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Just practicing. I was trying to make a console version of Minesweeper.
Console-based version of Minesweeper 1.01
Copyright (C) <2012> <jAs MLt. Ltd.>
To-do list:
1. Create a function where user can select levels {easy, medium, hard}
2. Create a better procedure for finding nearby mines,
preferably, one less clunky and difficult to read and follow,
and debug, and ... just about everything else.. something
simple, yet, efficient. Elegant..
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
/* Include files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
/* Definitions */
#define BOARD_SIZE 6
#define TRUE 0
#define FALSE 1
/* Global Variables */
// I refuse to have to read in the gameboard for every
// function that calls it..
// Global "lost" variable is kind of stupid, but, it works...
char game_board[BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE];
int lost = 0;
/* Function prototypes */
void display_welcome();
void build_board();
void build_gboard();
void create_mines();
void print_board();
void print_fullboard();
void start();
int play_game();
void play_again();
int check_win_game();
void check_for_mine(int, int);
int check_for_nearby_mines(int, int);
// Main function
int main ()
printf("\nAny time you're ready... Just press ENTER. :)");
// Get rid of welcome screen
return 0;
/* Build board used for created random mines */
void build_board()
int i, j;
// Assign char for board elements
for(i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++)
for(j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; j++)
board[i][j] = 'o';
// Place mines in this board, it remains
// hidden from user until the game has
// finished.
/* Build game board for user input */
void build_gboard()
int i, j;
int row, col, cur = 4;
printf("Creating game board....\nReady..set..\nPLAY!\n\n");
// Assign char 'o' for all board elements
for(i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++)
for(j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; j++)
game_board[i][j] = 'o';
// Print board
for(col = 0; col < BOARD_SIZE; col++)
printf("%d ", col + 1);
for(row = 0; row < BOARD_SIZE; row++)
for(col = 0; col < BOARD_SIZE; col++)
printf("%c ", game_board[row][col]);
printf(" %d ", row + 1);
/* Create random places in the array for mines */
void create_mines()
int i, random;
// Seeding srand() with time(0) so that
// mine locations aren't the same every
// time the game is played.
for (i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++)
random = rand() % (BOARD_SIZE);
board[random][i] = '*';
/* Print the game board */
void print_board()
int row, col;
for(col = 0; col < BOARD_SIZE; col++)
printf("%d ", col + 1);
for(row = 0; row < BOARD_SIZE; row++)
for(col = 0; col < BOARD_SIZE; col++)
printf("%c ", game_board[row][col]);
printf(" %d ", row + 1);
/* Print the full board showing mines */
void print_fullboard()
int row, col;
for(col = 0; col < BOARD_SIZE; col++)
printf("%d ", col + 1);
for(row = 0; row < BOARD_SIZE; row++)
for(col = 0; col < BOARD_SIZE; col++)
printf("%c ", board[row][col]);
printf(" %d ", row + 1);
/* Take user input for playing of the game */
int play_game()
int r_selection = 0, c_selection = 0,
nearbymines = 0, nearbymines2 = 0,
nearbymines3 = 0, nearbymines4 = 0,
nearbymines5 = 0, nearbymines6 = 0,
nearbymines7 = 0, nearbymines8 = 0,
i = 0;
// Recieves data from the user, first the row
// number, then the column number...
// I could think of other ways to do it, but
// this one seemed easiest.
do {
printf("\nMake a selection (ie. row [ENTER] col): \n");
printf("Row--> ");
scanf("%d", &r_selection);
printf("Col--> ");
scanf("%d", &c_selection);
} while(r_selection < 1 || r_selection > BOARD_SIZE || c_selection < 1 || r_selection > BOARD_SIZE);
// ^ Checks for any invalid input statements from user.
check_for_mine(r_selection - 1, c_selection - 1);
if(lost == 1)
return -1;
// Checks for nearby mines at every direction from user
// input location. Assigns that location the number
// of mines found nearby, updating the board.
nearbymines = check_for_nearby_mines(r_selection - 1, c_selection - 1);
game_board[r_selection - 1][c_selection - 1] = (char)( ((int)'0') + nearbymines );
// The following checks for mines nearby elements
// in the array with no mines.. it's a continuous
// loop until either a mine is found, or we
// reach the end of the array & it cannot be checked
// any further. It's big, clunky... but it works..
