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Created March 23, 2022 13:59
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  • Save machour/d685e4f68fa316ad8df207c268c38fc4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save machour/d685e4f68fa316ad8df207c268c38fc4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
fix(remix-dev): add ability to use tsconfig `paths` aliases other than `~` test #4883
build (ubuntu-latest)
build (ubuntu-latest)
Started 11m 51s ago
Search logs
Current runner version: '2.288.1'
Operating System
Virtual Environment
Virtual Environment Provisioner
GITHUB_TOKEN Permissions
Secret source: None
Prepare workflow directory
Prepare all required actions
Getting action download info
Download action repository 'actions/checkout@v2' (SHA:ec3a7ce113134d7a93b817d10a8272cb61118579)
Download action repository 'actions/setup-node@v3' (SHA:9ced9a43a244f3ac94f13bfd896db8c8f30da67a)
Run actions/checkout@v2
Syncing repository: remix-run/remix
Getting Git version info
Deleting the contents of '/home/runner/work/remix/remix'
Initializing the repository
Disabling automatic garbage collection
Setting up auth
Fetching the repository
Determining the checkout info
Checking out the ref
/usr/bin/git log -1 --format='%H'
Run echo "::set-output name=version::$(cat .nvmrc)"
echo "::set-output name=version::$(cat .nvmrc)"
shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
Run actions/setup-node@v3
Found in cache @ /opt/hostedtoolcache/node/16.14.0/x64
/usr/local/bin/yarn --version
/usr/local/bin/yarn cache dir
yarn cache is not found
Run yarn --frozen-lockfile --network-timeout 1000000
yarn install v1.22.17
[1/5] Validating package.json...
[2/5] Resolving packages...
[3/5] Fetching packages...
[4/5] Linking dependencies...
warning " > @testing-library/cypress@8.0.2" has unmet peer dependency "cypress@^2.1.0 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0 || ^9.0.0".
warning " > @remix-run/cloudflare@1.3.2" has unmet peer dependency "@cloudflare/workers-types@^2.2.2".
warning " > @remix-run/cloudflare-pages@1.3.2" has unmet peer dependency "@cloudflare/workers-types@^3.2.0".
warning " > @remix-run/cloudflare-workers@1.3.2" has unmet peer dependency "@cloudflare/workers-types@^2.2.2".
warning " > @remix-run/netlify@1.3.2" has unmet peer dependency "@netlify/functions@^0.10.0".
warning " > @remix-run/vercel@1.3.2" has unmet peer dependency "@vercel/node@^1.8.3".
[5/5] Building fresh packages...
Done in 40.99s.
Run yarn build
yarn build
shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
yarn run v1.22.17
$ rollup -c && tsc -b
packages/create-remix/cli.ts → build/node_modules/create-remix...
created build/node_modules/create-remix in 1.4s
packages/remix/index.ts → build/node_modules/remix...
created build/node_modules/remix in 37ms
packages/remix/index.ts → build/node_modules/remix/esm...
