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Last active April 1, 2019 01:00
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  • Save machsix/45fd59bc7d5a16931b534dd8c38be93f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save machsix/45fd59bc7d5a16931b534dd8c38be93f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const {spawnSync} = require("child_process");
const path = require("path");
const gitLog = function(cwd, obj, magicKey) {
magicKey = "^^" || magicKey;
cwd = cwd || ".";
const args = ["log"];
let logFormat = {
commit: "%H",
abbreviated_commit: "%h",
date: "%cD",
committer: "%cn",
author_date: "%aD",
author: "%an"
if (obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty("nCommit")) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty("logFormat")) {
logFormat = obj.logFormat;
let strLogFormat = "{%n";
for (const prop in logFormat) {
if (typeof logFormat[prop] === "string") {
strLogFormat += ` "${prop}": "${logFormat[prop]}",%n`;
strLogFormat = strLogFormat.slice(0, strLogFormat.length - 3) + `%n}${magicKey}`;
if (obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty("fileList")) {
obj.fileList.forEach((x) => {
const out = spawnSync("git", args, {
cwd: path.resolve(process.cwd(), cwd),
encoding: "utf8"
const commitInfoArray = out.stdout.split(magicKey).filter((val) => val.length > 0);
let commitInfo = "[\n";
commitInfoArray.forEach((val, i) => {
if (i < commitInfoArray.length - 1) {
commitInfo += `${val},`;
} else {
commitInfo += `${val}\n]`;
return JSON.parse(commitInfo);
module.exports = {
gitLog: gitLog
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
function gitLog(cwd, obj, magicKey) {
magicKey = '^^'||magicKey;
cwd = cwd||'.';
let logFormat = {
commit: "%H",
abbreviated_commit: "%h",
date: "%cD",
committer: "%cn",
author_date: "%aD",
author: "%an"
let nCommit = "";
let fileList = "";
if (obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty('logFormat')) {
logFormat = obj.logFormat;
if (obj.hasOwnProperty('nCommit')) {
nCommit = `-n ${obj.nCommit}`;
if (obj.hasOwnProperty('fileList')) {
const fileList = " " + obj.fileList.join(" ");
let strLogFormat = '{%n';
for (const prop in logFormat) {
strLogFormat += ` \\"${prop}\\": \\"${logFormat[prop]}\\",%n`;
strLogFormat = strLogFormat.slice(0, strLogFormat.length-3) + `%n}${magicKey}`;
const cmd = `git log ${nCommit} --pretty=format:"${strLogFormat}"${fileList}`
let stdout = execSync(cmd, {cwd: cwd, encoding: "utf8"});
commitInfoArray = stdout.split(magicKey).filter((val) => val.length > 0);
let commitInfo = '[\n';
commitInfoArray.forEach((val,i) => {
if (i < commitInfoArray.length-1) {
commitInfo += `${val},`;
} else {
commitInfo += `${val}\n]`;
return JSON.parse(commitInfo);
const commitInfo = gitLog('../', {fileList: ['mydata.json']});
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