// It also changes the game_board[] with '0' if no
// mines are found. Very useful piece of code.
// It checks all elements left, right, up, down,
// and all diagonal directions.. by running a function
// that checks these same directions. A bit much
// to follow, though. I'm sure there's a much better
// way. I just don't know it yet.
if(nearbymines == 0)
if(c_selection != BOARD_SIZE)
i = 0;
while(nearbymines == 0 && (c_selection - 1 + i) < BOARD_SIZE)
// This is checking elements to the right
nearbymines = check_for_nearby_mines(r_selection - 1, (c_selection - 1 + i));
if(nearbymines != -1)
game_board[r_selection - 1][(c_selection - 1) + i] = (char) ( ((int)'0') + nearbymines );
if(r_selection != 1)
i = 0;
while(nearbymines5 == 0 && (c_selection - 1 + i) < BOARD_SIZE && (r_selection - 1 - i) > 0)
// This is checking elements to the diagonal-uright
nearbymines5 = check_for_nearby_mines((r_selection - 1 - i), (c_selection - 1 + i));
if(nearbymines5 != -1)
game_board[(r_selection - 1) - i][(c_selection - 1) + i] = (char) ( ((int)'0') + nearbymines5);
if(r_selection != BOARD_SIZE)
i = 0;
while(nearbymines6 == 0 && (r_selection - 1 + i) < BOARD_SIZE && (c_selection - 1 + i) < BOARD_SIZE )
// This is checking elements to the diagonal-dright
nearbymines6 = check_for_nearby_mines((r_selection - 1 + i), (c_selection - 1 + i));
if(nearbymines != -1)
game_board[(r_selection - 1) + i][(c_selection - 1) + i] = (char) ( ((int)'0') + nearbymines6);
if(r_selection != BOARD_SIZE)
i = 0;
while(nearbymines2 == 0 && (r_selection - 1 + i) < BOARD_SIZE)
// This is checking elements heading down
nearbymines2 = check_for_nearby_mines((r_selection - 1 + i), c_selection - 1);
if(nearbymines2 != -1)
game_board[(r_selection - 1) + i][c_selection - 1] = (char) ( ((int)'0') + nearbymines2 );
if(c_selection != BOARD_SIZE)
i = 0;
while(nearbymines7 == 0 && (r_selection - 1 + i) < BOARD_SIZE && (c_selection - 1 - i) > 0)
// This is checking elements to the diagonal-dleft
nearbymines7 = check_for_nearby_mines((r_selection - 1 + i), (c_selection - 1 - i));
if(nearbymines != -1)
game_board[(r_selection - 1) + i][(c_selection - 1) - i] = (char) ( ((int)'0') + nearbymines7);
if(r_selection != 1)
i = 0;
while(nearbymines3 == 0 && (r_selection - i) > 0)
// This is checking elements heading up
nearbymines3 = check_for_nearby_mines((r_selection - 1 - i), c_selection - 1);
if(nearbymines3 != -1)
game_board[(r_selection - 1) - i][c_selection - 1] = (char) ( ((int)'0') + nearbymines3 );
if(c_selection != BOARD_SIZE)
while(nearbymines8 == 0 && (c_selection - 1 - i) > 0 && (r_selection - 1 - i) > 0)
// This is checking elements to the diagonal-uleft
nearbymines8 = check_for_nearby_mines((r_selection - 1 - i), (c_selection - 1 - i));
if(nearbymines8 != -1)
game_board[(r_selection - 1) - i][(c_selection - 1) - i] = (char) ( ((int)'0') + nearbymines8);
if(c_selection != 1)
i = 0;
while(nearbymines4 == 0 && (c_selection - i) > 0)
// This is checking elements to the left
nearbymines4 = check_for_nearby_mines(r_selection - 1, (c_selection - 1 - i));
if(nearbymines4 != -1)
game_board[r_selection - 1][(c_selection - 1) - i] = (char) ( ((int)'0') + nearbymines4 );
// Handles a player winning.
