I didn't find a comprehensive list of keyboard commands for iA Writer. So, I made one.
Menu Item | Keyboard Command |
File Menu | |
New | ⌘N |
New in Library | ⌥⌘N |
New in Library in Window | ⇧⌘N |
Open | ⌘O |
Open Quickly | ⇧⌘O |
Close | ⌘W |
Save | ⌘S |
Save As… | ⇧⌘S |
Export… | ⇧⌘E |
⌘P | |
Print Plain Text… | ⌥⌘P |
Page Setup… | ⇧⌘P |
Edit Menu | |
Undo Typing | ⌘Z |
Redo | ⇧⌘Z |
Cut | ⌘X |
Copy | ⌘C |
Copy Formatted | ⌥⌘C |
Copy HTML | ⇧⌘C |
Paste | ⌘V |
Delete | ⌫ |
Select All | ⌘A |
Find… | ⌘F |
Find Again | ⌘G |
Find Previous | ⇧⌘G |
Find and Replace… | ⌥⌘F |
Search Library | ⇧⌘F |
Show Spelling and Grammar | ⌘: |
Check Document Now | ⌘; |
Start Dictation… | ⌃⌥⇧⌘D |
Emoji & Symbols | ⌃⌘Space |
Format Menu | |
Heading 1 | ⌘1 |
Heading 2 | ⌘2 |
Heading 3 | ⌘3 |
Heading 4 | ⌘4 |
Heading 5 | ⌘5 |
Heading 6 | ⌘6 |
Unordered List | ⌘L |
Unordered Task List | ⌥⌘L |
Ordered List | ⇧⌘L |
Ordered Task List | ⌥⇧⌘L |
Mark Task as Completed | ⌘. |
Structure>Shift Right | ⇥ |
Structure>Shift Left | ⇧⇤ |
Structure>Move Line Up | ⌥⌘↑ |
Structure>Move Line Down | ⌥⌘↓ |
Body Text | ⌘0 |
Strong | ⌘B |
Emphasis | ⌘I |
Add Link | ⌘K |
Add Footnote | ⌃⌘K |
Clear Styles | ⌥⌘⌫ |
View Menu | |
Focus Mode | ⌘D |
Typewriter Mode | ⌘T |
Syntax>Enable Last Used | ⇧⌘D |
Night Mode | ⌃⌘N |
Show Library | ⌘E |
Show Preview | ⌘R |
Increase Text Size | ⌘+ |
Decrease Text Size | ⌘- |
Enter Full Screen | ⌃⌘F |
Window | |
Minimize | ⌘M |
Zoom | ⌃⌥⌘F |
Command | Behavior |
⌃K | Deletes from the cursor to the end of the current line |
⌃O | Inserts a new line after the cursor. The cursor stays in the current line |
⌃B | Moves the cursor one character to the left |
⌃F | Moves the cursor one character to the right |
⌃N | Moves the cursor down one line |
⌃P | Moves the cursor up one line |
⌃E | Moves the cursor to the end of the current line. If you use word wrap, the cursor moves to the physical, not the displayed, end of the current line |
⌃A | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. If you use word wrap, the cursor moves to the physical, not the displayed, beginning of the current line |
⌃V | Scrolls down within the document |
There were some menu items which I thought would be improved by adding keyboard commands to them. I used KeyboardMaestro to add them to iA Writer.
Additions Made Through KeyboardMaestro | |
Add Table of Contents | ⌃C |
Add Page Break | ⌃P |
Add Horizontal Rule | ⌃R |
Add Table | ⌃T |
⌘: Command key
⌥: Option key
⌃: Control key
⇧: Shift key
↵: Return key
↓: Down arrow
↑: Up arrow
macosxguru at the gmail thingie