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Created July 26, 2018 10:53
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Generate WebServer certificate
function Get-WebCertificate {
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Answer file for certreq
$content = @"
Subject = "CN=$($fqdn)" ; Remove to use an empty Subject name.
Exportable = TRUE
KeyLength = 2048
KeySpec = 1 ; Key Exchange – Required for encryption
KeyUsage = 0xA0 ; Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
MachineKeySet = True
ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider"
RequestType = PKCS10
OID= ; Server Authentication
OID= ; Client Authentication
; is the OID for a SAN extension. = "{text}"
_continue_ = "dns=$($fqdn)&"
CertificateTemplate = WebServer
$answerFile = New-TemporaryFile
Set-Content $answerFile.FullName $content
$requestFile = New-TemporaryFile
$publicCertFile = New-TemporaryFile
Invoke-Expression -Command "certreq -new -q -f $($answerFile.FullName) $($requestFile.FullName)"
Invoke-Expression -Command "certreq -submit -q -f -config $($AuthorityName) $($requestFile.FullName) $($publicCertFile.FullName)"
Invoke-Expression -Command "certreq -accept $($publicCertFile.FullName)"
# Get thumbprint of the newly generated certificate
$certPrint = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
$thumbprint = $certPrint.Thumbprint
# Cleanup temporary file
Remove-Item $answerFile.FullName, $requestFile.FullName, $publicCertFile.FullName -Force
# And export signed certificate to PFX file
Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$thumbprint | Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath $CertificateOutputPath -Password $CertificatePassword
# Generate certificate
$certificatePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "LS1setup!" -Force -AsPlainText
Get-WebCertificate -AuthorityName "APS-HOLDING\APS Root CA" `
-Fqdn "alfresco" `
-CertificateOutputPath "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\Alfresco.pfx" `
-CertificatePassword $certificatePassword
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