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Created February 3, 2017 05:44
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python3.5 asyncio dns resolver, based on code from who knows where
The most simple DNS client written for Python with asyncio:
* Only A record is support (no CNAME, no AAAA, no MX, etc.)
* Almost no error handling
* Doesn't support fragmented UDP packets (is it possible?)
import asyncio
import logging
import random
import socket
import struct
import sys
def encode_header(packet_id):
qr = 0 # is a request (or answer)? (no: request), 1 bit
opcode = 0 # standard query, 4 bit
aa = 0 # authorative answer? (no), 1 bit
tc = 0 # truncated? (no), 1 bit
rc = 1 # recursive? (yes), 1 bit
#flags1 = qr | opcode << 1 | aa << 5 | tc << 6 | rc << 7
flags1 = rc | tc << 1 | aa << 2 | opcode | qr << 7
ra = 0 # recursivite allowed? (no), 1 bit
z = 0 # reserved to future use (0), 3 bits
rcode = 0 # reply type (0: no error), 4 bits
#flags2 = ra | z << 1 | rcode << 4
flags2 = rcode | z << 6 | ra << 7
qdcount = 1 # number of questions
ancount = 0 # number of replies
nscount = 0 # number of authorities
arcount = 0 # number of additionals
header = struct.pack('!HBBHHHH', packet_id, flags1, flags2, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount)
assert len(header) == HEADER_LEN
return header
def decode_header(header):
parts = struct.unpack('!HBBHHHH', header)
packet_id, flags1, flags2, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount = parts
#flags1 = rc | tc << 1 | aa << 2 | opcode | qr << 7
#assert qr == 1 # is a request (or answer)? (no: request), 1 bit
#opcode = 0 # standard query, 4 bit
#aa = 0 # authorative answer? (no), 1 bit
#tc = 0 # truncated? (no), 1 bit
#rc = 1 # recursive? (yes), 1 bit
# flags2 = rcode | z << 6 | ra << 7
# ra = 0 # recursivite allowed? (no), 1 bit
# z = 0 # reserved to future use (0), 3 bits
# rcode = 0 # reply type (0: no error), 4 bits
assert nscount == 0 # number of authorities
assert arcount == 0 # number of additionals
return (packet_id, qdcount, ancount)
def decode_query(data, offset):
labels = []
while True:
part_len = data[offset]
offset += 1
if not part_len:
label = data[offset:offset+part_len]
offset += part_len
# FIXME: support unicode
labels = [label.decode('utf-8') for label in labels]
host = '.'.join(labels)
query_type, query_class = struct.unpack('!HH', data[offset:offset+4])
offset += 4
assert query_class == 1
return host, query_type, offset
def decode_cname(data):
data_len = data[0]
subdomain = data[1:1+data_len]
# FIXME: support unicode
subdomain = subdomain.decode('utf-8')
name = data[1+data_len:]
assert len(name) == 2, repr(name)
name = struct.unpack('!H', name)
return (subdomain, name)
def decode_reply(data, offset):
name, reply_type, reply_class, ttl, data_len = struct.unpack("!HHHIH", data[offset:offset+12])
offset += 12
assert reply_class == 1
reply = data[offset:offset+data_len]
offset += data_len
if reply_type == 1:
reply = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, reply)
elif reply_type == 5:
reply = decode_cname(reply)
reply = (name, reply_type, ttl, reply)
return reply, offset
def encode_query(host):
# FIXME: support unicode
parts = [part.encode('ascii') for part in host.split('.')]
query = []
for part in parts:
query.append(struct.pack('!B', len(part)))
query_type = 1 # A record
query_class = 1 # IN
query.append(struct.pack('!HH', query_type, query_class))
return b''.join(query)
class UdpDnsClientProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
def __init__(self):
self.fut = asyncio.Future()
self.transport = asyncio.Future()
self.packet_id = random.randint(0, 2**16-1)
def connection_made(self, transport):
async def get_transport(self):
return await self.transport
async def resolve(self, host):
# try nice well defined async resolve
self.fut = asyncio.Future()
header = encode_header(self.packet_id)
query = encode_query(host)
packet = header + query
t = await self.get_transport()
ip = await asyncio.wait_for(self.fut, 0.5)
return ip
# fall back to getaddrinfo, and finally
res = await loop.getaddrinfo(host, 0)
return res[-1][-1][0]
return ''
def datagram_received(self, data, addr):
result = 'done'
(packet_id, qdcount, ancount) = decode_header(data[:HEADER_LEN])
if packet_id != self.packet_id:
self.error("invalid packet id")
offset = HEADER_LEN
for i in range(qdcount):
host, query_type, offset = decode_query(data, offset)
print("QUERY #%s: %r, %s" % (i, host, query_type))
for i in range(ancount):
reply, offset = decode_reply(data, offset)
name, reply_type, ttl, reply = reply
if reply_type == 1:
result = reply
print("REPLY #%s: %r" % (i, reply))
except Exception as exc:
if not self.fut.cancelled():
if not self.fut.cancelled() and not self.fut.done():
def error_received(self, exc):
print("ERROR RECEIVED", exc)
# TCP only
def connection_lost(self, exc):
if exc:
print("CONNECTION LOST", exc)
if not self.fut.done():
async def build_resolver():
proto = UdpDnsClientProtocol()
conn = await loop.create_datagram_endpoint(lambda: proto, remote_addr=(DNS_SERVER, DNS_PORT))
return proto.resolve
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
async def test():
top1m = [x.strip().split(',')[-1] for x in open('top-1m.csv').read().split('\n') if ',' in x]
resolver = await build_resolver()
for h in top1m:
start = time.time()
res = await resolver(h)
print(h, res)
end = time.time()
print('DUR', end-start)
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