created build/node_modules/remix/esm in 19ms
packages/remix-dev/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/dev...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/dev in 1s
packages/remix-dev/cli.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/dev...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/dev in 13ms
packages/remix-dev/server-build.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/dev...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/dev in 21ms
packages/remix-server-runtime/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime in 285ms
packages/remix-server-runtime/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/esm...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/esm in 270ms
packages/remix-server-runtime/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/magicExports...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/magicExports in 9ms
packages/remix-server-runtime/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/magicExports/esm...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/magicExports/esm in 7ms
packages/remix-node/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/node...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/node in 215ms
packages/remix-node/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/node/magicExports...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/node/magicExports in 8ms
packages/remix-node/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/node/magicExports/esm...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/node/magicExports/esm in 7ms
packages/remix-cloudflare/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare in 52ms
packages/remix-cloudflare/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare/magicExports/esm...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare/magicExports/esm in 7ms
packages/remix-cloudflare/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare/magicExports...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare/magicExports in 6ms
packages/remix-cloudflare-pages/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-pages/esm...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-pages/esm in 26ms
packages/remix-cloudflare-workers/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-workers/esm...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-workers/esm in 24ms
packages/remix-architect/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/architect...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/architect in 66ms
packages/remix-architect/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/architect/magicExports...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/architect/magicExports in 8ms
packages/remix-architect/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/architect/magicExports/esm...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/architect/magicExports/esm in 6ms
packages/remix-cloudflare-pages/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-pages...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-pages in 29ms
packages/remix-cloudflare-pages/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-pages/magicExports...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-pages/magicExports in 8ms
packages/remix-cloudflare-pages/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-pages/magicExports/esm...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-pages/magicExports/esm in 6ms
packages/remix-cloudflare-workers/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-workers...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-workers in 24ms
packages/remix-cloudflare-workers/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-workers/magicExports...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-workers/magicExports in 7ms
packages/remix-cloudflare-workers/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-workers/magicExports/esm...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/cloudflare-workers/magicExports/esm in 14ms
packages/remix-express/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/express...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/express in 37ms
packages/remix-netlify/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/netlify...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/netlify in 56ms
packages/remix-vercel/index.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/vercel...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/vercel in 40ms
packages/remix-react/index.tsx → build/node_modules/@remix-run/react...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/react in 1.3s
packages/remix-react/index.tsx → build/node_modules/@remix-run/react/esm...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/react/esm in 633ms
packages/remix-react/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/react/magicExports...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/react/magicExports in 8ms
packages/remix-react/magicExports/remix.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/react/magicExports/esm...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/react/magicExports/esm in 7ms
