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Created February 3, 2023 21:50
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import time
import board
import displayio
import terminalio
import adafruit_aw9523
import busio
import adafruit_ssd1327
import digitalio
from adafruit_display_text import label
from import Circle
from adafruit_display_shapes.rect import Rect
import usb_midi
import adafruit_midi
from adafruit_midi.note_on import NoteOn
from adafruit_midi.note_off import NoteOff
from presets import *
from pins import *
# Turn on LED on Pico
led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.LED)
led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
led.value = True
# Conversion between midi notes and american notation
NOTES = ["C-1", "C#-1", "D-1", "D#-1", "E-1", "F-1", "F#-1", "G-1", "G#-1", "A-1", "A#-1", "B-1",
"C0", "C#0", "D0", "D#0", "E0", "F0", "F#0", "G0", "G#0", "A0", "A#0", "B0",
"C1", "C#1", "D1", "D#1", "E1", "F1", "F#1", "G1", "G#1", "A1", "A#1", "B1",
"C2", "C#2", "D2", "D#2", "E2", "F2", "F#2", "G2", "G#2", "A2", "A#2", "B2",
"C3", "C#3", "D3", "D#3", "E3", "F3", "F#3", "G3", "G#3", "A3", "A#3", "B3",
"C4", "C#4", "D4", "D#4", "E4", "F4", "F#4", "G4", "G#4", "A4", "A#4", "B4",
"C5", "C#5", "D5", "D#5", "E5", "F5", "F#5", "G5", "G#5", "A5", "A#5", "B5",
"C6", "C#6", "D6", "D#6", "E6", "F6", "F#6", "G6", "G#6", "A6", "A#6", "B6",
"C7", "C#7", "D7", "D#7", "E7", "F7", "F#7", "G7", "G#7", "A7", "A#7", "B7",
"C8", "C#8", "D8", "D#8", "E8", "F8", "F#8", "G8", "G#8", "A8", "A#8", "B8",
"C9", "C#9", "D9", "D#9", "E9", "F9", "F#9", "G9", "G#9", "A9", "A#9", "B9"
# i2c setup, higher frequency for display refresh
i2c = busio.I2C(board.GP1, board.GP0, frequency=1000000)
# i2c display setup
display_bus = displayio.I2CDisplay(i2c, device_address=0x3d)
# i2c AW9523 GPIO expander setup
aw = adafruit_aw9523.AW9523(i2c)
# MIDI setup as MIDI out device
#midi = adafruit_midi.MIDI(midi_out=usb_midi.ports[1], out_channel=0)
uart = busio.UART(board.GP16, board.GP17, baudrate=31250)
midi_channel = 12
midi = adafruit_midi.MIDI(
# display dimensions
WIDTH = 128
HEIGHT = 128
# display setup
display = adafruit_ssd1327.SSD1327(display_bus, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, brightness=1)
# main display group, shows default GUI menu
splash = displayio.Group()
# group for circle icons
circle_group = displayio.Group()
# group for text labels on circles
text_group = displayio.Group()
# list of circle positions
spots = (
(16, 16),
(48, 16),
(80, 16),
(112, 16),
(16, 48),
(48, 48),
(80, 48),
(112, 48),
(16, 80),
(48, 80),
(80, 80),
(112, 80),
(16, 112),
(48, 112),
(80, 112),
(112, 112),
# creating the circles & pulling in positions from spots
for spot in spots:
circle = Circle(x0=spot[0], y0=spot[1], r=14, fill=0x888888)
# adding circles to their display group
# square to show position on menu
rect = Rect(0, 0, 33, 33, fill=None, outline=0x00FF00, stroke=3)
# strings and positions for the MIDI note text labels
texts = [
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[0]], 'pos': (10, 16)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[1]], 'pos': (42, 16)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[2]], 'pos': (74, 16)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[3]], 'pos': (106, 16)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[4]], 'pos': (10, 48)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[5]], 'pos': (42, 48)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[6]], 'pos': (74, 48)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[7]], 'pos': (106, 48)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[8]], 'pos': (10, 80)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[9]], 'pos': (42, 80)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[10]], 'pos': (74, 80)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[11]], 'pos': (106, 80)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[12]], 'pos': (10, 112)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[13]], 'pos': (42, 112)},
{'num': NOTES[midi_notes[14]], 'pos': (74, 112)},
{'num':NOTES[midi_notes[15]], 'pos': (106, 112)},
text_labels = []
for text in texts:
