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Created November 2, 2015 07:59
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  • Save maciekmm/1de74711c9058796cf70 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save maciekmm/1de74711c9058796cf70 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. python script for displaying quotes on desktop. XKCD here:
import sys
import urllib2
import argparse
from random import randint
import unicodedata as ud
cachePath = '/mnt/data/scripts/bashcache.txt'
def unicode_into_ascii(s):
return ud.normalize('NFKD', s.decode('utf-8')).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
def downloadBashes(force):
with open(cachePath, 'r') as file:
cache =
if force or cache == '':
response = urllib2.urlopen('')
bashes =
with open(cachePath, 'w') as file:
return bashes
return cache
def printBash(forceDownload, i):
bashes = downloadBashes(forceDownload)
bashesList = bashes.split('\n%\n')
if len(bashesList) <= i:
print 'Provided index exceeds quotes count!'
print bashesList[randint(0, len(bashesList))-1 if i < 0 else i]
#str = ''
#for l in lines:
# str.append(l)
#print str
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='pybashop', description='Downloads and prints quotes from')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--random', help='Picks random quote, overrides --index', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--index', help='Sets quote id, the newest is 1', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', help='Forces download and updates cache', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
if args.random or args.index <= 0:
printBash(args.force, -1)
elif args.index > 0:
printBash(args.force, args.index-1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#! /usr/bin/python2
import gtk
import sys
import argparse
import platform
root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
def find_gtk_window(xid):
xid = int(xid, 16)
for id in root.property_get('_NET_CLIENT_LIST')[2]:
gtk_window = gtk.gdk.window_foreign_new(id)
if gtk_window.xid == xid:
return gtk_window
def list(geometry, wmClass, decimal):
for id in root.property_get('_NET_CLIENT_LIST')[2]:
wnd = gtk.gdk.window_foreign_new(id)
if wnd and wnd.property_get('WM_NAME'):
title = wnd.property_get('WM_NAME')[2]
wndStr = str("0x%x"%wnd.xid if not decimal else wnd.xid)
wndStr += "\t-desktop-id-"
if geometry:
width, height = wnd.get_size()
x, y = wnd.get_position()
wndStr += "\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format(x, y, x+width, y+height)
if wmClass:
wndStr += "\t" + wnd.property_get('WM_CLASS')[2] #FIXME: value lacks dot in the middle
wndStr += "\t" + platform.node() + "\t" + title
print wndStr
def manager_info():
print "Name: " + "N/A" + "\nClass: " + "N/A" + "\nPID: " + "N/A" + "\nWindow manager's \"showing the desktop\" mode: " + "N/A"
def change_state(wnd, action, properties, mode):
wnd = (find_gtk_window() if mode == 'id' or mode == 'integer' else None)
if not wnd:
print "Specified window not found."
properties = properties.split(',')
for prop in properties:
if prop == "above":
wnd.set_keep_above(True if action == "add" else False)
elif prop == "below":
wnd.set_keep_below(True if action == "add" else False)
print "Unknown property '{}'".format(prop)
print "Done!"
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="pywmctrl", description='wmctrl replacement coded in python')
# Actions
parser.add_argument('-m', '--manager', help='Show information about the window manager and about the environment.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', help='List windows managed by the window manager.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--desktops', help='List desktops. The current desktop is marked with an asterisk.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-r', help='This argument specifies the window. By default it\'s interpreted as a case-insensitive string.', type=str, dest='_win_')
parser.add_argument('-b', help='Change the state of the _WIN_ window. Using this option it\'s possible for example to make the window maximized,'
' minimized or fullscreen.', type=str, dest='_starg_')
# Options
parser.add_argument('-i', '--integer', help='Interpret _WIN_ as a numerical window ID or list window ids as decimal numbers.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-G', '--geometry', help='Include geometry in the window list.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-x', help='Include WM_CLASS in the window list or interpret <WIN> as the WM_CLASS name.', action='store_true', dest='wmclass')
args = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
print "\nAuthor: Chlorek aka 3LF00 <>\nLicense: GNU General Public License v2\nCopyright 2015"
if args.list:
list(args.geometry, args.wmclass, args.integer)
elif args.manager:
elif args._starg_:
if args._win_ == None:
print "Argument -b requires -r _WIN_ to complete an action."
action_params = args._starg_.split(',', 2)
if len(action_params) < 2:
print "Invalid _STARG_ syntax."
change_state(args._win_, action_params[0], action_params[1], 'string' if not args.integer else 'id')
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Wait for all panels to load
while [ "$(python2 /mnt/data/scripts/ -l| grep -c xfce4-panel)" -lt "2" ];
sleep 0.05s
echo "Panels loaded, going to set them up!"
# Determine identifier
ID=$(python2 /mnt/data/scripts/ -l| grep xfce4-panel | sed 3p | awk '{ print $1 }' | tail --lines=1)
echo "Changing $ID..."
# Place panel at desktop-level
wmctrl -i -r $ID -b add,below
I=$(python2 /mnt/data/scripts/ -l| grep xfce4-panel | sed 3p | awk '{ print $1 }' | tail --lines=3 | head --lines=1)
echo "Changing $I..."
# Place panel at desktop-level
wmctrl -i -r $I -b add,below
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