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Last active July 31, 2019 18:39
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Overview of the architecture and approach to the router.js refactor

router.js Architecture

Let this serve as a guide for anyone who'd like to dig into router.js's internals, understand what's going on, and hopefully contribute!

Scope of router.js (et al)

router.js is most popularly known as the routing microlib used by the Ember.js Router, though other folk have been known to use it beyond Ember, including some Angular folk who weren't satisfied with ui-router.

router.js itself consumes another microlib called route-recognizer. The division of responsibilities of these three libs is as follows:


route-recognizer is an engine for both parsing/generating URLs into/from parameters; it can take a URL like "articles/123/comments" and parse out the parameter { article_id: "123" }, and it can take { article_id: "123" } and a route descriptor like "articles/:article_id/comments" and generate "articles/123/comments"


router.js adds the concept of transitions to route-recognizer's URL parsing engine. Transitions can be URL-initiated (via browser navigation) or can be directly initiated via route name (e.g. transitionTo('articles', articleObject)). router.js manages a complex chain of promises involved in the asynchronous resolution of all the model objects that needed to be loaded in order to enter a route, e.g. to navigate to "articles/123/comments/2", both a promise for the article route and for the comments route will need to be fulfilled in order for that transition to succeed.

Ember Router

The Ember Router adds a DSL for declaring your app's routes, and defines, among other things, an API for the Ember.Route class that handles much of the heavy lifting and intelligent defaults for rendering a route's templates, loading data into controllers, etc.

Scope of router.js (continued)

So router.js contains no code responsible for parsing URLs, nor does it contain any code that depends on Ember's object models (so everything you'll be dealing with in router.js is just POJOs -- Plain Ol' JavaScript Objects).

Architecture of router.js

router.js has gone through a few iterations of refactors over the last year. Originally it was proud of being lightweight but skimped on important features for managing promises and asynchrony, then in July 2013 it got a Facelift that supercharged it with promise-awareness and powerful tools for managing asynchrony. And more recently, it got a major refactor to rethink the primitives involved in solving a multitude of tricky corner cases, in particular:

  1. We want to avoid running model hooks (the promise-aware hooks responsible for fetching data needed to enter a route) for unchanged parent routes shared between source and destination routes.
  2. We need this mechanism/algorithm to also work when redirecting elsewhere in the middle of another transition, e.g. during a transition to "articles/123/comments/2" you redirect to "articles/123/comments/3" after resolving Article 123 and you want to avoid re-running the hooks to load Article 123 again.
  3. We need this mechanism/algorithm to be smart enough to handle the two different approaches to transitions: URL based (where a url is parsed into route parameters that are used to load all the data needed to enter a route, e.g. { article_id: 123 }, and direct named transition-based, where a route name and any context objects are provided (e.g. transitionTo('article', articleObject)), and the provided context object(s) might be promises that can't be serialized into URL params until they've fulfilled.

There are other considerations, but these challenges were largely responsible for previous stabs at implementation becoming ugly and unmaintainably bloated, and I was unable to keep all the pieces together to address various corner cases and bugs that folk were reporting.

The major theme of this refactor has been converting giant spaghetti functions into classes/objects with a testable, low-level focus (what a novel concept), and these classes are as follows:



A HandlerInfo is an object that contains/describes the state of a route handler. For example, the "foo/bar" URL most likely breaks down into a hierachy of two handlers, the "foo" handler, and the "bar" handler. A "handler" is just an object that defines hooks that router.js will call in the course of a transition, e.g. model, beforeModel, setup, etc. (in Ember.js, these handlers are instances of Ember.Route). A HandlerInfo contains state as to what that handler's context/model object is (e.g. articleObject), or the URL parameters associated with the current state of that handler (e.g. { article_id: '123' }).

Because router.js allows you to reuse handlers between different routes and route hierarchies, we need this concept of HandlerInfos to describe the state of each route hierarchy, even if the handlers themselves are reused.

HandlerInfo is a top-level class, of which there are 3 subclasses

  • UnresolvedHandlerInfoByParam: a HandlerInfo that has URL params stored on it which it can use to resolve itself (by calling the handler's beforeModel/model/afterModel hooks).
  • UnresolvedHandlerInfoByObject: a HandlerInfo that has been provided a context object (but no URL params) that it can use to resolve itself and serialize into URL params once this object has fulfilled (if it's a promise).
  • ResolvedHandlerInfo: an already-resolved HandlerInfo that has already calculated/resolved its URL params and context/model object.

The HandlerInfo's public API consists only of a resolve method which will fire all of the various model hooks and ultimately resolve with a ResolvedHandlerInfo object. The ResolvedHandlerInfo's resolve method is implemented to just return a promise that fulfills with itself.

fwiw: What used to live in a bloated function called validateEntry now lives in the resolve method of HandlerInfo.


The TransitionState object consists of an array of HandlerInfos (though more might be added to it; not sure yet).

It too has a public API consisting only of a resolve method that will loop through all of its HandlerInfos, swapping unresolved HandlerInfos with ResolvedHandlerInfos as it goes.

Both instances of Router and Transition contain TransitionState properties, which is useful since, depending on whether or not there is a currently active transition, the "starting point" of a transition might be the router's current hierarchy of ResolvedHandlerInfos, or it might be a transition's hierachy of ResolvedHandlerInfos mixed with unresolved HandlerInfos.


A TransitionIntent describes either an attempt to transition via URL or by named transition (via its subclasses URLTransitionIntent and NamedTransitionIntent). There is no state stored on these objects other than what is needed to describe a transition attempt; a URLTransitionIntent contains only a url property, and a NamedTransitionIntent contains only a target route name and contexts array property.

This class defines only one method applyToState which takes an instance of TransitionState and "plays" this TransitionIntent on top of it to generate and return a new instance of TransitionState that contains a combination of resolved and unresolved HandlerInfos. This is where much of the power of this latest refactor lies; TransitionIntents don't care whether the provided state comes from a router or a currently active transition; whatever you provide it, both subclasses of TransitionIntents are smart enough to spit out a TransitionState containing HandlerInfos that still need to be resolved in order to complete a transition. Much of the messy logic that used to live in paramsForHandler/getMatchPoint now live way less messily in the applyToState methods.

This also makes it easy to detect corner cases like no-op transitions -- if the returned TransitionState consists entirely of ResolvedHandlerInfos, there's no need to fire off a transition. It also simplifies things like redirecting into a child route without winding up in some infinite loop on the parent route hook that's doing the redirecting.

This also facilitates a healthier approach to Transition#retry; rather than a ton of special cased logic to handle all the different ways a transition can be kicked off, all that needs to happen to retry a transition is for a transition to provide its intent property to the transitioning function used by transitionTo, handleURL, etc., and that function will make the right choice as to the correct TransitionState to pass to the intent's applyToState method.

This approach can also be used to implement Router#isActive; rather than some brute force approach, one can test if a destination route is active by constructing a TransitionIntent, applying it to the router's current state, and returning true if all of the HandlerInfos are already resolved.


That just about does it for now. Still need to get some test cases passing for query params. You can follow progress at

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