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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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A Checkstyle checks counter

Checkstyle Violation Counter

A short script to count Checkstyle violation types.


$ ruby xml.rb /path/to/checkstyle-results.xml


require 'nokogiri'
require 'pp'
fail 'must supply 1 argument: checkstyle results XML file' if ARGV.length != 1
xml = Nokogiri::XML([0]))
pp xml.xpath('//error[@source]')
.inject([]) { |a, e| a.push(e.attributes['source'].value) }
.map { |e| e.split('.')[-1].strip }
.reduce({}) { |a, e| a.update(e => a.fetch(e, 0) + 1) }
.sort_by { |_, v| -v }
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