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Last active April 20, 2021 04:42
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Save macks2008/c73a10b0bb09a7cac04f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. (last updated 2020-08-15 at 15:09 EDT)
Welcome to the "big list of things you never really needed to know about Twisted_Code/macks2010". This is undergoing a full rewrite, so in the meantime, stuff may be incomplete or missing.
Here are some of my main descriptors, in approximate order of importance: Christian, brony, programmer, gamer, quadriplegic. If any of those are a serious problem for you, you should probably quit reading here before I REALLY offend you. Anyway, that disclaimer out of the way, let's tackle each of these descriptors one by one in more detail.
First, I love God and firmly believe the Bible has divine authority. I realize, however, that what extent that authority extends and how exactly we, as created beings, are expected to respond, is open to interpretation. I was raised Christian and I fully believe the salvation by grace message (as well as the rest of the Scripture, particularly the Gospels which corroborate one another) will, but sometimes I struggle to understand exactly what He wants me to do with what I've been taught. Then again, who doesn't? I will say this, however: if you're going to interact with me, please respect my beliefs as I will try to respect yours. I won't take insults in this area lightly, particularly if it is exceedingly clear they are meant as insults.
Second, I'm a brony. Love that show and given my first name means lover of horses, I'll be darned if I let anything change that. I don't go overboard mind you, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a few particular Hasbro (or Hasbro-licensed?) products on the shelf in my bedroom. I think part of my reason for loving FIM is that I've tied it back to religion: friendship is magic, friendship is platonic love, and according to I Corinthians 13 "love never fails". It just makes sense, no matter how sappy it is ;-)
third, as you might guess from the fact I'm saving this on github, I'm a programmer. I'm currently studying for a bachelors of science in information technology (w/ advanced software development certificate), and plan to start an indie game studio at some point after I graduate. Coding is to me as cooking and baking are to a chef; a dash of encapsulation here, a pinch of user input there, a copious amount of code reuse (it's not plagiarism, it's object-oriented! ;-)), and voilà!
Fourthly, I'm a gamer, as you may have deduced from the previous point (after all, why would I want to start a game studio if I don't like games myself?). I have my limitations due to my injury (which I'll get to in a second. Hold your small horses), but in spite of it I still manage to play Minecraft, Factorio, Starbound, and many other games.
Speaking of Minecraft, Factorio, and Starbound, hit me up if you ever want to talk about them. I'm always down to talk a complete stranger's ears off about my favorite games
Lastly, I'm quadriplegic. I was in a car accident on Christmas Eve 2013 (which you can read more about here:), leaving me paralyzed mid-thorax down (including fingers). In order to control my computer, I have a trackball mouse, headset with microphone so I can use voice commands, and make extensive use of the on-screen keyboard provided with Windows. That on-screen keyboard actually works surprisingly well with Minecraft, so long as you set Minecraft not to use "raw input" from the mouse...
I think that's everything I can think of right now. Like I said, this might be a little incomplete due to the rewrite, but I've covered the most important points.
If you need to get in touch, comment on a commit or something I've posted on github; I don't mind the extra notification. Just be advised I don't necessarily check my github notifications that often as of this writing, as most of the projects I'm working on for school aren't big enough to require version control and I'm not really contributing to anyone else's repo currently
edit: did I seriously say "reason for living FIM"? Ducking dammit, Dragon NaturallySpeaking (speech to text software I use to type)exclamation
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