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Last active March 1, 2018 06:35
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Service documentation


[build_status_badge_if_any] [code_coverage_badge_if_any]

Replace this text with service detail description.

  • What is the purpose of this service ?
  • Background why this service is needed



Replace this text with service main features. Add [feature_requirement_spec_doc_link] if any.


Replace this text with ***RESTFUL*** or ***GRPC*** or ***ANY OTHER TYPE***


Replace this text with ***GO*** or ***JAVA*** or ***CLOJURE*** or ***RUBY*** or ***ANY OTHER ELSE*** Make sure to include the version also.


Replace this text with detail step-by-step:

  • what are pre-requisites needed to run this service e.g. install libraries, plugins, etc
  • how to setup application config
    • what mandatory keys should be changed to enable development
  • how to run tests in this service
  • how to do database migration


Replace this text with detail about how to run the test

  • make sure to inform readers that all test should be run and return success


If the type of this service is **RESTFUL**, then you can go to Swagger

If the type of this service is **GRPC**, then you can add information as below.

  • description for the service as to what it does, why it’s needed, potential callers etc.


Replace this text if you encountered any issue during development and know how to solve the issue.


  • Link to external diagrams (if any)
  • Other information related to this service


Replace this text with things (items) that need attention before submitting a deployment diagram. For example:

  • If you add a new configuration in e.g. application.yml, then you need to add to cookbook, etc.


Replace this with project folder structure. It would be great if you can share the description for each folder. e.g.

|- application.default.yml
|- src
    |- api
    |- dao
    |- models           ~> logical structure of data
    |- repositories     ~> call layer to database, cache, etc
    |- services
|- test
    |- repositories
    |- services


Replace this text with detail step-by-step about how to start coding in this service. e.g.

models ~> dao ~> repositories ~> services ~> api


If the application has a database, it’s helpful to know the type of database, the version, and if possible, the data model diagram or table information as below.


Key Type Description
user_id string user_id is using uuid generated by the service

***It would be great if there's any tools that can generate the diagram from a schema ***

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