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Created November 16, 2016 23:32
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Johachim Breitner's Applicative showcase, free applicative version
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Freegram where
import Bnf
import Parser
import Control.Applicative.Free.Final
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
data DescrF a where
CharD :: Char -> DescrF ()
ManyD :: Descr a -> DescrF [a]
OrElseD :: Descr a -> Descr a -> DescrF a
PrimitiveD :: String -> Parser a -> DescrF a
NonTerminalD :: String -> Descr a -> DescrF a
type Descr = Ap DescrF
-- We need interpreters to replace the type classes instances.
toParser :: Descr a -> Parser a
toParser = runAp
CharD c -> charP c
ManyD d -> manyP (toParser d)
OrElseD a b -> orElseP (toParser a) (toParser b)
PrimitiveD _ p -> p
NonTerminalD _ d -> toParser d
toGrammar :: Descr a -> Grammar a
toGrammar = runAp
CharD c -> charG c
ManyD d -> manyG (toGrammar d)
OrElseD a b -> orElseG (toGrammar a) (toGrammar b)
PrimitiveD name _ -> primitiveG name
NonTerminalD name d -> nonTerminalG name (toGrammar d)
-- Some utilities derived from that
parseD :: Descr a -> String -> Maybe a
parseD d = parse (toParser d)
ppD :: String -> Descr a -> String
ppD main descr = ppGrammar main (toGrammar descr)
-- And wrappers for our DescrF values.
char :: Char -> Descr ()
char = liftAp . CharD
many :: Descr a -> Descr [a]
many = liftAp . ManyD
orElse :: Descr a -> Descr a -> Descr a
a `orElse` b = liftAp $ a `OrElseD` b
primitive :: String -> Parser a -> Descr a
primitive name parser = liftAp $ PrimitiveD name parser
nonTerminal :: String -> Descr a -> Descr a
nonTerminal name d = liftAp $ NonTerminalD name d
-- The remaining is simple copy paste from the original article,
-- updating type signatures to line up.
many1 :: Descr a -> Descr [a]
many1 p = pure (:) <*> p <*> many p
anyChar :: Descr Char
anyChar = primitive "char" anyCharP
dottedWords :: Descr [String]
dottedWords = many1 (many anyChar <* char '.')
sepBy :: Descr a -> Descr () -> Descr [a]
sepBy p1 p2 = ((:) <$> p1 <*> (many (p2 *> p1))) `orElse` pure []
newline :: Descr ()
newline = primitive "newline" (charP '\n')
-- And then examples. The only thing that changed are the types.
parseCSV :: Descr [[String]]
parseCSV = many parseLine
parseLine = nonTerminal "line" $
parseCell `sepBy` char ',' <* newline
parseCell = nonTerminal "cell" $
char '"' *> many (primitive "not-quote" (anyCharButP '"')) <* char '"'
type INIFile = [(String, [(String, String)])]
descrINI :: Descr INIFile
descrINI = many1 parseSection
parseSection = nonTerminal "section" $
(,) <$ char '['
<*> parseIdent
<* char ']'
<* newline
<*> (catMaybes <$> many parseLine)
parseIdent = nonTerminal "identifier" $
many1 (primitive "alphanum" letterOrDigitP)
parseLine = nonTerminal "line" $
parseDecl `orElse` parseComment `orElse` parseEmpty
parseDecl = nonTerminal "declaration" $ Just <$> (
(,) <$> parseIdent
<* spaces
<* char '='
<* spaces
<*> remainder)
parseComment = nonTerminal "comment" $
Nothing <$ char '#' <* remainder
remainder = nonTerminal "line-remainder" $
many1 (primitive "non-newline" (anyCharButP '\n')) <* newline
parseEmpty = Nothing <$ newline
spaces = nonTerminal "spaces" $ many (char ' ')
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