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Created June 30, 2022 14:54
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AutoLISP to automate cable label creation
; Error Handler
(defun MI:Error (msg)
; Error guarding for when you pass Esc.
; Only works on English installs!
(if (not (member msg (list "Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort")))
; if this is genuine error, code backtrace
(princ msg)
) ; if
) ; Error
; Reload Helper
(defun c:RRR () (load "CLINE.lsp") (princ "Code reloaded. *reload sound*") (princ))
; dxf Helper Function
(defun dxf (i l) (cdr (assoc i l)))
; Degree-to-Radian (dtr) Helper Function
(defun dtr (x)
;define degrees to radians function
(* pi (/ x 180.0))
;divide the angle by 180 then
;multiply the result by the constant PI
) ;end of function
;; Get Attribute Values - Lee Mac
;; Returns an association list of attributes present in the supplied block.
;; blk - [ent] Block (Insert) Entity Name
;; Returns: [lst] Association list of ((<tag> . <value>) ... )
(defun LM:getattributevalues (blk / enx)
(if (and (setq blk (entnext blk)) (= "ATTRIB" (cdr (assoc 0 (setq enx (entget blk))))))
(cdr (assoc 2 enx))
(cdr (assoc 1 (reverse enx)))
(LM:getattributevalues blk)
; The Command
(defun MI:cline (direction / *error*
cablenum cabletypename
startlabelblock endlabelblock startoffs endoffs
vertex_lst firstpoint lastpoint line layername
firstnsel firstnent firstent lastnsel lastnent lastent
firstnattribs firstattribs
lastnattribs lastattribs
; lastnsel - selected entity
; ent - entity info with entget
; error guarding
(setq *error* MI:Error)
; do not echo
(setq echo (getvar 'cmdecho))
(setvar 'cmdecho 0)
(setq cablenum (getstring "Enter cable number to draw: "))
(setq cabletype (getreal
"Enter cable type to draw: [1: HDMI/2:CAT/3:Analog Audio/4:Speaker/5:FO/6:RS232/7:Power]:")
;;; TODO: Don't hard code Block Name!!
((= direction "lr") (progn
(setq startlabelblock "CBL-LABEL-LEFT") (setq endlabelblock "CBL-LABEL-RIGHT")
(setq startoffs 180) (setq endoffs 0)
((= direction "rl") (progn
(setq startlabelblock "CBL-LABEL-RIGHT") (setq endlabelblock "CBL-LABEL-LEFT")
(setq startoffs 0) (setq endoffs 180)
((= direction "ll") (progn
(setq startlabelblock "CBL-LABEL-LEFT") (setq endlabelblock "CBL-LABEL-LEFT")
(setq startoffs 180) (setq endoffs 180)
((= direction "rr") (progn
(setq startlabelblock "CBL-LABEL-RIGHT") (setq endlabelblock "CBL-LABEL-RIGHT")
(setq startoffs 0) (setq endoffs 0)
(command "PLINE")
; pause until line is finished
(while (> (getvar 'CmdActive) 0) (command pause))
; save the entity of the created line
(setq line (entget (entlast)))
; get the first and last line of the created polyline
(setq vertex_lst (vl-remove nil (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (= (car x) 10) (cdr x))) line)))
(setq firstpoint (nth 0 vertex_lst))
(setq lastpoint (nth (- (length vertex_lst) 1) vertex_lst))
; set correct layer name and cable type name according to input
((= cabletype 1) (progn (setq layername "HDMI") (setq cabletypename "HDMI")))
((= cabletype 2) (progn (setq layername "CAT") (setq cabletypename "CAT7")))
((= cabletype 3) (progn (setq layername "ANALOG AUDIO") (setq cabletypename "ANALOG AUDIO")))
((= cabletype 4) (progn (setq layername "SPEAKER") (setq cabletypename "SPEAKER")))
((= cabletype 5) (progn (setq layername "FO") (setq cabletypename "FO")))
