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Last active December 11, 2015 00:58
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State = (hash) -> Em.State.extend hash
TransitionTo = Em.State.transitionTo
C = null
Receivers.WithdrawController = Em.ObjectController.extend
receiverController: null
router: null
init: ->
C = @
@stateMachine = Em.StateManager.create
initialState: 'hiding'
modal: null
controller: C
hiding: State
launchModal: TransitionTo 'launched.specifyAmount.waiting'
launched: State
setup: (sm) ->
rc = C.get("receiverController")
C._connectModal Receivers.WithdrawModalPane, Em.Object.create amount: rc.get("withdrawable")
exit: (sm) -> C._disconnectModal()
# Actions
cancelWithdrawal: TransitionTo 'hiding'
# States
specifyAmount: State
setup: (sm) ->
viewClass: Receivers.WithdrawIndexView
waiting: State
submitWithdrawal: (sm) ->
# TODO validate fields here.
sm.transitionTo 'inProcess'
inProcess: State
enter: ->
alert "Submitting form"
_afterControllerInjection: ( ->
# This gets fired during injections. Wait til all the
# other controlls have been injected first.
# 1) Add access to receiver controller
# 2) Save router (though also available as 'controllers')
# 3) Set event target to the stateMachine
@runLater 0, =>
@connectControllers "receiver"
@router = @target
@target = @stateMachine
_connectModal: (viewClass, withdrawal) ->
@modal = viewClass.create
controller: @
fadeIn: 200
@set("content", withdrawal)
_disconnectModal: ->
@modal = null
launchModal: ->
rc = @get("receiverController")
switch rc.get("item_blocking_withdrawal")
when "insufficient_funds"
minimum = Shared.asMoney manifest.constants.minimumWithdrawalAmount
withdrawable = rc.get "withdrawable"
alert "Sorry, the minimum withdrawal amount is $#{minimum}. Present Balance: $#{withdrawable}"
when "enter_info"
if confirm "You haven't filled out your mailing address yet, would you like to do that now?"
@router.send 'toSettings'
@stateMachine.send 'launchModal'
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