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Created May 12, 2020 12:39
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Given a 2D matrix, finds the submatrix with the largest sum of its elements. Uses Kadane's algorithm to speed up process.
# Max Sum Rectangle (2D Kadane Algorithm)
# Finds the submatrix with the largest sum of its values using Kadane's algorithm
def Kadane(arr):
#Keep track of sums
current_sum = arr[0]
max_sum = arr[0]
#Keep track of position in array
left, right = 0, 0
mleft, mright = 0, 0
#Iterate through array w/ Kadane's algorithm
#would normally use max(current_sum, max_sum)
#but using if instead to keep track of positions
for i in range(1, len(arr)):
current_sum += arr[i]
right = i
if current_sum < arr[i]:
current_sum = arr[i]
left = i
if max_sum < current_sum:
max_sum = current_sum
mleft, mright = left, right
return max_sum, mleft, mright
def MaxSumRect(matrix):
#Initialize values to iterate through matrix & keep track of sums
col = len(matrix[0])
rows = len(matrix)
maxVal = 0
RunningSum = [0 for i in range(rows)] #Records sum of each row
mLeft, mRight, mTop, mBot = 0, 0, 0, 0 #Keep track of corners in submatrix w/ max sum
#Iterate through matrix while using Kadane's algorithm on each iteration
#Left side starts at 0 while right side iterates from 0 to last column
#each time using Kadane to update max sum value. Then left side moves to
#1 and iterate right side from 1 to last column. Keep doing this until
#left side equals right side i.e. both are in last column
for left in range(col): #Left Corner
for right in range(left, col): #Right Corner
for i in range(rows):
RunningSum[i] += matrix[i][right]
#Use Kadane's algorithm to find largest consecutive sum
temp, top, bot= Kadane(RunningSum)
#If new max sum is found, update corners and max value
if maxVal < temp:
mLeft, mRight = left, right
mTop, mBot = top, bot
maxVal = temp
RunningSum = [0 for i in range(rows)] #Reset running sum to prevent overlap
#Recover submatrix with max sum
solMat = []
for i in range(mTop, mBot+1): #Top to bottom
tempMat = matrix[i][mLeft:mRight+1] #Left to right
return solMat
#Print Matrix
def printMat(matrix):
for i in matrix:
print(" ")
m = [ [6, -5, -7, 4, -4],
[-9, 3, -6, 5, 2],
[-10, 4, 7, -6, 3],
[-8, 9, -3, 3, -7]
ans = MaxSumRect(m)
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