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Created June 27, 2013 17:57
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This is a list of commands that can be used to produce error corrected reads using Reptile.
#Commands for producing error corrected reads
#Trimmomatic available at:
#Reptile available at:
#Trinity available at:
######Trim reads with Trimmomatic
java -jar -Xmx10g trimmomatic-0.30.jar PE -phred33 -threads 32 \
left.fq \
right.fq \
left.pp.fastq \
left.up.fastq \
right.pp.fastq \
right.up.fastq \
ILLUMINACLIP:barcodes.fa:2:40:15 \
######Cat everything together for prep for Reptile Correction
cat left.pp.fastq left.up.fastq > data/left.fastq
cat right.pp.fastq right.up.fastq > data/right.fastq
######Do Reptile Correction
perl ~/reptile-v1.1/reptile-v1.1/utils/ data/ data/ 1 #files MUST have fastq extension
sed -i 's_[0-9]$_&/1_' data/left.fa #add /1 to ID reads as left
sed -i 's_[0-9]$_&/2_' data/right.fa #add /2 to ID reads as right
sed -i 's_^>.*[0-9]$_&/1_' data/left.q
sed -i 's_^>.*[0-9]$_&/2_' data/right.q
cat data/left.fa data/right.fa > data/both.fa
cat data/left.q data/right.q > data/both.q
seq-analy config.analy #Follow Reptile README for instructions on how to optimize parameters
reptile-omp config.analy #Do error corection
reptile_merger data/both.fa data/both.reptile.err ./both.reptile.corr.fa #make error corrected fasta file
######Split file back into left and right fastq's
grep -aA1 '/1' both.reptile.corr.fa > both.left.rept.corr.fa
grep -aA1 '/2' both.reptile.corr.fa > both.right.rept.corr.fa
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