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Jon Maddox maddox

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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Takes X pictures of you via your iSight, animates them, uploads them to CloudApp, and puts
# the url in your clipboard
# This uses a bunch of projects to make the magic happen, mostly thanks
# to Zach Holman:
cnix / gist:660749
Created November 3, 2010 02:55
Punch Recipe
750ml Meyer's Dark Rum
750ml Meyer's Light Rum
46oz Pineapple Juice
32oz Orange Juice
32oz Mango Juice
tekkub / remux_for_appletv.rb
Created October 20, 2010 21:05
Remux that shit!
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
raise "Specify a video file!" unless mkv_file = ARGV.first
audio_file = mkv_file.gsub(/\.mkv/, ".ac3")
audio_track_file = mkv_file.gsub(/\.mkv/, ".mp4")
video_file = mkv_file.gsub(/\.mkv/, ".264")
m4v_file = mkv_file.gsub(/\.mkv/, ".m4v")
VLC_PATH = "/Applications/"
MP4BOX_PATH = "/Users/tekkub/bin/MP4box"