packages/remix-serve/index.ts, packages/remix-serve/env.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/serve...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/serve in 21ms
packages/remix-serve/cli.ts → build/node_modules/@remix-run/serve...
created build/node_modules/@remix-run/serve in 11ms
Done in 47.45s.
10m 20s
Run yarn test
yarn test
shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
yarn run v1.22.17
$ jest --runInBand --forceExit
info No lockfile found.
[1/4] Resolving packages...
warning cssnano > cssnano-preset-default > postcss-svgo > svgo@1.3.2: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x.
warning pm2 > @pm2/io > @opencensus/core > uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details.
warning pm2 > @pm2/io > @opencensus/propagation-b3 > uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details.
warning pm2 > @pm2/io > @opencensus/propagation-b3 > @opencensus/core > uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details.
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
$ node scripts/install_remix.js && node node_modules/@remix-run/dev/cli.js setup
$ node node_modules/@remix-run/dev/cli.js build
$ node ./build
(node:2004) ExperimentalWarning: buffer.Blob is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
PASS remix-react packages/remix-react/__tests__/transition-test.tsx
(node:1792) ExperimentalWarning: buffer.Blob is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
PASS remix-server-runtime packages/remix-server-runtime/__tests__/server-test.ts
PASS remix-dev packages/remix-dev/__tests__/cli-test.ts (76.977 s)
PASS integration integration/form-test.ts (13.147 s)
PASS remix-dev packages/remix-dev/__tests__/readConfig-test.ts
PASS integration integration/errory-boundary-test.ts (12.325 s)
PASS remix-architect packages/remix-architect/__tests__/server-test.ts
PASS integration integration/catch-boundary-test.ts (8.259 s)
PASS remix-netlify packages/remix-netlify/__tests__/server-test.ts
PASS remix-vercel packages/remix-vercel/__tests__/server-test.ts
PASS remix-express packages/remix-express/__tests__/server-test.ts
PASS integration integration/fetcher-layout-test.ts (8.112 s)
FAIL gists-app fixtures/gists-app/tests/actions-test.ts
● action › can upload file without JavaScript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/actions
20 |
21 | it("can upload file without JavaScript", async () => {
> 22 | await Promise.all([
| ^
23 | page.goto(`${testServer}/actions`),
24 | Utils.disableJavaScript(page),
25 | ]);
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/actions-test.ts:22:5)
● action › can upload file with JavaScript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/actions
90 |
91 | it("can upload file with JavaScript", async () => {
> 92 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/actions`);
| ^
93 | await Utils.reactIsHydrated(page);
94 |
95 | let html = await Utils.getHtml(page, "#form");
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/actions-test.ts:92:5)
● action › rejects too big of an upload without JavaScript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/actions
153 |
154 | it("rejects too big of an upload without JavaScript", async () => {
> 155 | await Promise.all([
| ^
156 | page.goto(`${testServer}/actions`),
157 | Utils.disableJavaScript(page),
158 | ]);
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/actions-test.ts:155:5)
● action › rejects too big of an upload with JavaScript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/actions
202 |
203 | it("rejects too big of an upload with JavaScript", async () => {
> 204 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/actions`);
| ^
205 | await Utils.reactIsHydrated(page);
206 |
207 | let html = await Utils.getHtml(page, "#form");
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/actions-test.ts:204:5)
PASS integration integration/prefetch-test.ts (21.278 s)
PASS integration integration/transition-test.ts (7.677 s)
PASS integration integration/catch-boundary-data-test.ts (7.274 s)
PASS remix-server-runtime packages/remix-server-runtime/__tests__/data-test.ts
PASS remix-server-runtime packages/remix-server-runtime/__tests__/sessions-test.ts
PASS remix-react packages/remix-react/__tests__/components-test.tsx
PASS remix-node packages/remix-node/__tests__/fetch-test.ts
FAIL integration integration/compiler-test.ts (7.273 s)
● compiler › removes server code with `*.server` files
Cannot find module '~/fake.js' from '.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
425 | });
426 | init_react();
> 427 | var import_fake = __toESM(require("~/fake.js"));
| ^
428 | function Index() {
429 | let hasRightModule = import_fake.default === (typeof document === "undefined" ? "server" : "client");
430 | return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", {
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js:427:27)
● compiler › removes server code with `*.client` files
Cannot find module '~/fake.js' from '.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
425 | });
426 | init_react();
> 427 | var import_fake = __toESM(require("~/fake.js"));
| ^
428 | function Index() {
429 | let hasRightModule = import_fake.default === (typeof document === "undefined" ? "server" : "client");
430 | return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", {
