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Created May 13, 2020 21:07
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class Cancelable<O> implements Future {
final Completer<O> _completer;
final VoidCallback onCancel;
Cancelable(this._completer, this.onCancel);
void cancel() {
if (!_completer.isCompleted) _completer.completeError(CanceledError());
Stream asStream() => _completer.future.asStream();
Future catchError(Function onError, {bool Function(Object error) test}) =>
_completer.future.catchError(onError, test: test);
Future<R> then<R>(Function(O value) onValue, {Function onError}) =>
_completer.future.then(onValue, onError: onError).catchError((e) {});
Future timeout(Duration timeLimit, {FutureOr Function() onTimeout}) => _completer.future.timeout(timeLimit);
Future whenComplete(FutureOr Function() action) => _completer.future.whenComplete(action);
class CanceledError implements Exception {}
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