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Created June 9, 2016 12:50
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// Generated by typings
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declare namespace interactivesolutions.authentication {
import EventManager = interactivesolutions.eventManager.EventManager;
function HttpAuthorizationInjector(authenticationStorage: AuthenticationStorage): {
request: (request: ng.IRequestConfig) => ng.IRequestConfig;
function HttpRefreshTokenInjector(loginStateName: string, $q: ng.IQService, $injector: any): {
responseError: (response: ng.IHttpPromiseCallbackArg<any>) => ng.IPromise<void>;
* Simple data container for the access token
class AccessToken {
constructor(accessToken: string, ownerId: any, expiresAt: number, refreshToken: string, tokenType: string);
getAccessToken(): string;
getOwnerId(): any;
getExpiresAt(): number;
getRefreshToken(): string;
getTokenType(): string;
* Storage class, handles reading and writing to local storage.
class AuthenticationStorage {
private accessToken;
write(accessToken: AccessToken): void;
read(): AccessToken;
clear(): void;
hasAccessToken(): boolean;
private fromLocalStorage();
class AuthenticationService extends EventManager {
* @param $http
* @param $rootScope
* @param authenticationStorage
constructor($http: ng.IHttpService, $rootScope: ng.IRootScopeService, authenticationStorage: AuthenticationStorage);
* Authenticate
* @param parameters
* @returns {IPromise<void>}
login(parameters: any): ng.IPromise<void>;
* Use the refresh token to generate a new access token
* @returns {IPromise<void>}
refresh(): ng.IPromise<void>;
* Check if the current user is authenticated, does not test if it's still valid tho.
* @returns {boolean}
isAuthenticated(): boolean;
* Remove the oauth token and trigger a auth event
logout(): void;
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