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Created October 20, 2012 20:46
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Seeking help with Dialyzer
%%% @author John Daily <>
%%% @copyright (C) 2012, John Daily
%%% @doc
%%% Assignment from
%%% @reference See <a href="">RPN Calculator</a>.
%%% @end
-type io_return() :: { atom(), string() } | 'eof'.
-type operator() :: { 'operator', atom() }.
-type token() :: operator() | integer() | float() | 'error'.
-type operator_match() :: fun((string()) -> operator()).
-type matcher() :: { tuple(), operator_match() }.
{ operator = re_return("^\\s*(\\*|\\+|-|/)\\s*$") :: tuple(),
integer = re_return("^\\s*(\\d+)\\s*$") :: tuple(),
float = re_return("^\\s*(\\d+\\.\\d+)\\s*$") :: tuple()
-type regexes() :: #regexes{}.
-spec rpn() -> 'done'.
rpn() ->
process_line(file:read_line(standard_io), #regexes{}).
-spec process_line(io_return(), regexes()) -> 'done'.
process_line(eof, _R) ->
process_line({error, Why}, _R) ->
io:format("Exiting: ~p~n", [ Why ]),
process_line({ok, Line}, R) ->
Tokens = parse_tokens(string:tokens(chomp(Line), " \t"), [], R),
io:format("~p~n", [ calculate(Tokens, []) ]),
process_line(file:read_line(standard_io), R).
-spec calculate(list(token()), list(number())) -> number().
calculate([], []) ->
calculate([], [ Tally | [] ]) ->
calculate([ V | T ], Stack) when is_number(V) ->
calculate(T, [ V | Stack ]);
calculate([ { operator, add } | T], [ V2, V1 | StackTail ]) ->
calculate(T, [ V1 + V2 | StackTail]);
calculate([ { operator, subtract } | T], [ V2, V1 | StackTail ]) ->
calculate(T, [ V1 - V2 | StackTail]);
calculate([ { operator, multiply } | T], [ V2, V1 | StackTail ]) ->
calculate(T, [ V1 * V2 | StackTail]);
calculate([ { operator, divide } | T], [ V2, V1 | StackTail ]) ->
calculate(T, [ V1 / V2 | StackTail]).
-spec parse_tokens(list(string()), list(token()), regexes()) -> list(token()).
%% Turn a list of string tokens into a list of token().
%% Should consider making this a stream operation.
parse_tokens([], Stack, _Regexes) ->
parse_tokens([H | T], Stack, Regexes) ->
parse_tokens(T, [ parse_one_token(H, Regexes) | Stack ], Regexes).
-spec parse_one_token(string(), regexes()) -> token().
parse_one_token(Token, #regexes{operator = Operator, integer = Integer, float = Float}) ->
try_regex(Token, [ { Operator, fun match_operator/1 },
{ Integer, { erlang, list_to_integer } },
{ Float, { erlang, list_to_float } } ]).
-spec try_regex(string(), [ matcher() ]) -> token().
try_regex(_, []) ->
try_regex(Token, [{ Regex, Fun } | T]) ->
case re:run(Token, Regex, [ { capture, first, list } ]) of
{ match, [ Captured ]} ->
_ ->
try_regex(Token, T)
-spec match_operator(string()) -> operator().
match_operator([$*]) ->
{ operator, multiply };
match_operator([$-]) ->
{ operator, subtract };
match_operator([$+]) ->
{ operator, add };
match_operator([$/]) ->
{ operator, divide };
match_operator(_) ->
%% re:compile returns a tuple, which I don't think can be dropped into
%% a record easily, so we use this auxiliary function
-spec re_return(string()) -> tuple().
re_return(Pattern) ->
{ ok, Re } = re:compile(Pattern),
%% Drop any end of line marker by splitting on them and returning the
%% first component
-spec chomp(string()) -> string().
chomp(String) ->
chomp_match(string:tokens(String, "\r\n")).
-spec chomp_match(list()) -> string().
chomp_match([]) ->
chomp_match([Line | _Leftover]) ->
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Warnings from Dialyzer:

rpncalc.erl:44: The pattern <[], [Tally]> can never match the type <[],[]>
rpncalc.erl:46: The pattern <[V | T], Stack> can never match the type <[],[]>
rpncalc.erl:48: The pattern <[{'operator', 'add'} | T], [V2, V1 | StackTail]> can never match the type <[],[]>
rpncalc.erl:50: The pattern <[{'operator', 'subtract'} | T], [V2, V1 | StackTail]> can never match the type <[],[]>
rpncalc.erl:52: The pattern <[{'operator', 'multiply'} | T], [V2, V1 | StackTail]> can never match the type <[],[]>
rpncalc.erl:54: The pattern <[{'operator', 'divide'} | T], [V2, V1 | StackTail]> can never match the type <[],[]>
rpncalc.erl:68: Function parse_one_token/2 has no local return

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