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js:427:27)
● compiler › removes node built-ins from client bundle when used in just loader
Cannot find module '~/fake.js' from '.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
425 | });
426 | init_react();
> 427 | var import_fake = __toESM(require("~/fake.js"));
| ^
428 | function Index() {
429 | let hasRightModule = import_fake.default === (typeof document === "undefined" ? "server" : "client");
430 | return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", {
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js:427:27)
● compiler › bundles node built-ins polyfill for client bundle when used in client code
Cannot find module '~/fake.js' from '.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
425 | });
426 | init_react();
> 427 | var import_fake = __toESM(require("~/fake.js"));
| ^
428 | function Index() {
429 | let hasRightModule = import_fake.default === (typeof document === "undefined" ? "server" : "client");
430 | return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", {
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js:427:27)
● compiler › allows consumption of ESM modules in CJS builds with `serverDependenciesToBundle`
Cannot find module '~/fake.js' from '.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
425 | });
426 | init_react();
> 427 | var import_fake = __toESM(require("~/fake.js"));
| ^
428 | function Index() {
429 | let hasRightModule = import_fake.default === (typeof document === "undefined" ? "server" : "client");
430 | return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", {
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js:427:27)
● Test suite failed to run
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'close')
74 |
75 | app = await createAppFixture(fixture);
> 76 | });
| ^
77 |
78 | afterAll(async () => {
79 | await app.close();
at integration/compiler-test.ts:76:15
PASS remix-server-runtime packages/remix-server-runtime/__tests__/cookies-test.ts
FAIL integration integration/file-uploads-test.ts (6.324 s)
● file-uploads › handles files under upload size limit
Cannot find module '~/fileUploadHandler' from '.tmp/integration/3l7681qee8o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
378 | init_react();
379 | var import_remix3 = __toESM(require_remix());
> 380 | var import_fileUploadHandler = require("~/fileUploadHandler");
| ^
381 | var action = async ({ request }) => {
382 | try {
383 | let formData = await (0, import_remix3.unstable_parseMultipartFormData)(request, import_fileUploadHandler.uploadHandler);
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/3l7681qee8o/build/index.js:380:32)
● file-uploads › rejects files over upload size limit
Cannot find module '~/fileUploadHandler' from '.tmp/integration/3l7681qee8o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
378 | init_react();
379 | var import_remix3 = __toESM(require_remix());
> 380 | var import_fileUploadHandler = require("~/fileUploadHandler");
| ^
381 | var action = async ({ request }) => {
382 | try {
383 | let formData = await (0, import_remix3.unstable_parseMultipartFormData)(request, import_fileUploadHandler.uploadHandler);
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/3l7681qee8o/build/index.js:380:32)
● Test suite failed to run
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'close')
69 | });
70 |
> 71 | it("handles files under upload size limit", async () => {
| ^
72 | let uploadFile = path.join(
73 | fixture.projectDir,
74 | "toUpload",
at integration/file-uploads-test.ts:71:15
PASS integration integration/action-test.ts (7.207 s)
PASS integration integration/meta-test.ts (7.92 s)
PASS integration integration/splat-routes-test.ts (6.347 s)
PASS integration integration/headers-test.ts (10.487 s)
PASS integration integration/bug-report-test.ts (8.053 s)
FAIL integration integration/set-cookie-revalidation-test.ts (6.293 s)
● should revalidate when cookie is set on redirect from loader
Cannot find module '~/session.server' from '.tmp/integration/n2cub4en0k/build/index.js'
Require stack:
359 | init_react();
360 | var import_remix2 = __toESM(require_remix());
> 361 | var import_session = require("~/session.server");
| ^
362 | var loader = async ({ request }) => {
363 | let session = await import_session.sessionStorage.getSession(request.headers.get("Cookie"));
364 | let message = session.get(import_session.MESSAGE_KEY) || null;
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/n2cub4en0k/build/index.js:361:22)
● Test suite failed to run
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'close')
95 | }
96 | `,
> 97 | },
| ^
98 | });
99 |
100 | // This creates an interactive app using puppeteer.
at integration/set-cookie-revalidation-test.ts:97:26
FAIL gists-app fixtures/gists-app/tests/link-test.ts
● route module link export › route links export › waits for new styles to load before transitioning
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/
24 | describe("route links export", () => {
25 | it("waits for new styles to load before transitioning", async () => {
> 26 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/`);
| ^
27 | await reactIsHydrated(page);
28 |
29 | let cssResponses = collectResponses(page, (url) =>
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/link-test.ts:26:7)
