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Last active March 18, 2018 17:54
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Lambda calculus simplifier and interpreter in SWI prolog
* AST definition
:- op(100, fx , (:)).
:- op(200, yfx, ($)).
:- op(300, xfy, (->)).
isName(N) :- N =.. [_].
isExpr(:N ) :- isName(N).
isExpr(N -> E) :- isName(N), isExpr(E).
isExpr(A $ B ) :- isExpr(A), isExpr(B).
* Parser
* We use the prolog functor syntax and transform it into curried function application.
* We also accept lists, since the function to apply may not be a simple named term.
* For instance:
* | Traditional λ-calculus | Internal AST | "Functor syntax" | "List syntax" |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | term | :term | term | term |
* | f x | f $ x | f(x) | [f, x] |
* | f x y <=> (f x) y | f $ x $ y | f(x, y) | [f, x, y] |
* | λx. e | x -> e | x -> e | x -> e |
* | (λx. x) y | (x -> :x) $ :y | Not expressible | [x -> x, y] |
* ...
% parse(RawExpr, AST).
parse(N -> E, N -> EAST) :- !, isName(N), parse(E, EAST).
parse(N, :N) :- isName(N), !.
parse([N | Args], AST) :- !, uncurry([N | Args], nil, AST).
parse(F, AST) :- F =.. Apps, !, uncurry(Apps, nil, AST).
% uncurry(NonEmptyList RawExpr, Maybe Accum, AST).
uncurry([E] , nil , AST) :- !, parse(E, AST).
uncurry([E] , some(Acc), Acc $ AST) :- !, parse(E, AST).
uncurry([E | A], nil , AST) :- !, parse(E, EAST), uncurry(A, some(EAST), AST).
uncurry([E | A], some(Acc), AST) :- !, parse(E, EAST), uncurry(A, some(Acc $ EAST), AST).
* Base definitions
% subst(InputExpr, Name, Value, OutputExpr).
subst(:X , X, V, V ) :- !.
subst(:X , _, _, :X ).
subst(X -> E, X, _, X -> E ) :- !. % Shadowing rule
subst(Y -> E, X, V, Y -> S ) :- subst(E, X, V, S).
subst(A $ B , X, V, SA $ SB) :- subst(A, X, V, SA), subst(B, X, V, SB).
% appears(Expr, Name).
appears(:X , X).
appears(N -> E, X) :- N \= X, appears(E, X).
appears(A $ B , X) :- appears(A, X) ; appears(B, X).
% appearsAtMostOnce(Expr, Name).
appearsAtMostOnce(:_ , _).
appearsAtMostOnce(N -> E, X) :- N = X, ! ; appearsAtMostOnce(E, X).
appearsAtMostOnce(A $ B , X) :- \+ appears(A, X), appearsAtMostOnce(B, X), !
; \+ appears(B, X), appearsAtMostOnce(A, X).
* Lambda calculus substitution rules
% alpha(In, Name, Out).
%alpha(X -> E, Y, Y -> S) :- \+ appears(E, Y), subst(E, X, :Y, S).
% Edit: There is a bug in the above definition. It does not take into
% account scenarii such as the following :
% (λx. λy. x) ≠ (λy. λy. y)
% (the presence of `y` in binders is not checked)
% beta(In, Out).
beta((X -> Body) $ Arg, S) :- subst(Body, X, Arg, S).
% eta(In, Out).
eta(X -> E $ :X, E) :- \+ appears(E, X).
* Evaluation
% simplify(In, Out). Guaranteed to terminate
% (Proof hint: Introduce a function that measures the relative size of expressions;
% What can you tell about the simplification operations ?)
simplify(:X, :X).
simplify(N -> B, R) :- simplify(B, SB), simplifyNonRec(N -> SB, S)
, ( N -> SB = S, !, S = R % Fixpoint reached
; simplify(S, R) % Otherwise, keep going
simplify(A $ B, R) :- simplify(A, SA), simplify(B, SB), simplifyNonRec(SA $ SB, S)
, ( SA $ SB = S, !, S = R
; simplify(S, R)
simplifyNonRec((X -> Body) $ Arg, S)
:- appearsAtMostOnce(Body, X), !
, beta((X -> Body) $ Arg, S).
simplifyNonRec(X, S)
:- eta(X, S), !.
simplifyNonRec((X -> Body) $ :N, S)
:- !, beta((X -> Body) $ :N, S).
simplifyNonRec(X, X).
% deepEval(In, Out). May diverge though it will detect some loops and stop evaluating.
deepEval(:X, :X).
deepEval(N -> B, N -> R) :- deepEval(B, R).
deepEval(A $ B, R) :- deepEval(A, RA), deepEval(B, RB), evalNonRec(RA $ RB, S)
, ( RA $ RB = S, !, S = R % Fixpoint reached
; deepEval(S, R) % Otherwise, keep going
evalNonRec(E, R) :- beta(E, R), !.
evalNonRec(E, E).
% safeEval(Limit, In, Out). May time out.
safeEval(Lim, I, O) :-
call_with_time_limit(Lim, deepEval(I, O)),
O = timed_out
* Utility REPL testing predicates
% test(Expr, Simp, Eval).
test(Expr, Simp, Eval) :- ( parse(Expr, AST), isExpr(AST) ; writeln("Syntax error or parser crash"), fail ),
( simplify(AST, Simp), ! ; Simp = crashed ),
( safeEval(5, AST, Eval), ! ; Eval = crashed ).
/* examples
% simplifier test.
[a -> b -> a(x -> a(x)), x(y)],
Simp, Eval).
% Omega. deepEval detects the divergence.
[x -> x(x), x -> x(x)],
Simp, Eval).
% Some variant of omega. deepEval does not detect the divergence.
[x -> x(x, x), x -> x(x, x)],
Simp, Eval).
% For my Sum Type Ménagerie.
Left = x -> l -> r -> l(x),
Right = x -> l -> r -> r(x),
Id = x -> x,
Const = a -> b -> a,
Main = [Right, "lol", [Const, ""], Id],
test(Main, Simp, Eval).
% Church arithmetic
Zero = z -> s -> z,
Succ = n -> z -> s -> s(n(z, s)),
Plus = n -> m -> z -> s -> n(m(z, s), s),
Times= n -> m -> z -> s -> n(z, acc -> m(acc, s)),
Three= [Succ, [Succ, [Succ, Zero]]],
test([Times, Three, Three], Simp, Eval).
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