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Last active July 31, 2018 05:29
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sealed abstract class RedisClient {
def put[A: ByteStringFormatter](
key: CacheKey,
value: A,
expireSeconds: Option[Long] = None
): Task[\/[EsError, A]]
def putList[A: ByteStringFormatter](
key: CacheKey,
value: Seq[A],
expireSeconds: Option[Long] = None
): Task[\/[EsError, Seq[A]]]
def scan[A: ByteStringFormatter](
matchGlob: Option[CacheKeyGlob]
): Task[\/[EsError, Seq[A]]]
def get[A: ByteStringFormatter](
key: CacheKey
): Task[\/[EsError, Option[A]]]
def getList[A: ByteStringFormatter](
key: CacheKey
): Task[\/[EsError, Seq[A]]]
def delete(key: CacheKey): Task[\/[EsError, Unit]]
def exists(key: CacheKey): Task[\/[EsError, Boolean]]
def clear: Task[\/[EsError, Unit]]
object RedisClient {
import io.circe.syntax._
def byteStringFormatter[A](implicit encoder: Encoder[A], decoder: Decoder[A]): ByteStringFormatter[A] =
new ByteStringFormatter[A] {
def serialize(data: A): ByteString = ByteString(data.asJson.noSpaces)
def deserialize(bs: ByteString): A = {
\/.fromEither(io.circe.parser.decode[A](bs.utf8String)) match {
case \/-(r) => r
case -\/(e) => throw e
implicit val redisReplyDeserializer = new RedisReplyDeserializer[A] {
override def deserialize: PartialFunction[RedisReply, A] = {
case Bulk(Some(bs)) => byteStringFormatter.deserialize(bs)
class RedisClientImpl @Inject()(
system: ActorSystem
) extends RedisClient {
protected val c: RediscalaClient =
)(_system = system)
final def get[A: ByteStringFormatter](
key: CacheKey
): Task[\/[EsError, Option[A]]] = {
for {
r <- {
.map {
case S(Some(r)) => r.some.right
case S(None) => None.right
case F(throwable) => NonFatalError(throwable, ErrorCode.REDIS_REQUEST_ERROR).left
} yield r
final def getList[A: ByteStringFormatter](
key: CacheKey
): Task[\/[EsError, Seq[A]]] = {
for {
r <- {
.deferFuture(c.lrange[A](Tag.unwrap(key), 0, -1))
.map {
case S(xs) => xs.right
case F(throwable) => NonFatalError(throwable, ErrorCode.REDIS_REQUEST_ERROR).left
} yield r
final def scan[A: ByteStringFormatter](
matchGlob: Option[CacheKeyGlob]
): Task[\/[EsError, Seq[A]]] = {
for {
keySeqTask <- keys(matchGlob)
r <- {
keySeqTask match {
case \/-(keySeq) if keySeq.nonEmpty =>
.deferFuture(c.mget(keySeq: _*))
.map {
case S(scanResSeq) => scanResSeq.flatten.right
case F(throwable) => NonFatalError(throwable, ErrorCode.REDIS_REQUEST_ERROR).left
case \/-(keySeq) if keySeq.isEmpty =>
case -\/(e) =>
} yield r
final def putList[A: ByteStringFormatter](
key: CacheKey,
values: Seq[A],
expireSeconds: Option[Long] = None
): Task[\/[EsError, Seq[A]]] = {
for {
r <- {
.deferFuture(c.lpush(Tag.unwrap(key), values: _*))
.map {
case S(_) => values.right
case F(throwable) =>
NonFatalError(throwable, ErrorCode.REDIS_REQUEST_ERROR).left
_ <- {
.deferFuture {
c.expire(Tag.unwrap(key), expireSeconds.get)
.map {
case S(_) => ().right
case F(throwable) =>
NonFatalError(throwable, ErrorCode.REDIS_REQUEST_ERROR).left
} yield r
final def put[A: ByteStringFormatter](
key: CacheKey,
value: A,
expireSeconds: Option[Long] = None
): Task[\/[EsError, A]] = {
for {
r <- {
.deferFuture(c.set(Tag.unwrap(key), value, expireSeconds))
.map {
case S(isSuccessful) =>
if (isSuccessful) value.right[EsError]
throw new RuntimeException(
s"redis put command failure [key=$key,value=$value,expireSeconds=$expireSeconds]"
case F(throwable) =>
NonFatalError(throwable, ErrorCode.REDIS_REQUEST_ERROR).left
} yield r
// def bulkPut[A: ByteStringFormatter](
// keyValues: Map[CacheKey, A],
// dbNum: DBNum,
// expireSeconds: Option
// ) = {
// c.mset()
// }
final def delete(
key: CacheKey
): Task[\/[EsError, Unit]] = {
for {
r <- {
.map {
case S(_) => ().right
case F(throwable) => NonFatalError(throwable, ErrorCode.REDIS_REQUEST_ERROR).left
} yield r
final def exists(
key: CacheKey
): Task[\/[EsError, Boolean]] = {
for {
r <- {
.map {
case S(r) => r.right
case F(throwable) => NonFatalError(throwable, ErrorCode.REDIS_REQUEST_ERROR).left
} yield r
final def clear: Task[\/[EsError, Unit]] = {
for {
r <- {
.map {
case S(isSuccessful) =>
if (isSuccessful) ().right
throw new RuntimeException(
s"redis clear command failure [res=$isSuccessful]"
case F(throwable) => NonFatalError(throwable, ErrorCode.REDIS_REQUEST_ERROR).left
} yield r
private def keys(
matchGlob: Option[CacheKeyGlob]
): Task[\/[EsError, Seq[String]]] = {
for {
r <- {
.map {
case S(xs) => xs.right
case F(throwable) => NonFatalError(throwable, ErrorCode.REDIS_REQUEST_ERROR).left
} yield r
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