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Last active July 3, 2018 02:20
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Personal Project Ideas
  • open world game (like GTA, Open Government and Open Data, LARP like Mind's Eye Theatre, Perplex City, Infinite Challenge, CSI episode, location-based AR, mobile, user participation, WeareData, Watch Dogs, The Division, Localscope app, agent-based behavior, microeconomic simulation)
  • subway project (+Digital Shadow)
  • semantic web editor in browser (Atom)
  • Korea history-themed strategy game
  • board/card game maker (with machine learning)
  • usenet-based bulletin board with many kinds of client interfaces
  • open source Splunk (data analytics & visualization, see Zeppelin)
  • Java profiler
  • HWP file format parser (as Tika filter)
  • Internet portal movie rating analysis
  • open source video editing tool
  • 3D GIS mashup with social media
  • wiki + board + Q&A (+ shop)
  • Google libraries in Go (1, 2)
  • piano recording to pianist motion (code art)
  • WebGL panorama
  • WebRTC BitTorrent
  • Google Cardboard for iOS
  • language converter (JavaScript to Java bytecode)
  • JavaScript code compressor with regard for dependency
  • RRDTool console editor
  • regex for amateur (see RegExpBuilder and Trifacta's DSL)
  • reader attention/impact metric (scroll tracking, pageview/MAU/UV/TTR, multi-dimensional?, see this and HBR's scroll indicator)
  • canary report dashboard (Jenkins plugin?, see this)
  • Tajo (or other databases) RDBMS-based storage, RRDtool interface (see this)
  • Hystrix in Go and Python (see go-resiliency)
  • Java bytecodes manipulation C++/native library (see ASM)
  • Apache Flink UI, auto-tunning (see roadmap)
  • Groovy Hadoop library (see Cascading)
  • reverse engineering tool to separate code from data (find the start point of code, detect compiler and compile options)
  • CUDA in Go
  • VR-enabled development tool (BumpTop, LightTable, Brackets, see this)
  • wasted cloud resource finder (see Netflix)
  • OpenStack missing points
  • Open vSwitch and OVN UI, (Intel DPDK partially opened?, (see netvm)
  • computer vision algorithms in JavaScript
  • 3D reconstruction tool for Drone videos
  • Dwarf Fortress engine for localization (SDL hooking)
  • cloud software stack compilation (acronym?, see Netflix Hystrix, Google gRPC, TwitterServer, KIXEYE Chassis and gokit)
  • onemap API
  • irc-based Slack (bot, xmpp presence?, see Wave, Hubot and appsonchat)
  • iTerm 2 for Windows
  • decentralized autonomous organization as a company
  • NetLogo in JavaScript
  • national budget vizualization (see NYT & Guardian's examples)
  • hangul.js
  • password cracker using FPGA
  • bitcoin treasure island
  • digital asset copy protection, in-browser cryptocurrency mining network (1)
  • comic face morph using a JavaScript library
  • {OpenSSL, OTP, Korean character set translator, dlopen(), bitcoin implementation, XMPP server, client, load tester (like boom), profiler, CUDA, native readline} in Go
  • Go debugger (channel debugging, see Delve)
  • OpenXC vehicle data collector and analyzer
  • WebRTC solution
  • goodbye OS (SDN, router, layer 7 load balancer, unikernel)
  • collaborative translation software (like SDL Trados Studio)
  • programming tools matter!
  • productivity tool using Google Apps/Drive API (like Streak, Google Apps Marketplace, pair programming)
  • SeoulBus to GTFS
  • MySQLdb Windows binary for Python 3.x
  • Wolfram Language implementation
  • Presto ODBC driver for ODBC and many data formats
  • Windows network switcher that changes proxy and routing table information
  • distributed computing using web browser, real-time transcoding in web browser
  • code art blog (DevArt), turn tweet into sound
  • sports real-time analysis using computer vision
  • adult
    • Raspberry Pi NAS
    • save storage by collaborative multimedia rating
    • multimedia file fingerprint search (+wiki)
  • JavaScript panorama viewer
  • log viewer CUI/GUI with pattern learning, log library (logster < logstash)
  • digital asset copy protection, in-browser cryptocurrency mining network (1)
  • Git UI (Stash)
  • isometric video stitcher with GUI editor
  • mod_security for nginx
  • SQL interface for BDD (SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ..., Go)
  • (git-based?) wiki
  • make stitched image or panorama from (game) video
  • SfM - mobile 3d scanner, 3d construction from Street View
  • node-webkit project such as markdown editor and tagged image viewer
  • New Relic clone
  • native Go implementation of QUIC
  • end-to-end network encryption layer for containers (see also homomorphic encryption for database 1)
  • pirate miniature game (lego example 1 2
  • Korean word stem parser
  • libraries for HFT
  • vim macros like surround.vim (XML comment/uncomment)
  • NumPy and SciPy for PyPy (call for help)
  • fun FUSE projects like API file system
  • memcached on UDP (see Facebook's cases)
  • ejabberd on QUIC
  • participate in Goorm IDE, Apache Kudu
  • iOS secure photo application, secure file viewer that stores encrypted files in cloud
  • groundbreaking project from non-US
  • Eclipse OMR-based VM
  • static analysis (popular library statistics, cross reference, class diagram, Erlang supervisor diagram)
  • Youtube repeater
  • procedural generation for VR
  • magic mirror appstore
  • social media robot moderator, internet companys' content guideline collection (1)
  • SILInspector for Erlang
  • Erlang database pool that supports RDBMS and Redis
  • Core Data viewer
  • ejabberd log viewer, distributed ping module for ejabberd
  • Haskell hp profile file viewer
  • notebook sticker
  • pandoc reader and writer modules

