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Last active July 2, 2024 19:35
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Demonstrate the new bezier extrude API
import javax.vecmath.Vector3d
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.CSG
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Cube
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Extrude;
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Transform
CSG part = new Cube(10).toCSG()
ArrayList<CSG> parts = new ArrayList<CSG>()
int numParts = 10
for(int i=0;i<numParts;i++){
//println scale
// A full bezier extrud with the gaps between the parts filled with a convex hull of the part
def fullBezier = Extrude.bezier( parts,
[(double)0.0,(double)0.0,(double)300.0], // Control point one
[(double)200.0,(double)200.0,(double)-150.0], // Control point two
[(double)200.0,(double)200.0,(double)300.0]// Endpoint
// thake the parts and just move to locations along the bezier curve
def movedCubesBezier = Extrude.moveBezier( parts,
[(double)0,(double)0,(double)300], // Control point one
[(double)200,(double)200,(double)-150], // Control point two
[(double)200,(double)200,(double)300] // Endpoint
// This is for creating a set of frame transformations from the bezier parameters
// this can be used for complex part creation or for path planning
ArrayList<Transform> transforms = Extrude.bezierToTransforms( new Vector3d(0,(double)0,(double)300), // Control point one
new Vector3d((double)200,(double)200,(double)-150), // Control point two
new Vector3d((double)200,(double)200,(double)300), // Endpoint
numParts// Iterations
return fullBezier
"bezier": {
"start point": [
"control two": [
"end point": [
"control one": [
"number of points": [
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.svg.*;
import com.neuronrobotics.bowlerkernel.Bezier3d.BezierEditor
import com.neuronrobotics.bowlerstudio.scripting.ScriptingEngine
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.CSG
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Cube
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Extrude;
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.v3d.Transform
def URL = ""
File f = ScriptingEngine
URL,//git repo URL
"airFoil.svg"// File from within the Git repo
def file="bez.json"
//Git stored file loaded but not saved
BezierEditor editor = new BezierEditor(ScriptingEngine.fileFromGit("", file),20)
//Git file loaded and saved. THis will do a git call on each event of change
//BezierEditor editor = new BezierEditor(URL, file,10)
ArrayList<Transform> transforms = editor.transforms()
//def modelParts = CSG.unionAll(Extrude.hull(new Cube(20).toCSG(), transforms))
//return [editor.get(),modelParts]
SVGLoad s = new SVGLoad(f.toURI())
ArrayList<CSG>foil = s.extrude(0.01,0.01)
CSG part = foil.get(0)
ArrayList<CSG> parts = new ArrayList<CSG>()
int numParts = editor.getNumParts()
for(int i=0;i<numParts;i++){
double scale = (5+4*Math.cos(Math.PI*1*i/numParts)
double twistAngle = Math.toDegrees(Math.cos(Math.PI*2*i/numParts))
//println scale
def modelParts = Extrude.hull(parts, transforms)
return [editor.get(),modelParts]
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