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Last active February 21, 2019 03:25
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  • Save madc/1f19f440b1bc5e904967c7a9ce2acf0a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save madc/1f19f440b1bc5e904967c7a9ce2acf0a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
post_remove() {
update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
update-desktop-database -q
[[ -z $2 ]] && echo -e "Stopping conveyor.service"
[[ -z $2 ]] && echo -e "Disabling conveyor.service"
systenctl disable conveyor 2>/dev/null
userdel -r conveyor >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
[[ -z "$2" ]] && echo -e "Restoring /run/lock's permissions"
chmod g-w /run/lock
post_install() {
## Reuse post_remove code
post_remove "null" "null"
## Create conveyor user
echo -e "\nAdding user: conveyor"
if ! getent passwd conveyor >/dev/null; then
useradd --system \
-M -d /dev/null \
--shell /bin/false conveyor
gpasswd -a conveyor lp
gpasswd -a conveyor uucp
# Create and set permissions for /var/run/conveyor
mkdir -p -m 3777 /var/run/conveyor
chmod g+s /var/run/conveyor
chgrp conveyor /var/run/conveyor
# Set proper permissions for any existing lock files
chgrp conveyor /var/run/conveyor/* >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
chown conveyor /var/run/conveyor/* >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
chmod 0644 /var/run/conveyor/* >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
# Create and set permissions for /var/log/conveyor
mkdir -p -m 3777 /var/log/conveyor
chmod g+w /var/log/conveyor
chgrp conveyor /var/log/conveyor
# Set proper permissions for any existing log files
chgrp conveyor /var/log/conveyor/* >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
chown conveyor /var/log/conveyor/* >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
chmod 0664 /var/log/conveyor/* >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
echo -e "Changing /run/lock's permissions. Setting g+w"
chmod g+w /run/lock
gpasswd -a conveyor root
chown /var/log/conveyor/conveyord.log
## Enable and start conveyor service
msg2 "Enable and start conveyor.service to be able to connect to printer\n #~ systemctl enable conveyor.service && systemctl start conveyor.service"
post_upgrade() {
touch /var/log/conveyor/conveyord.log
chown conveyor /var/log/conveyor/conveyord.log
#msg2 "Please restart conveyor.service with\n #~ systemctl restart conveyor.service"
# Maintainer: Francisco Martinez <zomernifalt at gmail dot com>
pkgdesc="A complete, free 3D printing solution for discovering, managing, and sharing your 3D prints."
depends=('boost' 'glibc>=2.4' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'libdbus>=1.0.2' 'libgl' 'qt5-base>=5.3.0' 'qt5-webkit>=5.0.2' 'zenity' 'zlib>=1.1.4')
if [ $CARCH == "x86_64" ]; then
# '960a9946a5d20b8e35936d8e55b97da8'
# '15f5ff9c402fff71b59e93a98ff46325'
# "$_baseurl/m/makerware/mb-libjsoncpp_${pkgver}-${_fakeubunturelease}_${_arch}.deb"
# "mb-libjsoncpp_${pkgver}-${_fakeubunturelease}_${_arch}.deb"
package() {
cd ${pkgdir}
msg2 "Extracting DEBs"
for file in $srcdir/*.deb; do ar p $file data.tar.xz | tar -xJ; done
msg2 "Moving files around"
mv lib/udev/ usr/lib/
rm -r lib
for i in program_options filesystem system serialization date_time; do
ln -fs /usr/lib/libboost_$ usr/lib/libboost_$
#msg2 "Creating log files"
#touch /var/log/conveyor/conveyord.log
#chmod g+w /var/log/conveyor/conveyord.log
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TheFeshy commented Aug 28, 2016

makerbot-desktop is still being built against the very old jsoncpp0.6.0rc2 or something like that. You can build that version by using the PKGBUILD linked in the AUR discussion for makerbot-desktop:

With this package installed for jsoncpp, makerware will run, but conveyor-svc still does not. It gives error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/makerbot/python/conveyor-3.8.4-py2.7.egg/conveyor/server/", line 29, in <module> ImportError: No module named serial
I should also mention that I used the latest makerbot-desktop - _fakeubunturelease 16.04 and pkgver 3.9.1

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Okay, I spent the last day messing with it, and have made a package I'm able to print with, but not change settings. Take a look, if you are still interested in getting this to work:

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madc commented Sep 4, 2016

Sorry for the late reply. Seems, one does not get notifications on comments here. Unfortunately, I', quite busy atm but I'll have a proper look at it as soon as possible. The PKGBUILD above was not my last try and i managed to run the Makerbot software once (with a new version of jsoncpp0), but got some errors when i tried to run it again.

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