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Created December 31, 2022 22:46
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Python code to read BME280 Module connected to a Red Pitaya STEMlab 125-14
# First line is needed for JEDI to use proper Python version
# - JEDI One ( Custom Plug-in Python script for Red Pitaya
# to read a BME280 sensor connected via i2c on Extension connectors and make the data
# available to Machinechat's JEDI One. Tested on a STEMlab 125-14 with SparkFun Qwiic BME280 module (address 0x77)
# If you use a generic BME280 module, the address may be 0x76
# Connect a BME280 module to the Red Pitaya's Extension connectors as follows:
# Sensor Red Pitaya Extension connector
# VIN E1 - +3V3
# GND E1 - GND
# SDA E2 - I2C_SDA
# SCL E2 - I2C_SCL
# Install needed libraries: "pip3 install rpi.bme280"
# This will also install smbus2, which is needed
# You can read about the library here:
# v0.1 DRM 12/31/2022
import smbus2
import bme280
# Red Pitaya i2c port number
port = 0
# Address of BME280 i2c sensor - 0x76 or 0x77, depends on bme280 sensor module
address = 0x77
# Unique name (your choice - one unique word) that will be used within JEDI One
# to identify data from this sensor
Target_ID = "bme280-office1231"
bus = smbus2.SMBus(port)
calibration_params = bme280.load_calibration_params(bus, address)
data = bme280.sample(bus, address, calibration_params)
# Make the data available to JEDI One
print("metric:id=%s,n=Temperature,vd=%0.2f,u=F" % (Target_ID, ((data.temperature * 1.8) + 32.0)))
print("metric:id=%s,n=Humidity,vd=%0.2f,u=%%" % (Target_ID, data.humidity))
print("metric:id=%s,n=Pressure,vd=%0.2f,u=inHg" % (Target_ID, (data.pressure * 0.0295300586)))
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