web site

  • software stack finder (StackShare launched)
  • IPv6, HTTP info site (n3t8, n37h, n37x, n37z, packetviewer)
  • performance tuning (JVM options)
  • public service for IoT and sensor network streams (like, free, retension?, data correlation, Amazon Kinesis, Azure Stream Analytics)
  • model directory with visualizing simulations (see Explorable Explanations and Explained Visually)
  • lego creation dictionary
  • food label dictionary (1)
  • IoT API portal
  • Linux kernel reference site (line-to-discussion, which function may sleep)
  • social graph database


  • Foursquare for iPad (Kim Yoonjin's idea)
  • iPhone as PC driving wheel controller (Kim Yoonjin's idea)
  • Android Wear clock face
  • working time tracking app
  • Android WhoWho (red color for the illiterate)
  • offline map app

data analysis

  • malicious movie rating detection
  • JobPlanet crawler (data-driven job search)


  • Java-based service development guide
  • D3.js guide
  • Blender, TouchDesign
  • log tool comparison
  • Netflix tools (see Spring Cloud Netflix)
  • Graphite functions
  • Netflix Atlas
  • DCOS Mesosphere (see OpenStack)
  • Go (memory barrier, channel/goroutine implementation), groupcache
  • weekly algorithm (approximation algorithm, CRDT)
  • distribute computing for programmers
  • WebRTC, Git (on-the-job training)
  • raft in etcd testcases
  • distributed application management (YARN, Mesos Marathon/Aurora, Kubernetes, CoreOS, Docker Swarm, Hashicorp Atlas, Cloud Foundry BOSH) / cloud native application (KIXEYE's RxJava+Akka+Service Chassis combo)
  • lambda architecture
  • image processing for dummies
  • functional sound programming
  • guide for new hired programmers
  • HAProxy guide
  • ffmpeg + gstreamer + videolan (AV Foundation, Media Foundation)
  • efficient network protocols that can handle a lot of connections
  • StarCraft 2 Galaxy Editor tutorial
  • teach programming with Minecraft (mod in Haskell)


  • aosa, posa
  • update Twitter Bootstrap
  • Java API
  • FiveThirtyEight (1, 2)
  • Material Design
  • Python
  • Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
  • finish Apache
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Reactive Manifesto
  • Retr-O-Mat
  • Nathan Marz's Big Data
  • Java API (JCache), SE/EE Tutorial
  • The Signal and the Noise
  • Crypto 101
  • Extensible Web Manifesto
  • MDN
  • Netlogo


  • massage
  • play music, compose music
  • MOOC
  • Mozilla Persona (1, 2)
  • Bitcoin
  • IoT
  • self presentation/voicing, hotel
  • Chinese stock
  • Clojure, Groovy and Gradle, Ruby
  • algorithms - DSP, BSP, approximate counting algorithm, DHT (TeleHash-like)
  • Sensu, Docker*, systemd
  • distributed system - theory, raft, lock-free algorithm, ZooKeeper
  • OAuth
  • deep learning (1, 2)
  • company culture (Holacracy, ROWE, Remote)
  • Three.js
  • cryptography - IPSec, TLS
  • pair programming using tmux (1)
  • ThoughtWorks Technology Radar
  • SciPy documents
  • new Linux syscalls
  • parallel programming using many cores such as Kilocore and Parallella
  • TCP/IP
  • slabtop
  • BEAM, ejabberd structure, GHC, Haskell FPGA


  • personal weekend hackathon
  • upstream training (see OpenStack Japan user group)
  • Gopher Gala
  • Pankyo meetups, conference speech
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