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Created November 16, 2019 09:38
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JS13K game test
extern crate alloc;
use core::f64::consts::PI;
//use no_panic::no_panic;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
use web_sys::*;
// When the `wee_alloc` feature is enabled, use `wee_alloc` as the global
// allocator.
#[cfg(feature = "wee_alloc")]
static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT;
static mut C_X: f64 = 100_f64;
static mut C_Y: f64 = 100_f64;
pub fn render_frame(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2d, time: f64) {
unsafe {
C_X += 50_f64 * time.sin();
C_Y += 50_f64 * time.cos();
ctx.arc(C_X, C_Y, 100_f64, 0_f64, 2_f64 * PI);
Retained Bytes │ Retained % │ Dominator Tree
8641 ┊ 98.80% ┊ export "render_frame"
8626 ┊ 98.63% ┊ ⤷ code[9]
8611 ┊ 98.46% ┊ ⤷ code[4]
5239 ┊ 59.90% ┊ ⤷ code[1]
3150 ┊ 36.02% ┊ ⤷ code[0]
69 ┊ 0.79% ┊ ⤷ data[2]
37 ┊ 0.42% ┊ ⤷ code[6]
8 ┊ 0.09% ┊ ⤷ type[4]: (i32, i32, i32, i32) -> i32
1180 ┊ 13.49% ┊ ⤷ data[1]
867 ┊ 9.91% ┊ ⤷ code[2]
840 ┊ 9.60% ┊ ⤷ code[3]
251 ┊ 2.87% ┊ ⤷ code[5]
59 ┊ 0.67% ┊ ⤷ import ./js13k_test_rs.js::__widl_f_arc_CanvasRenderingContext2D
53 ┊ 0.61% ┊ ⤷ code[7]
7 ┊ 0.08% ┊ ⤷ type[5]: (i32, i32, f64, f64) -> nil
48 ┊ 0.55% ┊ ⤷ import ./js13k_test_rs.js::__wbindgen_object_drop_ref
18 ┊ 0.21% ┊ ⤷ data[0]
8 ┊ 0.09% ┊ ⤷ global[0]
5 ┊ 0.06% ┊ ⤷ type[3]: (f64) -> f64
5 ┊ 0.06% ┊ ⤷ type[1]: (i32, f64) -> nil
47 ┊ 0.54% ┊ export "__wbindgen_exn_store"
24 ┊ 0.27% ┊ ⤷ code[8]
11 ┊ 0.13% ┊ export "memory"
2 ┊ 0.02% ┊ ⤷ memory[0]
8 ┊ 0.09% ┊ wasm magic bytes
7 ┊ 0.08% ┊ code section headers
4 ┊ 0.05% ┊ type[0]: (i32) -> nil
4 ┊ 0.05% ┊ data section headers
3 ┊ 0.03% ┊ type section headers
3 ┊ 0.03% ┊ import section headers
3 ┊ 0.03% ┊ memory section headers
3 ┊ 0.03% ┊ global section headers
3 ┊ 0.03% ┊ export section headers
9 ┊ 0.10% ┊ [1 Unreachable Items]
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