● route module link export › route links export › adds links to the document
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/links
47 | url.pathname.endsWith(".css")
48 | );
> 49 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/links`);
| ^
50 | expect(cssResponses.length).toEqual(5);
51 | });
52 |
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/link-test.ts:49:7)
● route module link export › route links export › preloads assets for other pages and serves from browser cache on navigation
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/links
52 |
53 | it("preloads assets for other pages and serves from browser cache on navigation", async () => {
> 54 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/links`, { waitUntil: "networkidle0" });
| ^
55 | await reactIsHydrated(page);
56 |
57 | let jsResponses = collectResponses(page, (url) =>
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/link-test.ts:54:7)
● route module link export › route links export › preloads data for other pages and serves from browser cache on navigation
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/links
67 | it("preloads data for other pages and serves from browser cache on navigation", async () => {
68 | let dataResponses = collectDataResponses(page);
> 69 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/links`, { waitUntil: "networkidle0" });
| ^
70 | await reactIsHydrated(page);
71 |
72 | expect(dataResponses.length).toBe(2);
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/link-test.ts:69:7)
PASS integration integration/fetcher-test.ts (8.397 s)
PASS remix-node packages/remix-node/__tests__/sessions-test.ts
PASS remix-dev packages/remix-dev/__tests__/defineRoutes-test.ts
PASS remix-server-runtime packages/remix-server-runtime/__tests__/responses-test.ts
FAIL gists-app fixtures/gists-app/tests/resource-routes-test.ts
● resource routes › redirect › with javascript enabled
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/resources
19 | describe("redirect", () => {
20 | it("with javascript enabled", async () => {
> 21 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/resources`);
| ^
22 | await reactIsHydrated(page);
23 |
24 | await'a[href="/resources/redirect"]');
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/resource-routes-test.ts:21:7)
● resource routes › redirect › with javascript disabled
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/resources
29 | it("with javascript disabled", async () => {
30 | await disableJavaScript(page);
> 31 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/resources`);
| ^
32 |
33 | await'a[href="/resources/redirect"]');
34 |
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/resource-routes-test.ts:31:7)
● resource routes › <Link> to resource route › with javascript enabled end up in error boundary
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/resources
39 | describe("<Link> to resource route", () => {
40 | it("with javascript enabled end up in error boundary", async () => {
> 41 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/resources`);
| ^
42 | await reactIsHydrated(page);
43 |
44 | await'a[href="/resources/theme-css"]');
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/resource-routes-test.ts:41:7)
● resource routes › <Link> to resource route › with javascript disabled loads resource
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/resources
54 | it("with javascript disabled loads resource", async () => {
55 | await disableJavaScript(page);
> 56 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/resources`);
| ^
57 |
58 | let responsePromise = page.waitForResponse(
59 | `${testServer}/resources/theme-css`
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/resource-routes-test.ts:56:7)
PASS integration integration/rendering-test.ts (8.469 s)
PASS remix-dev packages/remix-dev/__tests__/routesConvention-test.ts
FAIL gists-app fixtures/gists-app/tests/layout-routes-test.ts
● _layout routes › applied as parent route without javascript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/with-layout
19 | it("applied as parent route without javascript", async () => {
20 | await Utils.disableJavaScript(page);
> 21 | let response = await page.goto(`${testServer}/with-layout`);
| ^
22 | expect(response!.status()).toBe(200);
23 | expect(await Utils.getHtml(page, '[data-test-id="_layout"]'))
24 | .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/layout-routes-test.ts:21:20)
● _layout routes › applied as parent route with javascript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/
32 |
33 | it("applied as parent route with javascript", async () => {
> 34 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/`);
| ^
35 | await Utils.reactIsHydrated(page);
36 |
37 | await'a[href="/with-layout"]');
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/layout-routes-test.ts:34:5)
PASS integration integration/loader-test.ts (7.771 s)
PASS remix-node packages/remix-node/__tests__/parseMultipartFormData-test.ts
FAIL gists-app fixtures/gists-app/tests/loader-results-test.ts
● loader results › when a loader returns a redirect › sends a redirect
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/gists/mjijackson
19 | describe("when a loader returns a redirect", () => {
