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Last active August 5, 2018 03:41
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Exercise for strings in Kotlin
var str: String = "Hello World!" //With type specification
var str1 = "Get started with Kotlin strings" //With out type specification
var str2 = str + ", "
var emptyString = String()//Creating an empty string
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
str2 += str1
println(str) //Result: Hello World!
println(str1) //Result: Get started with Kotlin strings
println(str2) //Result: Hello World!, Get started with Kotlin strings
//String Manipulation
//Length of the string
println("Length of str2: " + str2.length) //Result: Length of str2: 45
println("Character at the index 10 of the string: " + str2.get(10)) //Result: Character at the index 10 of the string: d
println("Substring from str1: " + str1.subSequence(16,23)) //Result: Substring from str1: Kotlin
//String comparison
var strCompare = "Hello WORLD!"
println(strCompare.compareTo(str)) //Result: -32
//Using ignoreCase parameter
println(strCompare.compareTo(str, true)) //Result: 0
//Accessing characters in a string
//Using index operator
println("Index operator: Character at 5th position: " + str[4]) //Result: Index operator: Character at 5th position: o
//Using get method
println("Get method: Character at 5th position: " + str.get(4)) //Result: Get method: Character at 5th position: o
//String iteration
for(element in str) {
//String templates
var len = str1.length
//Inserting a variable
println("Length of str1 is $len") //Result: Length of str1 is 31
//Inserting an expression
println("Length of str1 is ${str1.length}") //Result: Length of str1 is 31
//To use the $ symbol in a string we need to escape the character
var escapedDollar = "Balance is \$45"
println(escapedDollar) //Result: Balance is $45
//Raw strings => These are placed inside triple quotes. We don't have to escape characters here.
//Used in multilines without concatenation. It is handy while specifying file/directory path
var rawString = """Hi Kotlin
Where to find your tutorials?
I'm eager to learn you.\n"""
//Result: Hi Kotlin
// Where to find your tutorials?
// I'm eager to learn you.\n
//trimMargin() to remove the whitespacing.
rawString = """Hi Kotlin
|Where to find your tutorials?
|I'm eager to learn you.\n""".trimMargin("|")
//Result: Hi Kotlin
//Where to find your tutorials?
//I'm eager to learn you.\n
//String templates and raw strings
var strTemplate = "Hi Kotlin, "
var rawStr = """$strTemplate
|Your balance is $60.00""".trimMargin("|")
//Result: Hi Kotlin,
//Your balance is $60.00
//Overriding String method
class Person(var name: String, var age: Int) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "Person name is $name and age is $age"
var person = Person("Madhan", 25)
println(person) // Result: Person name is Madhan and age is 25
//String equality
//Two types
//Referential equality(===): Checks the references are same.
//Structural equality(==): Checks the contents are equal
var s1 = "Kotlin"
var s2 = "How are you"
var s3 = "Kotlin"
var s4 = "Kot"
var s5 = "lin"
var s6 = s4 + s5
println(s1===s2) // Result: false, s1 and s2 points to different strings
println(s1===s3) // Result: true, s1 and s2 points to the same string in the StringPool
println(s1==s3) // Result: true, since contents are equal
println(s1==s2) // Result: false, since contents are not equal
println(s1==s6) // Result: true, since the contents are equal
println(s3==s6) // Result: true, since the contents are equal
println(s1===s6) // Result: false, since s6 is made up of two different strings. Therefore, s1 and s6 points to different strings
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