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Created January 21, 2013 21:13
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start = content
content = statement*
= html
/ mustache
= htmlMaybeBlock
/ htmlWithInlineContent
/ t:textLine { return t; }
= f:forcedMustache { return f; }
/ mustacheMaybeBlock
htmlMaybeBlock = h:htmlAttributesOnly c:(INDENT content DEDENT)?
h.nodes = c ? c[1] : [];
return h;
htmlAttributesOnly = t:htmlTag _ TERM { t.nodes = []; return t; }
htmlWithInlineContent = t:htmlTag ws c:htmlInlineContent TERM { t.nodes = c; return t; }
mustacheMaybeBlock = t:mustacheContent TERM c:(INDENT content DEDENT)?
t.nodes = c ? c[1] : [];
return t;
forcedMustache = _ e:equalSign c:mustacheMaybeBlock { c.escaped = e; return c; }
mustacheContent = &[A-Za-z] p:params h:hash
return { type: 'mustache', params:p, hash:h };
params = p:(_ param:param !'=' _ {return param;})+ { return p; }
param = p:paramChar+ { return p.join(''); }
paramChar = alpha / '_' / '-' / '.'
hash = h:(_ k:param '=' v:hashValue _ { return { key: k, value: v }; } )*
var ret = {};
for(var i = 0; i < h.length; ++i) {
var pair = h[i];
ret[pair.key] = pair.value;
return ret;
hashValue = string / param / integer
integer = s:[0-9]+ { return parseInt(s.join('')); }
string = p:('"' hashDoubleQuoteStringValue '"' / "'" hashSingleQuoteStringValue "'") { return p.join(''); }
hashDoubleQuoteStringValue = s:[^"}]* { return s.join(''); }
hashSingleQuoteStringValue = s:[^'}]* { return s.join(''); }
alpha = [A-Za-z]
= m:forcedMustache { return [m]; }
/ textNodes
textLine = '|' ' '? nodes:textNodes TERM { return nodes; }
textNodes = first:preMustacheText? tail:(rawMustache preMustacheText?)*
var ret = [];
if(first) { ret.push(first); }
for(var i = 0; i < tail.length; ++i) {
var t = tail[i];
if(t[1]) { ret.push(t[1]); }
return ret;
rawMustache = rawMustacheEscaped / rawMustacheUnescaped
rawMustacheUnescaped = '{{' _ m:mustacheContent _ '}}' { return m; }
rawMustacheEscaped = '{{{' _ m:mustacheContent _ '}}}' { m.escaped = true; return m; }
preMustacheText = a:[^{\uEFFF]+ { return a.join(''); }
equalSign = "==" _ { return true; } / "=" _ { return false; }
// TODO: how to DRY this?
= h:htmlTagName t:attrShortcuts? { return { type: 'html', tagName: h, attrs:(t||{}) }; }
/ t:attrShortcuts { return { type: 'html', tagName: null, attrs: t }; }
= id:idShortcut classes:classShortcut* { return { id: id, 'class': classes.join(' ') }; }
/ classes:classShortcut+ { return { 'class': classes.join(' ') }; }
idShortcut = '#' t:cssIdentifier { return t;}
classShortcut = '.' c:cssIdentifier { return c; }
cssIdentifier = ident
ident = nmstart:nmstart nmchars:nmchar* { return nmstart + nmchars.join(""); }
nmchar = [_a-zA-Z0-9-] / nonascii
nmstart = [_a-zA-Z] / nonascii
nonascii = [\x80-\xFF]
htmlTagName "a valid HTML tag name" =
INDENT "INDENT" = "\uEFEF" { return ''; }
DEDENT "DEDENT" = "\uEFFE" { return ''; }
TERM "TERM" = "\uEFFF" { return ''; }
__ "required whitespace"
= whitespace+
_ "whitespace"
= whitespace*
// Whitespace is undefined in the original JSON grammar, so I assume a simple
// conventional definition consistent with ECMA-262, 5th ed.
= [ \t\n\r]
ws = whitespace
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