20 | it("sends a redirect", async () => {
> 21 | let res = await page.goto(`${testServer}/gists/mjijackson`);
| ^
22 | let chain = res!.request().redirectChain();
23 | expect(chain.length).toEqual(1);
24 | expect(chain[0].response()!.status()).toEqual(302);
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/loader-results-test.ts:21:17)
● loader results › when a loader returns not found › sends a not found page
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/gists/_why
31 | describe("when a loader returns not found", () => {
32 | it("sends a not found page", async () => {
> 33 | let res = await page.goto(`${testServer}/gists/_why`);
| ^
34 | expect(res!.status()).toEqual(404);
35 | expect(await getHtml(page, "[data-test-id=content]")).toMatchSnapshot();
36 | });
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/loader-results-test.ts:33:17)
PASS integration integration/server-entry-test.ts (6.475 s)
PASS remix-node packages/remix-node/__tests__/formData-test.ts
FAIL gists-app fixtures/gists-app/tests/multiple-set-cookies-test.ts
● can set multiple set cookies headers › loader headers › are correct
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/multiple-set-cookies
25 | );
26 |
> 27 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/multiple-set-cookies`);
| ^
28 |
29 | expect(responses).toHaveLength(1);
30 | expect(responses[0].headers()["set-cookie"]).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/multiple-set-cookies-test.ts:27:7)
Summary of all failing tests
FAIL fixtures/gists-app/tests/actions-test.ts
● action › can upload file without JavaScript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/actions
20 |
21 | it("can upload file without JavaScript", async () => {
> 22 | await Promise.all([
| ^
23 | page.goto(`${testServer}/actions`),
24 | Utils.disableJavaScript(page),
25 | ]);
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/actions-test.ts:22:5)
● action › can upload file with JavaScript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/actions
90 |
91 | it("can upload file with JavaScript", async () => {
> 92 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/actions`);
| ^
93 | await Utils.reactIsHydrated(page);
94 |
95 | let html = await Utils.getHtml(page, "#form");
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/actions-test.ts:92:5)
● action › rejects too big of an upload without JavaScript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/actions
153 |
154 | it("rejects too big of an upload without JavaScript", async () => {
> 155 | await Promise.all([
| ^
156 | page.goto(`${testServer}/actions`),
157 | Utils.disableJavaScript(page),
158 | ]);
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/actions-test.ts:155:5)
● action › rejects too big of an upload with JavaScript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/actions
202 |
203 | it("rejects too big of an upload with JavaScript", async () => {
> 204 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/actions`);
| ^
205 | await Utils.reactIsHydrated(page);
206 |
207 | let html = await Utils.getHtml(page, "#form");
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/actions-test.ts:204:5)
FAIL integration/compiler-test.ts (7.273 s)
● compiler › removes server code with `*.server` files
Cannot find module '~/fake.js' from '.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
425 | });
426 | init_react();
> 427 | var import_fake = __toESM(require("~/fake.js"));
| ^
428 | function Index() {
429 | let hasRightModule = import_fake.default === (typeof document === "undefined" ? "server" : "client");
430 | return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", {
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js:427:27)
● compiler › removes server code with `*.client` files
Cannot find module '~/fake.js' from '.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
425 | });
426 | init_react();
> 427 | var import_fake = __toESM(require("~/fake.js"));
| ^
428 | function Index() {
429 | let hasRightModule = import_fake.default === (typeof document === "undefined" ? "server" : "client");
430 | return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", {
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js:427:27)
● compiler › removes node built-ins from client bundle when used in just loader
Cannot find module '~/fake.js' from '.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
425 | });
426 | init_react();
> 427 | var import_fake = __toESM(require("~/fake.js"));
| ^
428 | function Index() {
429 | let hasRightModule = import_fake.default === (typeof document === "undefined" ? "server" : "client");
430 | return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", {
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js:427:27)
● compiler › bundles node built-ins polyfill for client bundle when used in client code
Cannot find module '~/fake.js' from '.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
425 | });
426 | init_react();
> 427 | var import_fake = __toESM(require("~/fake.js"));
| ^
428 | function Index() {
429 | let hasRightModule = import_fake.default === (typeof document === "undefined" ? "server" : "client");
430 | return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", {
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js:427:27)
