return np.array(v) / normlen(v)
# structural force vectors
structure = OrderedDict([
('rod AD', normvec(A - D)),
('rope AB', normvec(B - A)),
('rope AC', normvec(C - A)),
('rope AE', normvec(E - A)),
SV = np.array(list(structure.values())).transpose()
# hammock force vectors
hammocks = OrderedDict([
('hammock AB', normvec(B - A - Z * L / 2)),
('hammock AC', normvec(C - A - Z * L / 2)),
HV = np.array(list(hammocks.values())).transpose()
def error(hf, sf):
''' Calculate error in total forces '''
return normlen(, sf) +, hf))
def solve_sf(hf):
''' Solve for structural forces (sf) given hammock forces (hf) '''
# Convert to array
hf = np.array(hf)
# Total forces at corner must equal zero
# SV * sf + HV * hf = 0, therefore: -HV * hf <= SV * sf <= -HV * hf
equality_constraint = LinearConstraint(SV,, hf),, hf))
# Also forces must all be nonnegative
n = len(structure)
positive_constraint = LinearConstraint(np.eye(n), np.zeros(n), np.ones(n) * np.inf)
# We will use both constraints for optimization
constraints = [equality_constraint, positive_constraint]
# Calculate structure forces as minimum total forces which satisfy constraints
sf = minimize(np.sum, # function to minimize -- want the smallest sum of total forces
np.zeros(n), # initial guess
method='trust-constr', # For when we have LinearConstraint's
constraints=constraints, # Constraints on our solution space
# These two are defaults, but need to be included because of a bug.
jac='2-point', hess=BFGS()) #
return sf.x
def relative_angles(q, r, s, t):
Calculate azimuth and elevation angles for the ropes relative to pole.
Given pole vector q and rope vectors r, s, t. r is used for 0 degrees azimuth.
# Uncomment to see visual axes
# from vpython import arrow, color, vector
# qv = arrow(radius=0.3, axis=vector(*q), color=color.white, emissive=True)
# rv = arrow(radius=0.3, axis=vector(*r),, emissive=True)
# sv = arrow(radius=0.3, axis=vector(*s),, emissive=True)
# tv = arrow(radius=0.3, axis=vector(*t),, emissive=True)
q, r, s, t = (normvec(i) for i in (q, r, s, t))
r_elev = 180 / np.pi * np.arccos(, r))
s_elev = 180 / np.pi * np.arccos(, s))
t_elev = 180 / np.pi * np.arccos(, t))
plane_qr = normvec(np.cross(q, r))
plane_qs = normvec(np.cross(q, s))
plane_qt = normvec(np.cross(q, t))
r_azim = 180 / np.pi * np.arccos(, plane_qr))
s_azim = 180 / np.pi * np.arccos(, plane_qs))
t_azim = 180 / np.pi * np.arccos(, plane_qt))
print('rel elev', r_elev, s_elev, t_elev)
print('rel azim', r_azim, s_azim, 360 - t_azim)
def main():
# Check geometry
print('Top triangle sides', normlen(A - B), normlen(B - C), normlen(C - A))
print('Bottom triangle sides', normlen(D - E), normlen(E - F), normlen(F - D))
print('Short vertical sides', normlen(A - E), normlen(B - F), normlen(C - D))
print('Long distances empty', normlen(A - F), normlen(B - D), normlen(C - E))
print('Rod lengths', normlen(A - D), normlen(B - E), normlen(C - F))
# Check angles at rod ends
# print('Relative angles A', relative_angles(D - A, B - A, C - A, E - A))
# print('Relative angles B', relative_angles(E - B, C - B, A - B, F - B))
# print('Relative angles C', relative_angles(F - C, A - C, B - C, D - C))
# print('Relative angles D', relative_angles(A - D, E - D, F - D, C - D))
# print('Relative angles E', relative_angles(B - E, F - E, D - E, A - E))
# print('Relative angles F', relative_angles(C - F, D - F, E - F, B - F))
# Print out structure forces for different hammock loads
# for hf in [[200, 200], [200, 0], [0, 200]]:
# sf = solve_sf(hf)
# print('hammock forces:', list(zip(hammocks.keys(), hf)))
# print('error', error(hf, sf))
# print('structure forces:')
# for name, force in zip(structure.keys(), sf):
# print(f' {name} {force:.2f}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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