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Forked from NotOctogonapus/DefaultDhSolver.groovy
Last active June 21, 2019 21:25
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InputArmBase_copy copy of InputArmBase
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.neuronrobotics.sdk.addons.kinematics.DHChain;
import com.neuronrobotics.sdk.addons.kinematics.DHLink;
import com.neuronrobotics.sdk.addons.kinematics.DhInverseSolver;
import com.neuronrobotics.sdk.addons.kinematics.math.TransformNR;
import com.neuronrobotics.sdk.common.Log;
import Jama.Matrix;
import com.neuronrobotics.kinematicschef.InverseKinematicsEngine
return InverseKinematicsEngine.instance
return new DhInverseSolver() {
public double[] inverseKinematics(
TransformNR target,
double[] jointSpaceVector,
DHChain chain
) {
ArrayList<DHLink> links = chain.getLinks();
if (links.size() < 3) {
return jointSpaceVector
// THis is the jacobian for the given configuration
//Matrix jacobian = chain.getJacobian(jointSpaceVector);
Matrix taskSpacMatrix = target.getMatrixTransform();
int linkNum = jointSpaceVector.length;
double[] inv = new double[linkNum];
// This is the d offset between the shoulder CoR and the wrist CoR
// r is RED, d is GREEN
double offsetFromShoulderCoRToWristCoR = links.get(1).getD() - links.get(2).getD();
double shoulderHorizontalOffset = links.get(0).getR();
// Length to the target from the origin in the XY plane
double lengthXYPlaneVect = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(target.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(target.getY(), 2));
// Angle from link 0 to link 1
double angleXYPlaneVect = Math.asin(target.getY() / lengthXYPlaneVect);
double angleRectangleAdjustedXY = Math.asin(offsetFromShoulderCoRToWristCoR / lengthXYPlaneVect);
double lengthRectangleAdjustedXY = lengthXYPlaneVect * Math.cos(angleRectangleAdjustedXY) - shoulderHorizontalOffset;
double orientation = angleXYPlaneVect - angleRectangleAdjustedXY;
if (Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(orientation)) < 0.01){
orientation = 0;
// These become the wrist center
double ySet = lengthRectangleAdjustedXY * Math.sin(orientation);
double xSet = lengthRectangleAdjustedXY * Math.cos(orientation);
double zSet = target.getZ() - links.get(0).getD();
if (links.size() >= 6) {
double tipAngulationSum = Math.toDegrees(
links.get(1).getTheta() +
links.get(2).getTheta() +
if (tipAngulationSum == 90) {
zSet += links.get(5).getD();
} else {
xSet -= links.get(5).getR() * Math.cos(orientation);
ySet -= links.get(5).getR() * Math.sin(orientation);
} else if (links.size() >= 5) {
double tipAngulationSum = Math.toDegrees(
links.get(1).getTheta() +
links.get(2).getTheta() +
if (tipAngulationSum == 90) {
zSet += links.get(4).getD();
} else {
xSet -= links.get(4).getR() * Math.cos(orientation);
ySet -= links.get(4).getR() * Math.sin(orientation);
} else if (links.size() >= 4) {
double tipAngulationSum = Math.toDegrees(
links.get(1).getTheta() +
links.get(2).getTheta() +
if (tipAngulationSum == 90) {
zSet += links.get(3).getR();
} else {
xSet -= links.get(3).getR() * Math.cos(orientation);
ySet -= links.get(3).getR() * Math.sin(orientation);
// Actual target for analytical solution is above the target minus the z offset
TransformNR overGripper = new TransformNR(
xSet, ySet, zSet,
double l1 = links.get(1).getR();
double l2 = links.get(2).getR();
double l3 = links.get(3).getD();
double l5 = links.get(5).getD();
double lengthFromShoulderToWristCenter = Math.sqrt(
xSet * xSet +
ySet * ySet +
zSet * zSet
if (lengthFromShoulderToWristCenter < 0) {
def errorMsg = "lengthFromShoulderToWristCenter less than zero: " + lengthFromShoulderToWristCenter + "\n"
throw new RuntimeException(errorMsg);
} else if (lengthRectangleAdjustedXY < 0) {
def errorMsg = "lengthRectangleAdjustedXY less than zero: " + lengthRectangleAdjustedXY + "\n"
throw new RuntimeException(errorMsg);
double a = l2;
double b = l1;
double c = lengthFromShoulderToWristCenter;
