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Created November 18, 2015 17:48
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Save macromaniac/0eee452f146f9be98fa0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple way to detect swipes in unity. Reference the monobehaviour and you're done.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
public enum SwipeGesture { SwipeUp, SwipeDown, SwipeLeft, SwipeRight, None };
/// <summary>
/// Simplest usage:
/// public SwipeGestures Gestures; // Reference to MonoBehaviour
/// if(Gestures.ThisFrame == SwipeGesture.SwipeUp)
/// DoSomething();
/// </summary>
public class SwipeGestures : MonoBehaviour {
/// <summary>
/// E.G: Min Delta of .2 is 20% of screen
/// This is normalized towards the bigger screen that way you need
/// to move the same amount of pixels for non-square screens
/// </summary>
private float _minDelta = .2f;
/// <summary>
/// Set to true if you want to use mouse in addition to touch coords
/// </summary>
public bool UseMouse = true;
private const int mouseHash = 123456;
private SwipeGesture _swipeGestureThisFrame = SwipeGesture.None;
private int _lastFrameUpdated = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the swipe gesture this frame
/// </summary>
public SwipeGesture ThisFrame {
//use lazy loading to ensure the input location has been updated
get {
return _swipeGestureThisFrame;
/// <summary>
/// Gets called on swipe gesture
/// </summary>
public event Action<SwipeGesture> OnSwipeGesture;
private Vector2 minDeltaPixels {
//normalized means its a swipe after N pixels, regardless of if its
//x or y
get {
float w = Screen.width * _minDelta;
float h = Screen.height * _minDelta;
if (w > h)
w = h;
h = w;
return new Vector2(_minDelta * w, _minDelta * h);
Dictionary<int, Vector2> _inputStartPositions;
void Awake() {
OnSwipeGesture = (a) => { };
_inputStartPositions = new Dictionary<int, Vector2>();
_swipeGestureThisFrame = SwipeGesture.None;
//Call this at least once a frame otherwise
// it will miss start positions
void EnsureInputsAreFactoredIn() {
if (_lastFrameUpdated < Time.frameCount) {
if (Input.mousePresent &&
UseMouse &&
_inputStartPositions.ContainsKey(mouseHash)) {
var startPos = _inputStartPositions[mouseHash];
var delta = ((Vector2)Input.mousePosition) - startPos;
if (AccountForDelta(delta))
if (Input.touchSupported) {
foreach (var touch in Input.touches) {
if (_inputStartPositions.ContainsKey(touch.GetHashCode())) {
var startPos = _inputStartPositions[touch.GetHashCode()];
var delta = touch.position - startPos;
if (AccountForDelta(delta))
_lastFrameUpdated = Time.frameCount;
void Update() {
// return true if accounted for delta
// this function sets all the variables for each delta
private bool AccountForDelta(Vector2 delta) {
if (delta.x > minDeltaPixels.x) {
_swipeGestureThisFrame = SwipeGesture.SwipeRight;
return true;
if (delta.x < -minDeltaPixels.x) {
_swipeGestureThisFrame = SwipeGesture.SwipeLeft;
return true;
if (delta.y < -minDeltaPixels.y) {
_swipeGestureThisFrame = SwipeGesture.SwipeDown;
return true;
if (delta.y > minDeltaPixels.y) {
_swipeGestureThisFrame = SwipeGesture.SwipeUp;
return true;
return false;
//this function makes sure the start positions are in the dictionary
//You must call it every frame in case new touches are added
private void SaveStartPositions() {
foreach (var touch in Input.touches) {
var h = touch.GetHashCode();
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
_inputStartPositions.Add(h, touch.position);
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Canceled)
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
_inputStartPositions.Add(mouseHash, Input.mousePosition);
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) {
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