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Last active July 11, 2018 12:13
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  • Save madcatgith/089f3011e3a974b0139000e65671440b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Дополнительное письмо с купоном при его использовании и добавление купона к письму с заказом
//Дополнительное письмо с купоном при его использовании
AddEventHandler("sale", "OnOrderNewSendEmail", "bxModifySaleMails");
function bxModifySaleMails($orderID, &$eventName, &$arFields)
$additional_information = '';
$arOrder = CSaleOrder::GetByID($orderID);
$order_props = CSaleOrderPropsValue::GetOrderProps($orderID);
$couponList = \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\OrderCouponsTable::getList(array(
'select' => array('COUPON','COUPON_ID'),
'filter' => array('=ORDER_ID' => $orderID)
while ($coupon = $couponList->fetch())
$cp = $coupon['COUPON'];
$cp_id = $coupon['COUPON_ID'];
while ($arProps = $order_props->Fetch()){
if ($arProps['ORDER_PROPS_ID']==2){
$email='E-mail: '.$arProps['VALUE'].'<br>';
if (!empty($cp)&&!empty($cp_id)){
require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_before.php");
$arEventFields = array(
"SITE_NAME" => "",
"DATE" => $arOrder['DATE_INSERT'],
"COUPON" => $cp,
"COUPON_ID" => $cp_id,
"ORDER_ID" => $orderID,
"ORDER_DATE" => $arOrder["DATE_INSERT"],
"SALE_EMAIL" => ""
if (CModule::IncludeModule("main")):
if (CEvent::Send("TICKET_GENERATE_SUPERCOUPON", "s1", $arEventFields)):
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