((= cabletype 6) (progn (setq layername "SERIAL") (setq cabletypename "SERIAL")))
((= cabletype 7) (progn (setq layername "POWER") (setq cabletypename "IEC")))
; change layer to the right cable type
(entmod (subst (cons 8 layername) (assoc 8 line) line))
; create selection from the last point
(setq firstnsel (nentselp (polar firstpoint (dtr 90) 0.5)))
; check selection entity
(if (= 1 (length (last firstnsel)))
; get the nested entity
(setq firstnent (entget (car firstnsel)))
; get the main entity
(setq firstent (entget (car (last firstnsel))))
; get all attributes from the nested entity
(setq firstnattribs (LM:getattributevalues (dxf 330 firstnent)))
; get all attributes from the main entity
(setq firstattribs (LM:getattributevalues (dxf -1 firstent)))
; if length is more than 1
; get the nested entity
(setq firstnent (entget (car (last firstnsel))))
; get the main entity
(setq firstent (entget (cadr (last firstnsel))))
; get all attributes from the nested entity
(setq firstnattribs (LM:getattributevalues (dxf -1 firstnent)))
; get all attributes from the main entity
(setq firstattribs (LM:getattributevalues (dxf -1 firstent)))
; create selection from the last point
(setq lastnsel (nentselp (polar lastpoint (dtr 90) 0.5)))
(if (= 1 (length (last lastnsel)))
; get the nested entity
(setq lastnent (entget (car lastnsel)))
; get the main entity
(setq lastent (entget (car (last lastnsel))))
; get all attributes from the nested entity
(setq lastnattribs (LM:getattributevalues (dxf 330 lastnent)))
; get all attributes from the main entity
(setq lastattribs (LM:getattributevalues (dxf -1 lastent)))
; if length is more than 1
; get the nested entity
(setq lastnent (entget (car (last lastnsel))))
; get the main entity
(setq lastent (entget (cadr (last lastnsel))))
; get all attributes from the nested entity
(setq lastnattribs (LM:getattributevalues (dxf -1 lastnent)))
; get all attributes from the main entity
(setq lastattribs (LM:getattributevalues (dxf -1 lastent)))
; (princ firstattribs)
; (print)
; (princ firstnattribs)
; (print)
; (princ lastattribs)
; (print)
; (princ lastnattribs)
(command "INSERT" startlabelblock (polar firstpoint (dtr startoffs) 0) "1" "1" "0"
(dxf "DEVICE-ID" lastattribs) cablenum cabletypename
; (if (not (or (= nil (dxf "CONNECTOR" lastnattribs)) (= "" (dxf "CONNECTOR" lastnattribs))))
; (strcat (dxf "CONNECTOR" lastnattribs) " " (dxf "DESCRIPTION" lastnattribs))
; (strcat (dxf "CONNECTOR-LABEL" lastnattribs) " " (dxf "DESCRIPTION" lastnattribs))
; )
; (dxf "ROOM" lastattribs)
(command "INSERT" endlabelblock (polar lastpoint (dtr endoffs) 0) "1" "1" "0"
(dxf "DEVICE-ID" firstattribs) cablenum cabletypename
; (if (not (or (= nil (dxf "CONNECTOR" firstnattribs)) (= "" (dxf "CONNECTOR" firstnattribs))))
; (strcat (dxf "CONNECTOR" firstnattribs) " " (dxf "DESCRIPTION" firstnattribs))
; (strcat (dxf "CONNECTOR-LABEL" firstnattribs) " " (dxf "DESCRIPTION" firstnattribs))
; )
; (dxf "ROOM" firstattribs)
; set echo back
(setvar 'cmdecho echo)
; clean exit
(defun c:LRLINE ()
(MI:cline(setq direction "lr"))
(defun c:RLLINE ()
(MI:cline(setq direction "rl"))
(defun c:LLLINE ( / direction)
(MI:cline(setq direction "ll"))
(defun c:RRLINE ( / direction)
(MI:cline(setq direction "rr"))
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