● compiler › allows consumption of ESM modules in CJS builds with `serverDependenciesToBundle`
Cannot find module '~/fake.js' from '.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
425 | });
426 | init_react();
> 427 | var import_fake = __toESM(require("~/fake.js"));
| ^
428 | function Index() {
429 | let hasRightModule = import_fake.default === (typeof document === "undefined" ? "server" : "client");
430 | return /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("div", {
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/ta2jpjap19o/build/index.js:427:27)
● Test suite failed to run
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'close')
74 |
75 | app = await createAppFixture(fixture);
> 76 | });
| ^
77 |
78 | afterAll(async () => {
79 | await app.close();
at integration/compiler-test.ts:76:15
FAIL integration/file-uploads-test.ts (6.324 s)
● file-uploads › handles files under upload size limit
Cannot find module '~/fileUploadHandler' from '.tmp/integration/3l7681qee8o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
378 | init_react();
379 | var import_remix3 = __toESM(require_remix());
> 380 | var import_fileUploadHandler = require("~/fileUploadHandler");
| ^
381 | var action = async ({ request }) => {
382 | try {
383 | let formData = await (0, import_remix3.unstable_parseMultipartFormData)(request, import_fileUploadHandler.uploadHandler);
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/3l7681qee8o/build/index.js:380:32)
● file-uploads › rejects files over upload size limit
Cannot find module '~/fileUploadHandler' from '.tmp/integration/3l7681qee8o/build/index.js'
Require stack:
378 | init_react();
379 | var import_remix3 = __toESM(require_remix());
> 380 | var import_fileUploadHandler = require("~/fileUploadHandler");
| ^
381 | var action = async ({ request }) => {
382 | try {
383 | let formData = await (0, import_remix3.unstable_parseMultipartFormData)(request, import_fileUploadHandler.uploadHandler);
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/3l7681qee8o/build/index.js:380:32)
● Test suite failed to run
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'close')
69 | });
70 |
> 71 | it("handles files under upload size limit", async () => {
| ^
72 | let uploadFile = path.join(
73 | fixture.projectDir,
74 | "toUpload",
at integration/file-uploads-test.ts:71:15
FAIL integration/set-cookie-revalidation-test.ts (6.293 s)
● should revalidate when cookie is set on redirect from loader
Cannot find module '~/session.server' from '.tmp/integration/n2cub4en0k/build/index.js'
Require stack:
359 | init_react();
360 | var import_remix2 = __toESM(require_remix());
> 361 | var import_session = require("~/session.server");
| ^
362 | var loader = async ({ request }) => {
363 | let session = await import_session.sessionStorage.getSession(request.headers.get("Cookie"));
364 | let message = session.get(import_session.MESSAGE_KEY) || null;
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (.tmp/integration/n2cub4en0k/build/index.js:361:22)
● Test suite failed to run
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'close')
95 | }
96 | `,
> 97 | },
| ^
98 | });
99 |
100 | // This creates an interactive app using puppeteer.
at integration/set-cookie-revalidation-test.ts:97:26
FAIL fixtures/gists-app/tests/link-test.ts
● route module link export › route links export › waits for new styles to load before transitioning
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/
24 | describe("route links export", () => {
25 | it("waits for new styles to load before transitioning", async () => {
> 26 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/`);
| ^
27 | await reactIsHydrated(page);
28 |
29 | let cssResponses = collectResponses(page, (url) =>
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/link-test.ts:26:7)
● route module link export › route links export › adds links to the document
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/links
47 | url.pathname.endsWith(".css")
48 | );
> 49 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/links`);
| ^
50 | expect(cssResponses.length).toEqual(5);
51 | });
52 |
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/link-test.ts:49:7)
● route module link export › route links export › preloads assets for other pages and serves from browser cache on navigation
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/links
52 |
53 | it("preloads assets for other pages and serves from browser cache on navigation", async () => {
> 54 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/links`, { waitUntil: "networkidle0" });
| ^
55 | await reactIsHydrated(page);
56 |
57 | let jsResponses = collectResponses(page, (url) =>
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/link-test.ts:54:7)
● route module link export › route links export › preloads data for other pages and serves from browser cache on navigation
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/links
67 | it("preloads data for other pages and serves from browser cache on navigation", async () => {
68 | let dataResponses = collectDataResponses(page);
> 69 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/links`, { waitUntil: "networkidle0" });
| ^
70 | await reactIsHydrated(page);
71 |
