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Created July 31, 2018 05:35
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sealed abstract class CacheIO[+A] {}
object CacheIO extends CacheIOCreation {
case class Put[T](
key: CacheKey,
value: T,
expireSecond: Option[Long],
fmt: ByteStringFormatter[T]
) extends CacheIO[T]
case class PutList[T](
key: CacheKey,
values: Seq[T],
expireSecond: Option[Long],
fmt: ByteStringFormatter[T]
) extends CacheIO[T]
case class Get[T](
key: CacheKey,
fmt: ByteStringFormatter[T]
) extends CacheIO[Option[T]]
case class GetList[T](
key: CacheKey,
fmt: ByteStringFormatter[T]
) extends CacheIO[Seq[T]]
case class Scan[T](
matchGlob: Option[CacheKeyGlob],
fmt: ByteStringFormatter[T]
) extends CacheIO[Seq[T]]
case class ScanOne[T](
matchGlob: CacheKeyGlob,
fmt: ByteStringFormatter[T]
) extends CacheIO[Option[T]]
case class Delete(
key: CacheKey
) extends CacheIO[Unit]
case class Has(
key: CacheKey
) extends CacheIO[Boolean]
case object Clear extends CacheIO[Unit]
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