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Created August 24, 2020 04:02
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[parameter(Mandatory, Position=0, ParameterSetName="Normal")]
[String]$OutputPath = "out.txt",
[switch]$Test = $false
function Get-Double([Int]$Number) {
$Number * 2
function Write-Result([String]$Path) {
$input > $Path
function Main {
Get-Double $Number | Write-Result $OutputPath
function Test {
Invoke-Pester -Script $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path # 自分をテストスクリプトと見做してPesterを実行する
if ($Test) {
} else {
# ----- ここからテスト -----
Describe "Get-Double" {
It "2なら4" {
Get-Double 2 | Should Be 4
It "3なら6" {
Get-Double 3 | Should Be 6
Describe "Write-Result" {
It "2をoutに" {
echo 2 | Write-Result TestDrive:\out
Get-Content TestDrive:\out | Should Be 2
It "helloをworldに" {
echo hello | Write-Result TestDrive:\world
Get-Content TestDrive:\world | Should Be "hello"
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