text_area = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=text['num'], color=0xFFFFFF)
text_area.x = text['pos'][0]
text_area.y = text['pos'][1]
# secondary display group, shows large circle when button is selected
big_splash = displayio.Group()
# large circle to fill display
big_circle = Circle(x0=64, y0=64, r=62, fill=0x888888)
# large text to fill circle
big_text = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=' ', color=0xFFFFFF)
big_text.x = 38
big_text.y = 60
big_text.scale = 4
selection_splash = displayio.Group()
selection_text = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=' ', color=0xFFFFFF)
selection_text.x = 0
selection_text.y = 60
selection_text.scale = 2
# array for LEDs on AW9523
leds = []
led_pins = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
# setup to create the AW9523 outputs for LEDs
for led in led_pins:
led_pin = aw.get_pin(led)
led_pin.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
note_buttons = []
for pin in note_pins:
note_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin)
note_pin.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
note_pin.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
# note states
note0_pressed = False
note1_pressed = False
note2_pressed = False
note3_pressed = False
note4_pressed = False
note5_pressed = False
note6_pressed = False
note7_pressed = False
note8_pressed = False
note9_pressed = False
note10_pressed = False
note11_pressed = False
note12_pressed = False
note13_pressed = False
note14_pressed = False
note15_pressed = False
# array of note states
note_states = [note0_pressed, note1_pressed, note2_pressed, note3_pressed,
note4_pressed, note5_pressed, note6_pressed, note7_pressed,
note8_pressed, note9_pressed, note10_pressed, note11_pressed,
note12_pressed, note13_pressed, note14_pressed, note15_pressed]
# array for 5-way switch
joystick = [select, up, down, left, right]
for joy in joystick:
joy.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
joy.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
# states for 5-way switch
select_state = None
up_state = None
down_state = None
left_state = None
right_state = None
midi_state = None
# coordinates for navigating main GUI
select_x = [0, 32, 64, 96]
select_y = [0, 32, 64, 96]
# y coordinate for 5-way switch navigation
y_pos = 0
# x coordinate for 5-way switch navigation
x_pos = 0
sub_state = False
# default midi number
midi_num = 60
# default MIDI button
button_num = 0
# default MIDI button position
button_pos = 0
# check for blinking LED
led_check = None
# time.monotonic() device
clock = time.monotonic()
clock_select_long = time.monotonic()
select_long_counter = 0
clock_button_repeat = time.monotonic_ns()
button_repeat = 0
note_selection = 0
# coordinates for tracking location of 5-way switch
up_scroll = 0
down_scroll = 0
left_scroll = 0
right_scroll = 0
switch_coordinates = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0),
(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1),
(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2),
(0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 3)]
# show main display GUI
pressed = False
while True:
# debouncing for 5-way switch positions
if up.value and up_state == "pressed":
up_state = None
pressed = False
if down.value and down_state == "pressed":
down_state = None
down_state = None
pressed = False
if left.value and left_state == "pressed":
left_state = None
pressed = False
if right.value and right_state == "pressed":
right_state = None
pressed = False
if select.value and select_state == "pressed":
select_state = None
# MIDI input
for i in range(16):
buttons = note_buttons[i]
if not buttons.value and note_states[i] is False:
# send the MIDI note and light up the LED
leds[i].value = True
midi.send(NoteOn(midi_notes[i], velocity_standard))
#midi.write(bytes([0x90], notes[i], velocity_standard))
note_states[i] = True
# if the button is released...
if buttons.value and note_states[i] is True:
# stop sending the MIDI note and turn off the LED
midi.send(NoteOff(midi_notes[i], velocity_standard))
leds[i].value = False
note_states[i] = False
# if we're on the main GUI page
if not sub_state:
