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Last active September 18, 2023 04:02
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Java program to convert numbers to words
import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class NumberToWordsConverter {
public static final String[] units = { "", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four",
"Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve",
"Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen",
"Eighteen", "Nineteen" };
public static final String[] tens = {
"", // 0
"", // 1
"Twenty", // 2
"Thirty", // 3
"Forty", // 4
"Fifty", // 5
"Sixty", // 6
"Seventy", // 7
"Eighty", // 8
"Ninety" // 9
public static String convert(final int n) {
if (n < 0) {
return "Minus " + convert(-n);
if (n < 20) {
return units[n];
if (n < 100) {
return tens[n / 10] + ((n % 10 != 0) ? " " : "") + units[n % 10];
if (n < 1000) {
return units[n / 100] + " Hundred" + ((n % 100 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 100);
if (n < 100000) {
return convert(n / 1000) + " Thousand" + ((n % 10000 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 1000);
if (n < 10000000) {
return convert(n / 100000) + " Lakh" + ((n % 100000 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 100000);
return convert(n / 10000000) + " Crore" + ((n % 10000000 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 10000000);
public static void main(final String[] args) {
int n;
n = 5;
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(n) + "='" + convert(n) + "'");
n = 16;
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(n) + "='" + convert(n) + "'");
n = 50;
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(n) + "='" + convert(n) + "'");
n = 78;
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(n) + "='" + convert(n) + "'");
n = 456;
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(n) + "='" + convert(n) + "'");
n = 1000;
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(n) + "='" + convert(n) + "'");
n = 99999;
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(n) + "='" + convert(n) + "'");
n = 199099;
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(n) + "='" + convert(n) + "'");
n = 10005000;
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(n) + "='" + convert(n) + "'");
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ghost commented Sep 2, 2017

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class NumberToWordsConverter {

public static final String[] units = { "", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four",
"Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve",
"Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen",
"Eighteen", "Nineteen" };

public static final String[] tens = { 
		"", 		// 0
		"",		// 1
		"Twenty", 	// 2
		"Thirty", 	// 3
		"Forty", 	// 4
		"Fifty", 	// 5
		"Sixty", 	// 6
		"Seventy",	// 7
		"Eighty", 	// 8
		"Ninety" 	// 9

public static String convert(final int n) {
	if (n < 0) {
		return "Minus " + convert(-n);

	if (n < 20) {
		return units[n];

	if (n < 100) {
		return tens[n / 10] + ((n % 10 != 0) ? " " : "") + units[n % 10];

	if (n < 1000) {
		return units[n / 100] + " Hundred" + ((n % 100 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 100);

	if (n < 100000) {
		return convert(n / 1000) + " Thousand" + ((n % 10000 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 1000);

	if (n < 10000000) {
		return convert(n / 100000) + " Lakh" + ((n % 100000 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 100000);

	return convert(n / 10000000) + " Crore" + ((n % 10000000 != 0) ? " " : "") + convert(n % 10000000);

public static void main(final String[] args) {

	int n;
	Scanner s=new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Enter a number to convert into word format");
	n =s.nextInt();
	System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(n) + "='" + convert(n) + "'");



Note: This code is valid for dynamic conversion of numbers.

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Thank you sir for your work.

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int m(long long int a,int b){
return a%10;
void no1(int a){
case 1:printf("One ");break;
case 2:printf("Two ");break;
case 3:printf("Three ");break;
case 4:printf("Four ");break;
case 5:printf("Five ");break;
case 6:printf("Six ");break;
case 7:printf("Seven ");break;
case 8:printf("Eight ");break;
case 9:printf("Nine ");break;
void no2(int a,int b){
int aaa=0;
case 1: switch(b){
case 0:printf("Ten ");break;
case 1:printf("Eleven ");break;
case 2:printf("Twelve ");break;
case 3:printf("Thirteen ");break;
case 4:printf("Fourteen ");break;
case 5:printf("Fifteen ");break;
case 6:printf("Sixteen ");break;
case 7:printf("Seventeen ");break;
case 8:printf("Eighteen ");break;
case 9:printf("Nineteen ");break;
case 2:printf("Twenty ");break;
case 3:printf("Thirty ");break;
case 4:printf("Forty ");break;
case 5:printf("Fifty ");break;
case 6:printf("Sixty ");break;
case 7:printf("Seventy ");break;
case 8:printf("Eighty ");break;
case 9:printf("Ninety ");break;
int main() {
int t;
long long int a;
if(m(a,15)!=0)printf("Hundred ");
if(m(a,15)+m(a,14)+m(a,13)!=0)printf("Trillion ");

        if(m(a,12)!=0)printf("Hundred ");
        if(m(a,12)+m(a,11)+m(a,10)!=0)printf("Billian ");
        if(m(a,9)!=0)printf("Hundred ");
        if(m(a,9)+m(a,8)+m(a,7)!=0)printf("Millian ");
        if(m(a,6)!=0)printf("Hundred ");
        if(m(a,6)+m(a,5)+m(a,4)!=0)printf("Thousand ");
        if(m(a,3)!=0)printf("Hundred ");
return 0;


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How do I Write a Java Program That prompts the user to enter a password and displays it back in the console window. The displayed password should be the entered password halved with the full password total number of characters added at the end.
enter your password: abcd
your password is : ab4

enter your password: abcde
your password is :ab5

Note: always assume that the user will enter a password with at least two characters. Additionally, you don’t need to consider the cases if the password length is an odd number (e.g: if the password length is 5 the program should only display the first two characters along with the full length).

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Thank you sir!

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saecmca commented Dec 26, 2019

Hi, Any one have number to word convert in Romanian Java

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Abdulhay-dev commented Dec 3, 2020

hi , all Best

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Check this one out (by method):

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How about hundred thousands?

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