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Created February 12, 2016 20:49
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Data generation for Personalized Mixture of Gaussian Regressions.
def gen_data(nusers, nsamples, F, K):
"""Generate hyperparameters, parameters, and data for the Personalized
Mixture of Gaussian Regressions model.
nusers (int): Number of distinct users.
nsamples (int): Total number of samples to generate.
F (int): Number of features for feature vectors.
K (int): Number of clusters.
data, params (tuple of dicts):
`data` contains X, y, and I.
X (nsamples x F): the feature vectors for each sample.
y (nsamples): the target variables for each sample.
I (nsamples): the user ID for each sample.
`params` contains pi, Z, beta, and W.
pi (K): component weights.
Z (nusers): categorical indicator variables for each user.
beta (K): precision parameters for each component.
W (K x F): regression coefficients for each component.
# Hyperparameters.
alpha = np.ones(K)
a0 = 1
b0 = 1
mu0 = np.zeros(F)
coeff_variances = np.ones(F)
# Parameters.
pi = stats.dirichlet.rvs(alpha)[0]
Z = np.random.multinomial(n=1, pvals=pi, size=nusers)
Z_as_cat = np.nonzero(Z)[1]'assigned clusters: %s' % str(Z_as_cat))
beta = stats.gamma.rvs(a0, b0, size=K)
sigma_sq = 1. / beta
W = stats.multivariate_normal.rvs(
mean=mu0, cov=np.diag(coeff_variances), size=K)
# Now generate samples according to which cluster the user belongs to.
I = np.ndarray((nsamples, 1), dtype=np.int32)
y = np.ndarray((nsamples,))
# Randomly generate features, uniform [0, 10] + standard gaussian noise
X = (np.random.uniform(1, 10, size=(nsamples, F))
+ np.random.randn(nsamples, F))
# Randomly select user to sample observation for, for all samples.
pids = np.arange(nusers)
I[:nusers, 0] = pids # make sure each user gets at least one observation
rem = nsamples - nusers
I[nusers:, 0] = np.random.choice(pids, replace=True, size=rem)
Z_idx = Z_as_cat[I[:, 0]]
Ws = W[Z_idx]
y[:] = (X * Ws).sum(1)
data = {
'X': X,
'y': y,
'I': I
params = {
'pi': pi,
'Z': Z_as_cat,
'beta': beta,
'W': W
return data, params
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