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Forked from quadrismegistus/
Last active March 27, 2023 11:54
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Draw Networkx Graph with Pyvis
def draw_graph3(networkx_graph,notebook=True,output_filename='graph.html',show_buttons=True,only_physics_buttons=False,
This function accepts a networkx graph object,
converts it to a pyvis network object preserving its node and edge attributes,
and both returns and saves a dynamic network visualization.
Valid node attributes include:
"size", "value", "title", "x", "y", "label", "color".
(For more info:
Valid edge attributes include:
"arrowStrikethrough", "hidden", "physics", "title", "value", "width"
(For more info:
networkx_graph: The graph to convert and display
notebook: Display in Jupyter?
output_filename: Where to save the converted network
show_buttons: Show buttons in saved version of network?
only_physics_buttons: Show only buttons controlling physics of network?
height: height in px or %, e.g, "750px" or "100%
width: width in px or %, e.g, "750px" or "100%
bgcolor: background color, e.g., "black" or "#222222"
font_color: font color, e.g., "black" or "#222222"
pyvis_options: provide pyvis-specific options (
# import
from pyvis import network as net
# make a pyvis network
network_class_parameters = {"notebook": notebook, "height": height, "width": width, "bgcolor": bgcolor, "font_color": font_color}
pyvis_graph = net.Network(**{parameter_name: parameter_value for parameter_name, parameter_value in network_class_parameters.items() if parameter_value})
# for each node and its attributes in the networkx graph
for node,node_attrs in networkx_graph.nodes(data=True):
# for each edge and its attributes in the networkx graph
for source,target,edge_attrs in networkx_graph.edges(data=True):
# if value/width not specified directly, and weight is specified, set 'value' to 'weight'
if not 'value' in edge_attrs and not 'width' in edge_attrs and 'weight' in edge_attrs:
# place at key 'value' the weight of the edge
# add the edge
# turn buttons on
if show_buttons:
if only_physics_buttons:
# pyvis-specific options
if pyvis_options:
# return and also save
# For example:
# make a new neworkx network
import networkx as nx
# add nodes and edges (color can be html color name or hex code)
# draw
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hey, I might be coming late in this chat. But thanks for this code, it is really awesome.
Do you know how can I display the weights of the edges in the graph?

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is there any way to change the edge´s color ?

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is there any way to change the edge´s color?

If pyvis supports custom edge colors and you send me a link to documentation, I could have a look.

@irineos1995 - sorry I missed your comment!

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Thank you for this code!

I was wondering what the largest number of edges in a network you ran it on was? My adaptation seems to be really struggling on 1500+ edge networks.

Do you know of an alternative to adding edge by edge to the graph as this seems to be computationally heavy for larger graphs?

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