if(check_win_game() == TRUE)
printf("\n\nYou've won the game!! Congrats!!\n\n");
return 0;
/* Check whether user input has selected a mine */
void check_for_mine(int r_select, int c_select)
if(board[r_select][c_select] == '*')
printf("\nYou've hit a mine! You lose!\n");
getchar(); getchar();
lost = 1;
/* Another ridiculous function to find nearby mines.
* I know, I's messy, and needs a rewrite. */
int check_for_nearby_mines(int r_select, int c_select)
int nearby_mine_count = 0;
if(board[r_select][c_select] == '*')
return -1;
// Check for mines below and to the right.
if(r_select < (BOARD_SIZE - 1) && c_select < (BOARD_SIZE - 1))
// Check for mine below
if(board[r_select + 1][c_select] == '*')
// Check for mine to the right.
if(board[r_select][c_select + 1] == '*')
// Check for mine diagonal-dright.
if(board[r_select + 1][c_select + 1] == '*')
// Check whether the columns to the left can be checked
if(c_select != 0)
// Check for mine diagonal-dleft
if(board[r_select + 1][c_select - 1] == '*')
// Check for mine to the left
if(board[r_select][c_select - 1] == '*')
// Check whether the rows above can be checked
if(r_select != 0)
// Check for mine above
if(board[r_select - 1][c_select] == '*')
// Check for mine diagonal-uright
if(board[r_select - 1][c_select + 1] == '*')
// Check whether columns to the left can be checked
if(c_select != 0)
// Check for mine diagonal-uleft
if(board[r_select - 1][c_select - 1] == '*')
// Check if selection is in last row
if(r_select == (BOARD_SIZE - 1) && c_select != (BOARD_SIZE - 1))
// Check for mine above
if(board[r_select - 1][c_select] == '*')
// Check for mine diagonal-uright
if(board[r_select - 1][c_select + 1] == '*')
// Check if selection is in last column
if(c_select == (BOARD_SIZE - 1) && r_select != (BOARD_SIZE - 1))
// Check for mine to the left
if(board[r_select][c_select - 1] == '*')
// Check for mine diagonal-dleft
if(board[r_select + 1][c_select - 1] == '*')
// Check whether selection is last in element
if(r_select == (BOARD_SIZE - 1) && c_select == (BOARD_SIZE - 1))
// Check for mine to the left
if(board[r_select][c_select - 1] == '*')
// Check for mine diagonal-dleft
if(board[r_select - 1][c_select - 1] == '*')
// Check for mine above
if(board[r_select - 1][c_select] == '*')
return nearby_mine_count;
/* Check if user has won game */
int check_win_game()
int row, col;
for(row = 0; row < BOARD_SIZE; row++)
for(col = 0; col < BOARD_SIZE; col++)
if(game_board[row][col] == 'o' && board[row][col] != '*')
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// Ask user if they wish to play again.
void play_again()
char ans;
printf("\n\nWould you like to play again? (y/n) --> ");
scanf(" %c", &ans);
if(toupper(ans) == 'Y')
printf("\n\nThanks for playing! Bye.");
(void) getchar();
// Displays the welcome message, and the GNU License
void display_welcome()
puts("-----------------------Welcome to Minesweeper!---------------------------");
puts("Version: 1.01");
puts("Copyright (C) <2012> <jAs MLt. Ltd.>\n");
printf("This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
"the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n"
"(at your option) any later version.");
void start()
lost = 0; // User hasn't lost yet
// Build both game boards (one for the user to see,
// and the one with the mines).
// Start playing game
} while(lost != 1); // While the user hasn't lost, loop.
// Once user is lost, print the board with all the mines.
// Play again?
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