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Created August 20, 2017 08:24
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CodeMode with Madis dependencies

Tools used


  1. org/clojure/tools.cli
  • library for working with command line arguments
  1. org.clojure/core.memoize
  • A manipulable, pluggable, memoization framework for Clojure
  1. raven.clj
  • A Clojure interface to Sentry
  • Open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time
  1. mavem-model
  • Model(s) for Maven POM (Project Object Model)
  1. org.cemerick/pomegranate
  • A sane Clojure API for Sonatype Aether + dynamic runtime modification of the classpath
  1. org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils
  • Various utility classes to ease working with strings, files, command lines, XML and more.
  • Apache maven uses it
  1. ring-middleware-format
  • Ring middleware for parsing parameters and emitting responses in JSON or other formats
  1. factual/durable-queue
  • a disk-backed queue for clojure
  1. org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc
  • SQLite JDBC Driver
  1. org.apache.jclouds/jclouds-all
  • multi-cloud toolkit for the Java platform that gives you the freedom to create applications that are portable across clouds while giving you full control to use cloud-specific features
  1. org.clojure/tools.logging
  • Logging macros which delegate to a specific logging implementation
  1. org.apache.commons/commons-email
  • API for sending email.
  • Built on top of the Java Mail API, which it aims to simplify
  1. net.cgrand/regex
  • Clojure notation (DSL) for regexes
  • reuse regexes or parts of them and also adds support for named groups
  1. com.cemerick/friend
  • An extensible authentication and authorization library for Clojure Ring web applications and services
  1. clj-stacktrace
  • A library for creating more readable stacktraces in Clojure program
  1. ring/ring-anti-forgery
  • Ring middleware that prevents CSRF attacks by via a randomly-generated anti-forgery token
  1. valip
  • Validations library for Clojure 1.2
  1. clucy
  • Clucy is a Clojure interface to Lucene
  1. org.clojure/tools.nrepl
  • A Clojure network REPL
  • provides a server and client, along with some common APIs
  • useful for IDEs and other tools that may need to evaluate Clojure code in remote environments
  1. yesql
  • A Clojure library for using SQL.
  • store queries in SQL files, functions named after file names generated automatically
  1. duct/hikaricp-component
  • Clojure component for managing a HikariCP connection pool
  • HikariCP is a solid high-performance JDBC connection pool at last
  1. org.slf4j/slf4j-api
  • The Simple Logging Facade for Java
  • serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks
  • (e.g. java.util.logging, logback, log4j)
  • allows the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time
  1. duct
  • Server-side application framework for Clojure
  • highly modular framework for building server-side applications
  1. ring-jetty-component
  • A component for the standard Ring Jetty adapter
  • for use in applications that use Stuart Sierra's reloaded workflow
  1. digest
  • Message digest library for Clojure. Providing md5, sha-256, ...
  1. clj-http
  • idiomatic clojure http client wrapping the apache client
  • make HTTP requests
  1. aero
  • A small library for explicit, intentful configuration.


  1. reloaded.repl
  • REPL functions to support the reloaded workflow
  1. eftest
  • Fast and pretty Clojure test runner
  • in-memory file system for Java 7 and above
  • implements the java.nio.file abstract file system APIs
  1. net.polyc0l0r/bote
  • SMTP as a library (using subethasmtp) for Clojure.
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