72 | expect(dataResponses.length).toBe(2);
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/link-test.ts:69:7)
FAIL fixtures/gists-app/tests/resource-routes-test.ts
● resource routes › redirect › with javascript enabled
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/resources
19 | describe("redirect", () => {
20 | it("with javascript enabled", async () => {
> 21 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/resources`);
| ^
22 | await reactIsHydrated(page);
23 |
24 | await'a[href="/resources/redirect"]');
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/resource-routes-test.ts:21:7)
● resource routes › redirect › with javascript disabled
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/resources
29 | it("with javascript disabled", async () => {
30 | await disableJavaScript(page);
> 31 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/resources`);
| ^
32 |
33 | await'a[href="/resources/redirect"]');
34 |
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/resource-routes-test.ts:31:7)
● resource routes › <Link> to resource route › with javascript enabled end up in error boundary
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/resources
39 | describe("<Link> to resource route", () => {
40 | it("with javascript enabled end up in error boundary", async () => {
> 41 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/resources`);
| ^
42 | await reactIsHydrated(page);
43 |
44 | await'a[href="/resources/theme-css"]');
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/resource-routes-test.ts:41:7)
● resource routes › <Link> to resource route › with javascript disabled loads resource
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/resources
54 | it("with javascript disabled loads resource", async () => {
55 | await disableJavaScript(page);
> 56 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/resources`);
| ^
57 |
58 | let responsePromise = page.waitForResponse(
59 | `${testServer}/resources/theme-css`
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/resource-routes-test.ts:56:7)
FAIL fixtures/gists-app/tests/layout-routes-test.ts
● _layout routes › applied as parent route without javascript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/with-layout
19 | it("applied as parent route without javascript", async () => {
20 | await Utils.disableJavaScript(page);
> 21 | let response = await page.goto(`${testServer}/with-layout`);
| ^
22 | expect(response!.status()).toBe(200);
23 | expect(await Utils.getHtml(page, '[data-test-id="_layout"]'))
24 | .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/layout-routes-test.ts:21:20)
● _layout routes › applied as parent route with javascript
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/
32 |
33 | it("applied as parent route with javascript", async () => {
> 34 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/`);
| ^
35 | await Utils.reactIsHydrated(page);
36 |
37 | await'a[href="/with-layout"]');
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/layout-routes-test.ts:34:5)
FAIL fixtures/gists-app/tests/loader-results-test.ts
● loader results › when a loader returns a redirect › sends a redirect
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/gists/mjijackson
19 | describe("when a loader returns a redirect", () => {
20 | it("sends a redirect", async () => {
> 21 | let res = await page.goto(`${testServer}/gists/mjijackson`);
| ^
22 | let chain = res!.request().redirectChain();
23 | expect(chain.length).toEqual(1);
24 | expect(chain[0].response()!.status()).toEqual(302);
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/loader-results-test.ts:21:17)
● loader results › when a loader returns not found › sends a not found page
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/gists/_why
31 | describe("when a loader returns not found", () => {
32 | it("sends a not found page", async () => {
> 33 | let res = await page.goto(`${testServer}/gists/_why`);
| ^
34 | expect(res!.status()).toEqual(404);
35 | expect(await getHtml(page, "[data-test-id=content]")).toMatchSnapshot();
36 | });
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/loader-results-test.ts:33:17)
FAIL fixtures/gists-app/tests/multiple-set-cookies-test.ts
● can set multiple set cookies headers › loader headers › are correct
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:3000/multiple-set-cookies
25 | );
26 |
> 27 | await page.goto(`${testServer}/multiple-set-cookies`);
| ^
28 |
29 | expect(responses).toHaveLength(1);
30 | expect(responses[0].headers()["set-cookie"]).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
at navigate (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:190:13)
at FrameManager.navigateFrame (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:160:17)
at Frame.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/FrameManager.ts:642:12)
at Page.goto (node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/Page.ts:1385:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (fixtures/gists-app/tests/multiple-set-cookies-test.ts:27:7)
Test Suites: 9 failed, 1 skipped, 35 passed, 44 of 45 total
Tests: 25 failed, 6 skipped, 415 passed, 446 total
Snapshots: 55 passed, 55 total
Time: 268.53 s
Ran all test suites in 10 projects.
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