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Last active March 6, 2022 13:20
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Use clojure.core.async to Implement Http Client Async
;; lein repl
(ns test (:require [clojure.core.async :as async]
[clj-http.client :as client]))
;; define test data
(def urls ["" "" ""])
;; use async/go to build a async http client
(defn fetch-async
(let [ret (async/promise-chan)]
(let [res (client/get url {:socket-timeout 500
:connection-timeout 500})]
(async/put! ret {:result :success :msg (:status res)}))
(catch Exception e (async/put! ret {:result :error :msg (.getMessage e)}))))
;; use async/go to build a async http client but disable apache http client retry feature
(defn fetch-async-without-retry
(let [ret (async/promise-chan)]
(let [res (client/get url {:socket-timeout 500
:connection-timeout 1000
:retry-handler (fn [ex try-count http-context]
(if (> try-count 0) false true))})]
(async/put! ret {:result :success :msg (:status res)}))
(catch Exception e (async/put! ret {:result :error :msg (.getMessage e)}))))
;; test fetach a domain url
(time (async/<!! (fetch-async "")))
;; test fetach an ip url
(time (async/<!! (fetch-async "")))
;; block main thread to get all response data
(let [res-promise (map #(fetch-async %) urls)]
(map #(async/<!! %) res-promise))
;; metric the execute time
(let [res-promise (map #(fetch-async %) urls)]
(map #(time (async/<!! %)) res-promise))
(time (let [res-promise (map #(fetch-async %) urls)]
(map #(async/<!! %) res-promise)))
(let [res-promise (map #(fetch-async %) urls)]
(time (map #(async/<!! %) res-promise)))
;; ~/.lein/profiles.clj
:user {
:plugins [[lein-midje "3.2.1"]
[lein-shell "0.5.0"]]
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.3"]
[rhizome "0.2.9"]
[org.clojure/core.match "1.0.0"]
[buddy/buddy-sign "3.1.0"]
[clj-http "3.12.2"]
[org.clojure/core.async "1.5.648"]
[environ "1.1.0"]
[cheshire "5.10.0"]
[instaparse "1.4.10"]]
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