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How to maybe remove Oracle's firewall bullshit and be able to use your firewall as intended.

Yeah so Oracle has a nice way to welcome you. They have 2 kind of firewall apparently.

The first one, and maybe the most obvious, is the one available on your dashboard. The second one is located on your machine (ufw, Iptables, etc... Just what you use, I recommend ufw)

The problem with that is that Oracle alter the OS you may have installed and most especially iptable's configuration which is located in your machine. And we all know how terrible iptables is.

What you have to do to unlock your iptables and fully control your internal firewall is the following (Apparently?)

sudo iptables --flush
sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
sudo netfilter-persistent save
sudo dpkg-reconfigure iptables-persistent

Then reboot your machine and do sudo iptables -L | grep Oracle. If everything gone fine, there should be no output and your firewall is fully unlocked. Consider setting up your firewall correctly with ufw now.

This gist is public, but is mainly a reminder for me, be aware of what you're running.

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