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Created March 14, 2019 15:26
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Some bash command line LDAP examples
#Some command line LDAP examples:
#used ldap utils in macOS 10.14.3
#ldap test bind to check user/pass
#Lookup user info
#Check if user exists
# [!] Be safe...
# You would never want to sent these commands without SSL. Otherwise, credentials go in cleartext.
# Likewise, never put credentials on command line or they'll show up in process history.
# Use SASL/-W to get prompted, or "-y passwdfile"
# Use -ZZ to force STARTTLS
ldaphost='' # FQDN of LDAP server
port='389' # Usually '389' (unsafe) or 636 (LDAPS)
userDN='CN=LDAP Service Account,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=company,DC=com'
base='CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=company,DC=com' #[-b searchbase]
search="sub" #[-s {base|one|sub|children}]
flags+='-x' #-x == Use simple authentication instead of SASL. Unsafe. You would not do this IRL.
options+='nettimeout=5' # Example of using timeout option
# This would return every object in the search base + search level (base|one|sub|children)...
# Setup to find a specific user...
filter="(&(objectClass=${searchForClass})(${searchForField}=${searchForValue}))" # Return user with this short name...
# -W prompt for authentication
set +H # Turning off history expansion in case people have exclamation marks in their passwords
# ########################################################
# Example to return all attributes for a user:
# ########################################################
ldif=$( ldapsearch -LLL -h "$ldaphost" -p "$port" -D "$userDN" -w "$userPW" -b "$base" -s "$search" -o "$options" $flags "$filter" )
echo "$ldif"
# ########################################################
# Example to return the email address of a user...
# ########################################################
ldif=$( ldapsearch -LLL -h "$ldaphost" -p "$port" -D "$userDN" -w "$userPW" -b "$base" -s "$search" -o "$options" $flags "$filter" "$returnFields" )
ldif=$( echo "$ldif" | grep -E '^mail:' )
echo $email
# ########################################################
# Test if user exists...
# ########################################################
ldif=$( ldapsearch -LLL -h "$ldaphost" -p "$port" -D "$userDN" -w "$userPW" -b "$base" -s "$search" -o "$options" $flags "$filter" "$returnFields" )
ldif=$( echo "$ldif" | grep -E "^${returnFields}:" )
if [[ x"$value" == x"$searchForValue" ]]; then
echo 'I exist!'
echo 'I do not. '
# Another way, probs simpler...
# if ldapsearch -x -H "$url" -b "$basedn" uid=$i | grep uid: | awk '{print $2}' > /dev/null
# then...
# ########################################################
# Test a username and password
# ########################################################
# Try binding with the user info instead of a service acct.
# If you can bind, you're good. If not, you're not...
ldapwhoami -vvv -h "$ldaphost" -p "$port" -D "$userDN" -x -w "$userPW"
# If you have uid but not cn, you can't calculate DN. Could use service account to get cn for the uid, then bind on that.
# Example response on bad pwd...
# error code: 49
# ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)
# additional info: 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C09042F, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v2580
# echo $?
# ldapsearch [-n] [-c] [-u] [-v] [-t[t]] [-T path] [-F prefix] [-A] [-L[L[L]]] [-M[M]] [-S attribute]
# [-d debuglevel] [-f file] [-x] [-D binddn] [-W] [-w passwd] [-y passwdfile] [-H ldapuri] [-h ldaphost]
# [-p ldapport] [-b searchbase] [-s {base|one|sub|children}] [-a {never|always|search|find}] [-P {2|3}]
# [-e [!]ext[=extparam]] [-E [!]ext[=extparam]] [-l timelimit] [-z sizelimit] [-O security-properties] [-I]
# [-Q] [-U authcid] [-R realm] [-X authzid] [-Y mech] [-Z[Z]] filter [attrs...]
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