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Created April 2, 2024 19:25
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PostgreSQL data directory structure

If you can connect using psql, then you can use this command:

postgres=# SHOW data_directory;
directory description
base This is the main table storage. Beneath this directory, each database has its own directory, within which the files for each database table or index are located
global Tables that are shared across all databases, including the list of databases.
pg_commit_ts Transaction commit timestamp data
pg_dynshmem Dynamic shared memory information
pg_logical Logical decoding status data
pg_multixact Files used for shared row-level locks
pg_notify LISTEN/NOTIFY status files
pg_replslot Information about replication slots
pg_serial Information on commited serializable transaction
pg_snapshots Exported snapshot files
pg_stat Permanent statistics data
pg_stat_tmp Transient statistics data
pg_subtrans Subtransaction status data
pg_tblspc Symbolic links to tablespace directories
pg_twophase State files for prepared transactions (a.k.a. two-phase commit)
pg_wal Transaction log or Write-Ahead Log
pg_xact Transaction status files

None of the aforementioned directories contain user-modifiable files, nor should any of the files be manually deleted to save space, or for any other reason. Don’t touch it, because you’ll break it, and you may not be able to fix it! It’s not even sensible to copy files in these directories without carefully following the procedures described in Chapter 11, Backup and Recovery. Keep off the grass!

Excerpt From PostgreSQL 16 Administration Cookbook Gianni Ciolli, Boriss Mejías, Jimmy Angelakos, Vibhor Kumar, Simon Riggs This material may be protected by copyright.

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