double A = Math.acos((Math.pow(b, 2) + Math.pow(c, 2) - Math.pow(a, 2)) / (2.0 * b * c));
double B = Math.acos((Math.pow(c, 2) + Math.pow(a, 2) - Math.pow(b, 2)) / (2.0 * a * c));
double C = Math.PI - A - B; // rule of triangles
double elevation = Math.asin(zSet / lengthFromShoulderToWristCenter);
inv[0] = Math.toDegrees(orientation);
inv[1] = -Math.toDegrees(A + elevation + links.get(1).getTheta());
if ((int)links.get(1).getAlpha() == 180){
inv[2] = Math.toDegrees(C) -
180 - // interior angle of the triangle, map to external angle
} else if((int)links.get(1).getAlpha() == 0){
inv[2] = -Math.toDegrees(C) +
if (links.size() > 3) {
// keep it parallel
// the wrist twist will always be 0 for this model because we assume that 3 links won't have a twist
inv[3] = -(inv[1] + inv[2]);
} else if(links.size() > 4) {
// keep the tool orientation parallel to the base
// this link points in the same direction as the first link
inv[4] = inv[0];
for (int i = 0; i < inv.length; i++){
if (Math.abs(inv[i]) < 0.01){
inv[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < linkNum; i++) {
print(inv[i] + ", ")
return inv;
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
> <x>0.0</x>
<centerOfMassFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
<imuFromCentroid> <x>0.0</x>
import com.neuronrobotics.bowlerstudio.creature.ICadGenerator;
import com.neuronrobotics.bowlerstudio.vitamins.*;
import javafx.scene.transform.Affine;
import com.neuronrobotics.bowlerstudio.physics.TransformFactory;
return new ICadGenerator(){
private CSG reverseDHValues(CSG incoming,DHLink dh ){
println "Reversing "+dh
TransformNR step = new TransformNR(dh.DhStep(0))
Transform move = TransformFactory.nrToCSG(step)
return incoming.transformed(move)
private CSG moveDHValues(CSG incoming,DHLink dh ){
TransformNR step = new TransformNR(dh.DhStep(0)).inverse()
Transform move = TransformFactory.nrToCSG(step)
return incoming.transformed(move)
public ArrayList<CSG> generateCad(DHParameterKinematics d, int linkIndex) {
ArrayList<DHLink> dhLinks = d.getChain().getLinks()
DHLink dh = dhLinks.get(linkIndex)
// Transform used by the UI to render the location of the object
Affine manipulator = dh.getListener();
CSG rLink =new Cube(dh.getRadius(),5,5).toCSG().toXMax()
//rLink = moveDHValues(rLink, dh)
CSG dLink = new Cube(5, 5, dh.getDelta()).toCSG().toZMin()
dLink = moveDHValues(dLink, dh)
ArrayList<CSG> allCad=[dLink, rLink];
for(CSG cad:allCad){
//If you want you can add things here
return allCad;
public ArrayList<CSG> generateBody(MobileBase b ) {
println "Making Base "
ArrayList<CSG> allCad=[]; //new Cube(10).toCSG()
// Transform used by the UI to render the location of the object
Affine manipulator = b.getRootListener();
for(CSG cad:allCad){
//If you want you can add things here
return allCad;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import org.reactfx.util.FxTimer;
import com.neuronrobotics.sdk.addons.kinematics.DHParameterKinematics;
import com.neuronrobotics.sdk.addons.kinematics.MobileBase;
import com.neuronrobotics.sdk.addons.kinematics.math.RotationNR;
import com.neuronrobotics.sdk.addons.kinematics.math.TransformNR;
import com.neuronrobotics.sdk.util.ThreadUtil;
import com.neuronrobotics.sdk.addons.kinematics.IDriveEngine;
double stepOverHeight=5;
long stepOverTime=200;
Double zLock=5;
Closure calcHome = { DHParameterKinematics leg ->
TransformNR h=leg.calcHome()
TransformNR legRoot= leg.getRobotToFiducialTransform()
TransformNR tr = leg.forwardOffset(new TransformNR())
//Bambi-on-ice the legs a bit
return h;
boolean usePhysicsToMove = true;
long stepCycleTime =5000
long walkingTimeout =stepCycleTime*2
int numStepCycleGroups = 2
double standardHeadTailAngle = -20
double staticPanOffset = 10
double coriolisGain = 1
boolean headStable = false
double maxBodyDisplacementPerStep = 20
double minBodyDisplacementPerStep = 15
def ar = [stepOverHeight,
return ScriptingEngine
"", // git location of the library
"Bowler/DynamicWalking.groovy" , // file to load
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