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Last active October 28, 2018 20:36
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Save macloo/c98cc4ab74ab824b806117f94234615c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
JavaScript to process your form data locally only - no server. Works for any HTML form with names and values.
// form processor - October 2018 version - quiz version
// updated for ES6
/* this script processes your form data locally only - no server
this works with a form for which the opening tag is:
<form id="myForm" action="form_processor.js" method="post">
STEP 1: REPLACE your <form> tag with that exact line -
change PATH to .js file as needed
in your HTML on your form page, you MUST have
an empty DIV with id="showAnswers" - or else this script will not work
// STEP 2: Add that DIV immediately below your closing /form tag
// see STEP 3 below ... last step, I promise!
const form = document.querySelector("#myForm");
// this will be an associative array of the user's answers
let userAnswers = {};
// STEP 3:
/* edit the correctAnswers Object below to represent both
YOUR form element NAMES and the CORRECT values -
be VERY careful about the PUNCTUATION marks
name: "value",
if you have a set of checkboxes, put the correct answers into an array
do the same if you have a multiple-select element in your form -
below, features: [ "heels", "laces" ],
is an example of the correct way to do that
const correctAnswers = {
// replace all lines below, as many or as few as you need
username: "Mindy",
emailaddress: "",
telephone: "352-222-1234",
story: "My shoes so old they got little wheelchairs",
color: "silver",
features: [ "heels", "laces" ],
size: "8"
// stop here - you can have more lines if yur quiz has more answers
// DO NOT CHANGE anything below this !!!
form.onsubmit = checkAnswers;
function checkAnswers() {
// process every element in the form with this for-loop
for (let i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
// skip an element if it has no name
if (form.elements[i].name == "") {
// keep looping
} else if (form.elements[i].nodeName == 'INPUT') {
/* this switch-statement checks for each type of INPUT element - there are
even more INPUT elements - add others if needed
switch (form.elements[i].type) {
case 'text':
case 'email':
case 'tel':
case 'url':
case 'hidden':
case 'password':
/* if any of the above cases is true for this one form element, add
the name:value pair to userAnswers using the function below this one
addPairToAssocArray(form.elements[i].name, form.elements[i].value);
// continue with more INPUT form elements
case 'radio':
/* if the element is INPUT radio, then see if it has the "checked" attribute.
If so, add it to userAnswers
if (form.elements[i].checked) {
addPairToAssocArray(form.elements[i].name, form.elements[i].value);
case 'checkbox':
/* different from radio b/c checkbox can have more than one answer, so we need
an array for this - uses a different function
if (form.elements[i].checked) {
addMultipleToAssocArray(form.elements[i].name, form.elements[i].value);
case 'file':
case 'button':
case 'reset':
case 'submit':
// if the element is any of those, just ignore it
} // end switch
} else if (form.elements[i].nodeName == 'TEXTAREA') {
// add it to userAnswers using same function as for single INPUT elements
addPairToAssocArray(form.elements[i].name, form.elements[i].value);
} else if (form.elements[i].nodeName == 'SELECT') {
/* this switch-statement checks if SELECT menu allows multiple or not. If multiple,
loop through all of them (with j in new for-loop)
switch (form.elements[i].type) {
case 'select-one':
addPairToAssocArray(form.elements[i].name, form.elements[i].value);
case 'select-multiple':
for (let j = 0; j < form.elements[i].options.length; j++) {
if (form.elements[i].options[j].selected) {
// use same function used for checkboxes
addMultipleToAssocArray(form.elements[i].name, form.elements[i].options[j].value);
} // end switch
} else if (form.elements[i].nodeName == 'BUTTON') {
// ignore it and keep looping
} else {
alert("Error! " + form.elements[i].nodeName);
} // end of for-loop
// run the function that is below
// reset all the form fields
// reset the Object
userAnswers = {};
// keep next line as final line of this function, because we are
// returning data to the same page, and we don't want page to reload
return false;
} // end of function checkAnswers()
function writeMessage() {
// start the message string
let msg = "<ol>";
// compare answers in the two associative arrays
for ( let key in userAnswers ) {
for ( let key2 in correctAnswers ) {
// when you reach the matching key ...
if ( key === key2) {
// check if correct answer is an array
if ( Array.isArray( correctAnswers[ key2 ] ) ) {
// if it is, pass its key to the function for handling
let result = testMultipleItemAnswer( key2 );
msg += result;
// if this is not an array - check whether two simple values match
} else if ( userAnswers[ key ] == correctAnswers[ key2 ] ) {
msg += "<li>" + userAnswers[ key ] + " is correct!</li>";
} else {
msg += "<li>" + userAnswers[ key ] + " is wrong. The correct answer is " + correctAnswers[ key2 ] + ".</li>";
// close the list element in the message string
msg += "</ol>";
// writes message and tags into the DIV with id="showAnswers"
document.querySelector("#showAnswers").innerHTML = msg;
// this complex function checks an answer that has more than one part -
// to see whther you choose all the correct ones -
// pass in the current key item as theKey
function testMultipleItemAnswer( theKey ) {
let correctItems = [];
let missingItems = [];
let count = 0;
// check each item in the correctAnswers array
for (let i = 0; i < correctAnswers[ theKey ].length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < userAnswers[ theKey ].length; j++) {
// if a userAnswer matches the current correctAnswer,
// add userAnswer to temp array correctItems
if ( correctAnswers[ theKey ][i] == userAnswers[ theKey ][j] ) {
correctItems.push( userAnswers[ theKey ][j] );
// catch a missing item and add to temp array missingItems
if (count == 0) {
missingItems.push( correctAnswers[ theKey ][i] );
} else {
// rest count for next loop
count = 0;
let msgAdd;
if ( userAnswers[ theKey ].length > correctAnswers[ theKey ].length ) {
msgAdd = "<li>You chose extra items for " + theKey + ".</li>";
} else if ( correctItems.length == correctAnswers[ theKey ].length ) {
msgAdd = "<li>Your choices for " + theKey + " were all correct: " + userAnswers[ theKey ] + "</li>";
} else {
msgAdd = "<li>In your choices for " + theKey + ", you were missing: " + missingItems + "</li>";
return msgAdd;
} // end of testMultipleItemAnswer() function
// writes one new key-value pair into the Object named userAnswers
function addPairToAssocArray(n, v) {
userAnswers[ n ] = v;
// writes multiple values into an array value in the Object named userAnswers
function addMultipleToAssocArray(n, v) {
let found = false;
// loop through all keys and check if n already exists
for ( let key in userAnswers ) {
if (key === n) {
found = true;
// if n does not exist, create it as an array
if (!found) {
userAnswers[ n ] = [];
// now add the value to the array
userAnswers[ n ].push( v );
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macloo commented Oct 27, 2018

Information about this script is here:

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