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Last active April 11, 2024 20:22
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extra notes for installing and working with nvidia instant-ngp

instant-ngp Extra Notes

Installing instant-ngp

Installation Instructions:

  • If you're running a CUDA capable gpu, change the download_colmap.bat scricpt to downlad colmap with CUDA:
echo Downloading COLMAP...
:: powershell -Command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', '')"
powershell -Command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', '')"

From Video

  1. Download the video into a instant-ngp\data\exmaple folder.
  2. Convert the video into frames using scripts\ The goal is to have 50-150 non-blurry images:
python scripts\ --video_in data\nerf\example\input.MOV --video_fps 2 --run_colmap --overwrite
  1. Use colmap to generate the camera transforms (transforms.json) that instant-ngp needs:
cd data\nerf\examaple
python ..\..\..\scripts\  --colmap_matcher exhaustive --run_colmap --aabb_scale 16 --overwrite
  1. Run instant-ngp on the images and camera transforms. It will auto-detect files in the \images folder:
cd ..\..\..
instant-ngp data\nerf\example

From Images

  1. Put images in an \images folder within a instant-ngp\data\exmaple folder.
  2. Use colmap to generate the camera transforms (transforms.json) that instant-ngp needs:
cd data\nerf\examaple
python ..\..\..\scripts\  --colmap_matcher exhaustive --run_colmap --aabb_scale 16 --overwrite
  1. Run instant-ngp on the images and camera transforms. It will auto-detect files in the \images folder:
cd ..\..\..
instant-ngp data\nerf\example

Tips & Tricks

  • It's not that quick (on a laptop RTX 3090).
    • Colmap video to images: 10-15 minutes.
    • Colmap camera transforms: 10-15 minutes.
    • Rendering 5-30 minutes, depending on settings.
    • Anticipate ~30-45 minutes for pipeline processing
  • The mesh quality is not that great.
    • Good as a reference.
    • Not good enough as a "game ready" asset.
  • Keep the camera pointed at the same focal point to help with convergence.
    • instant-ngp bases the position / orientation of the final output on the average focal point
  • Image Resolution matters a lot
    • The amount of "zoom-in" detail depends on image resolution.
  • Fast shutter speed matters a lot
    • Output is degraded by images with motion blur.
    • Taking "slow motion" high-speed video seems to work better
  • Standard photogrammetry stuff:
    • Avoid reflective surfaces.
    • Use consistent lighting.
    • ...
  • Useful video tutorial:
  • More useful Ttips: Tips for training NeRF models with Instant Neural Graphics Primitives
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