# if you press up on the 5-way switch...
if not up.value and up_state is None:
up_state = "pressed"
# track the switch's position
up_scroll -= 1
if up_scroll < 0:
up_scroll = 3
y_pos = up_scroll
down_scroll = up_scroll
# if you press down on the 5-way switch...
if not down.value and down_state is None:
down_state = "pressed"
# track the switch's position
down_scroll += 1
if down_scroll > 3:
down_scroll = 0
y_pos = down_scroll
up_scroll = down_scroll
# if you press left on the 5-way switch...
if not left.value and left_state is None:
# print("scroll", down_scroll)
left_state = "pressed"
# track the switch's position
left_scroll -= 1
if left_scroll < 0:
left_scroll = 3
x_pos = left_scroll
right_scroll = left_scroll
# if you press right on the 5-way switch...
if not right.value and right_state is None:
# print("scroll", down_scroll)
right_state = "pressed"
# track the switch's position
right_scroll += 1
if right_scroll > 3:
right_scroll = 0
x_pos = right_scroll
left_scroll = right_scroll
# update square's position on the GUI
rect.y = select_y[y_pos]
rect.x = select_x[x_pos]
# update the currently highlighted button on the GUI
for coords in switch_coordinates:
if x_pos == coords[0] and y_pos == coords[1]:
button_pos = switch_coordinates.index(coords)
# print(button_pos)
button_num = midi_notes[button_pos]
# if you press select on the 5-way switch...
if not select.value and select_state is None:
select_state = "pressed"
# grab the selected button's MIDI note
midi_num = button_num
# change into the secondary GUI menu
sub_state = True
# if an arcade button is selected to change the MIDI note...
if sub_state:
# display the secondary GUI menu
# display the selected button's MIDI note
big_text.text = NOTES[midi_num]
# blink the selected button's LED without pausing the loop
if (time.monotonic() > (clock + 1)) and led_check is None:
leds[button_pos].value = True
led_check = True
clock = time.monotonic()
if (time.monotonic() > (clock + 1)) and led_check is True:
leds[button_pos].value = False
led_check = None
clock = time.monotonic()
if (time.monotonic() > (clock_select_long + 1)):
if not select.value:
select_long_counter += 1
if select_long_counter != 0:
select_long_counter = 0
clock_select_long = time.monotonic()
# Change note if select pressed for 3 seconds
if select_long_counter == time_before_change_notes:
selection_text.text, note_selection, midi_notes = changes_notes(note_selection)
# Leds show!
for led in leds:
led.value = True
for led in leds:
led.value = False
# Reset oled interface
select_long_counter = 0
sub_state = False
# Reset text on OLED
for i in range(16):
text_labels[i].text = NOTES[midi_notes[i]]
# show main GUI display
# turn off blinking LED
leds[button_pos].value = False
# blocks the MIDI number from being set above 128
if midi_num >= 128:
midi_num = 128
# blocks the MIDI number from being set below 0
if midi_num <= 0:
midi_num = 0
# if you press right on the 5-way switch...
if not right.value and right_state is None:
# increase the MIDI number
midi_num += 1
right_state = "pressed"
# if you press up on the 5-way switch...
if not up.value and up_state is None:
# increase the MIDI number
midi_num += 1
up_state = "pressed"
# if you press left on the 5-way switch...
if not left.value and left_state is None:
# decrease the MIDI number
midi_num -= 1
left_state = "pressed"
# if you press down on the 5-way switch...
if not down.value and down_state is None:
# decrease the MIDI number
midi_num -= 1
down_state = "pressed"
# update arcade button's MIDI note
# allows you to check note while you're adjusting it
midi_notes[button_pos] = midi_num
# if you press select on the 5-way switch...
if not select.value and select_state is None:
select_state = "pressed"
# change back to main menu mode
sub_state = False
# update new MIDI number text label
text_labels[button_pos].text = NOTES[midi_num]
# show main GUI display
# turn off blinking LED
leds[button_pos].value = False
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