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Last active January 15, 2017 16:19
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@AutoValue public static abstract class SectionArticle {
@Nullable public abstract Article article();
@Nullable public abstract String category();
public static SectionArticle createCategory(Article article) {
return new AutoValue_SectionArticlesActivity_SectionArticle(null, article.category());
public static SectionArticle createArticle(Article article) {
return new AutoValue_SectionArticlesActivity_SectionArticle(article, null);
public boolean isCategory() {
return article() == null;
public boolean isArticle() {
return category() == null;
public int compare(SectionArticle that) {
if (this.isCategory() && that.isCategory()) {
return this.category().compareToIgnoreCase(that.category());
} else if (this.isCategory() && that.isArticle()) {
if (this.category().equalsIgnoreCase(that.article().category())) {
return -1;
} else {
return this.category().compareToIgnoreCase(that.article().category());
} else if (this.isArticle() && that.isCategory()) {
if (this.article().category().equalsIgnoreCase(that.category())) {
return 1;
} else {
return this.article().category().compareToIgnoreCase(that.category());
} else {
if (this.article().category().equalsIgnoreCase(that.article().category())) {
return this.article().compare(that.article());
} else {
return this.article().category().compareToIgnoreCase(that.article().category());
public boolean areContentsTheSame(SectionArticle that) {
return this.equals(that);
public boolean areItemsTheSame(SectionArticle that) {
if (this.isCategory() && that.isCategory()) {
return this.category().equalsIgnoreCase(that.category());
} else if (this.isArticle() && that.isArticle()) {
return this.article().id() == that.article().id();
return false;
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